Zhuo Ran nodded happily, "Grandpa, you are finally willing to come to Fengyun Island."

Is the knot solved?

that is really good!

Wang Yong was very pleased to see Shen Yibiao's talented grandson.

"Zhuoran, okay, I haven't seen you for eight years, I've grown up, I've grown taller, and I'm a real man now. It's great to look like your mother, if your mother is alive, she will be so happy." [

As he spoke, sadness came from it, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

After so many years, the accidental early death of his daughter is still a thorn in his heart, and it hurts when he touches it.

Zhuo Ran frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable for a while. "Grandpa."

This is also a knot in his heart that he can't untie, like a stick in his throat, he cares about it every day, and broods on it.

A young girl came out from behind him and supported Wang Yong's arm with an anxious face. "Grandpa, you are not in good health, the doctor said you must not get excited."

Zhuo Ran hurriedly looked at him, only to see that he had a sick face, his eyes were dull, his complexion was gray, and he looked terminally ill.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with your body? Is there something uncomfortable? Come on, go and find the doctor."

Wang Yong waved his hands again and again, with a big movement, his eyes turned black and his body was shaking.

The woman cried out in surprise, tears of fright came out, "Grandpa, sit down quickly and don't move around. Take your medicine quickly."

She took out a jade bottle from her bosom, poured out two pills, and served him to take it.

Zhuo Ran was at a loss for what to do, with nowhere to use his strength, he jumped up and down in a hurry, calling for the doctor repeatedly.

Wang Yong closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, his face turned blue and white, his breathing became short of breath, and his face gradually turned red.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and spoke weakly.

"Zhuoran, there is no need to call the doctor, I have already asked the strange doctor to see it, it is useless."

The words are not clear, as if I have seen through the world situation, have no interest in life, and have nothing to do.

Zhuo Ran felt a great pain in his heart, and his nose felt sore.

"Grandpa, don't say that. There are many good doctors in the world. They will definitely be able to cure you. Otherwise, I will send you to the Valley of the Medicine King, and beg the King of Medicine. His medical skills are the best..."

Wang Yong sighed softly, "I don't have much time left, only a month at most..."

I can't last a month to go to Yaowang Valley. [

The father and son of the Tie family looked at each other and exchanged winks.

Mr. Tie is very emotional. He is getting older, the hero is waning, birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable.

Seeing everyone around me leave one by one, even the old relatives in the past are about to pass away, I have mixed feelings for a while.

Zhuo Ran was struck by a bolt from the blue, his eyes turned black and he almost fell down.

"No, the strange doctor must have made a wrong diagnosis. You are fine, and you can live a long life."

How could this be?

Haven't seen each other for eight years, and when we meet again, we will say goodbye forever?

How can God be cruel? !

Wang Yong smiled bitterly, and pointed to the girl beside him, "Zhuo Ran, this is your cousin Xiaoqing. You met each other when you were young, and I will entrust it to you in the future."

If he hadn't been sick, he wouldn't have come here.

This ghostly place that he hates and hates so much.

Zhuo Ran was heartbroken, feeling extremely uncomfortable, "Grandpa, your illness will get better, don't say anything depressing."

Wang Yong stretched out his pale and thin hand, and looked at him stubbornly, "Promise me, take good care of Xiaoqing."

Zhuo Ran held his hand tightly, how could the strong and tall grandfather in his memory become so old?so thin?

"Okay, I promise you."

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