A voice shouted at the door, "Brother, your grandpa is here."

It was the voice of coral, but no matter how it sounded, it seemed to be seeing some incredible monster, full of surprise and confusion.

Zhuo Ran was so shocked, he jumped up, rushed out like the wind, thought of Xiao Ya again, and came back like flying, his whole mind was in a state of confusion, and he lost his calm demeanor.

"What? My grandfather?"

Did he hear wrong? [

How could his grandfather come?Didn't he swear a long time ago that he would never go to Fengyun Island in this life?Don't you see an iron family?

Why did you suddenly break the oath?

Did something big happen?

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ya was very curious, seeing him so excited for the first time, her face was flushed, and her emotions were inexplicably excited.

It seems that this grandfather is very important to him and has great influence.

But she had never heard that brother Zhuo Ran had a grandfather, where did he come from?

Zhuo Ran took a deep breath, collected himself, smiled at her, and said lightly, "I haven't seen him for a long time, I miss him a little."

Yeah?The little girl was dubious, but she didn't ask any more questions. Everyone has privacy, so why bother to get to the bottom of it?

She lifted the quilt, shivered, and quickly picked up a coat, "Then I'll go with you."

It's so cold outside. When I looked out, it was snowing heavily, and the ground was covered with snow.

Zhuo Ran held her shoulders and stuffed her into the quilt.

"Little girl, lie down obediently. It's still snowing outside. It's freezing cold. You're just fine. You can't stand the wind and snow. Don't run around."

Xiaoya also wanted to nestle on the warm kang and not go anywhere, but it felt impolite.

She insisted on getting up, "but..."

That was a relative he cared about very much. She didn't want to be rude, and she should pay her respects both emotionally and rationally.

Zhuo Ran smiled reassuringly, "It's okay, my grandfather has a bad temper."

Buya, who was still struggling, froze, what do you mean?

His eyes fell outside, his expression was very complicated, "If the old man asks to see you, I will pick you up in person."

He didn't want Xiaoya to suffer any grievances, even if it was making things difficult for her close relatives, he wouldn't allow it. [

"Okay." The little girl heard the implication and obeyed obediently.

Zhuo Ran hurried to the living room, and Mr. Tie was talking with a white-haired old man. The old man had a serious expression on his face and ignored him.He stared at Tie Zhongtang from time to time.

Standing beside him was a young girl, quite beautiful, with a graceful figure, but she was too serious, her brows were furrowed, and her whole body was gloomy.

Tie Zhongtang sat on the side with a blank face and said nothing, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Zhuo Ran walked up excitedly, prostrated himself on the ground, and kowtowed respectfully.


He is full of affection for everything about his biological mother, and he is full of admiration for this mother's close relative.

The stern Wang Yong was stunned for a moment, staring at Zhuo Ran without blinking, the familiar face came into view, and his heart ached.

He quickly helped him up, his eyes were red with excitement, "Is it Zhuoran? Let grandpa take a good look, they have grown so big."

Looking left and right, I feel like a daughter who died prematurely, and my mind is shaken.

He has only one son and one daughter, but they all walked in front of him. The pain of the white-haired man giving the black-haired man tormented him day and night.

Zhuo Ran nodded happily, his eyes were flushed, the grandfather in his memory had changed, but the loving eyes towards him remained unchanged.

"Grandpa, you are finally willing to come to Fengyun Island."

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