"This..." Tie Zhongtang was very embarrassed, his head ached.

This father-in-law is so hot-tempered that he can't listen to a word of disobedience. Back then, because of his daughter's death, he completely broke with the Tie family and never had any contact with him.

Now my body is like a candle in the wind, it will disappear at any time, I really can't bear to say no.

In any case, he felt ashamed of the old man.

Wang Yong smiled coldly and looked at him contemptuously, "Why? You can't even fulfill this small request? You didn't protect Jing'er well and let her be killed. Not only did you refuse to find out the truth, but you also Cover up for the real culprit..."[

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he began to pant again, his face flushed, and he would faint at any time.

Xiaoqing's eyes were red with anxiety, and she tried her best to comfort him, but his temper came up, and he couldn't hold it back for a while, and kept talking.

The more Zhuo Ran listened, the more suspicious he became, startled and angry, what was going on?

Who can tell him the truth?

Tie Zhongtang cut off his words lightly, "Father-in-law, I have some difficulties."

Hearing this, Wang Yong became even more angry, blushing with anger.

"Don't mention any difficulties to me. I married my beautiful daughter to you, and you rubbed her to death in a few years, leaving only a single seedling. But you didn't take good care of Zhuo Ran, and let him suffer from childhood. You have done all your grievances. This is all you owe our Wang family. Now I only have one request, to marry Xiaoqing into the Tie family..."

When they got married, they made good promises, saying that they would take good care of Xiaojing for the rest of their lives, but then they turned around, and the new couple married one after another, and they only favored the other side of the house, forcing their daughter to death.

Does he still have the face to say such a thing?


If it wasn't for this pair of children, he would never have set foot on Fengyun Island.Goodbye to this man who made him hate to the bone.

Tie Zhongtang's head was buzzing, and every word was like a stone hitting his heart, which was extremely painful.

He waved his hand, really couldn't listen anymore.

He sighed softly and made a compromise, "It's okay to let Xiaoqing marry into the Tie family, but the candidate has to be changed. I have three sons, you can choose one."

Such a concession should be regarded as repaying the debt of the Wang family, and the debt of conscience is hard to repay.

Wang Yong was stunned, "What? Marry someone else? No, Xiaoqing only married Zhuoran, no one else. Although you have many sons, except for Zhuoran, the others are all mediocre. I don't like any of them. .”

How can his granddaughter marry those worthless boys, one or two are not good people, and they are not worthy of Xiaoqing.

He is only optimistic about Zhuo Ran, and the two are close relatives, and their natural blood will bring them closer.

Old Man Tie couldn't hold back, and finally spoke. [

Just one sentence made the other party dizzy, "You are a step too late, Zhuo Ran is already engaged."

nnd, the descendants of the Tie family are not eggs in a basket, they can be chosen by others.

Although Zhuo Ran is good, the other descendants are not bad.

As for being so ugly?

Besides, this Wang Xiaoqing's middle-aged appearance is really ordinary, not outstanding, far worse than his grandsons.

He is wronged, who is not worthy of whom?

Even if the daughter of the Wang family is a princess, the descendants of the Tie family can still afford it.

But the problem is, no family background, no looks, no talent, no brothers to support, no parents to help, useless.

It's not that he dislikes the poor and loves the rich, but has an eye for influence. It's really old man Wang who bullies others too much, forcing Zhuo Ran to marry his mediocre granddaughter.

Are you kidding me, Zhuo Ran's surname is Tie!

If he doesn't nod, no one will marry into the Tie family's wife.

Wang Yong looked disbelieving, "What? Why haven't I heard of it? You are fooling me."

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