"Grandpa, you'll be fine, don't leave Xiaoqing behind."

Wang Yong's coughing lungs were about to spit out, but he seemed to let go of a worry, and he felt relaxed.

He patted her little hand lovingly, "With your cousin protecting you, you will have no worries in this life, don't be afraid."

Zhuo Ran sighed inwardly, and handed him some hot tea. Wang Yong drank a few sips, and his cough gradually subsided.

He still did not forget to tell, "Zhuoran, leave a queen for the Wang family in the future, and grandpa will also appreciate your kindness in the underground, so let your second son be named Wang."

Zhuo Ran has black hair, what son?What's the surname Wang?

He only wanted to have a baby with Xiaoya, and he was not interested in other women.

But in the face of the dying man's earnest eyes, and his only wish, he couldn't harden his heart to say no.

He rolled his eyes, and said slowly, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaoqing, love her as my own sister, and find a good family for her in the future, and marry her off gracefully... ..."

This is the only thing he can do, as for the rest, he can't help it.

No matter how tactful, in a word, he doesn't want to marry Wang Xiaoqing.

Wang Yong was stunned, what happened to this child?

How can you talk badly but be disobedient?

"What? Sister? No, I can feel at ease only when the two of you are together. While I still have breath, quickly pick a date to get married, so that I can go underground to meet your mother."

After talking about this point, if you refuse, I'm afraid it will ruin the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Zhuo Ran is heartbroken, sad and sad, with mixed feelings.

He knelt down helplessly, "Grandpa, please don't embarrass me."

"Embarrassing?" Wang Yong was startled, why did he embarrass him?

All the arrangements he made were for the good of the young couple, and this was the most appropriate arrangement for them.

Although Zhuo Ran is the son of the Tie family, he is not favored. There is no caring person in the family, brothers are not close, and the elders in the family do not love him.

But Xiaoqing's parents are both dead, and she is lonely and helpless.There is a husband who shelters her from the wind and rain, and Zhuo Ran has a gentle and considerate wife. This is a very profitable thing.

Why so repulsive?

Could it be...the elders of Tiejia have other plans?So you look down on the orphan girl of the Wang family?

Yes, it must be.

He stood up abruptly, and stared down at the silent Tie Zhongtang. [

He asked coldly, "Master Tie, does the Tie family owe our Wang family a life?"

Although Tie Zhongtang was sitting, his imposing manner obstinately covered him.

Nodding very simply, "Yes."

Zhuo Ran felt a pain in his heart, are those rumors true?

Thinking of the painful past, Wang Yong's face turned red, and he glared at the man in front of him with hatred, furiously burning with hatred, and rushed to beat him up.

Wang Xiaoqing was very anxious, stepped forward to support him, and called out in a low voice, "Grandpa."

Hearing the little granddaughter's call, the anger in Wang Yong's heart was poured over his head like ice water, and the anger disappeared completely.

Even for this little granddaughter, he can't fall out with the Tie family.

The Tie family is now powerful and has many sons, while the Wang family has fallen into ruin, there is no male in the family, there is only such a single seedling, and it is a girl.

Taking a deep breath, he sat down tremblingly, his voice was as cold as ice, "I have no other request, only one thing, let Xiaoqing marry Zhuo Ran, let these two poor children rely on each other, and let His mother is at ease underground."

20 years ago, he made a mistake and married his favorite jewel into the Tie family. As a result...

"This..." Tie Zhongtang was very embarrassed, his head ached.

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