Wang Yong looked disbelieving, "What? Why haven't I heard of it? You are fooling me."

Who doesn't know that the young master of the Tie family has eyes above the top?

Having been unmarried for many years, the hearts of all the girls were broken.

Master Tie laughed out loud, "It's the daughter of a family friend, Zhuo Ran likes it very much, and it took a lot of effort to get her."

The more he watched Xiaoya, the more he liked her, and she was many times stronger than this Wang Xiaoqing. [

As long as anyone has eyes, they will not give up Xiaoya and take Xiaoqing.

If Zhuo Ran abandons his beloved for the sake of so-called family affection, then he is not worthy of sympathy.

Wang Yong didn't believe it when he was beaten to death, and accused loudly, "I don't believe it, you must have forced him, he doesn't like that kind of high-ranking woman..."

Zhuoran has black hair, when will Xiaoya become a high-ranking woman?She is the best girl in the world to get along with, and she can always bring him hope and happiness.

"Little girl is very nice, I like her very much, it is my dream to marry her."

His tone was firm, without any hesitation.

Wang Xiaoqing felt a stabbing pain in his heart, and tears flowed down his face.

It turned out that he didn't marry because he had someone in his heart.

But since she saw him for the first time, she had him in her heart, and even if she couldn't see him, she always thought about him.

Grandpa asked her to marry him and take good care of him. She was very willing.

But I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Wang Yong was angry and sad, and felt sorry for the grievances suffered by his granddaughter.

"Zhuo Ran, what do you... ask your cousin to do? All these years, she has only you in her heart. For you, she rejected the favor of many people. You can't be heartless."

Zhuo Ran frowned and couldn't help interrupting him.

What are you talking about? Can you talk nonsense?

No matter what he said, he refused to marry her.

"Grandpa, I will help Qingmei choose a good family, and I won't let her suffer any grievances."

It's the only thing he can do.

Others cannot be forced. [

If he goes against his will and marries someone he doesn't like, it will ruin the happiness of two people.

He is unwilling to do things that harm others and himself, and he is unwilling to do them.

Wang Xiaoqing wept silently, tears streaming wildly.

Hearing such harsh words made her heartbroken and unacceptable.

Wang Yong's eyes darkened, his body wobbled, "You, well, your wings are stiff..."

Seeing this, Zhuo Ran couldn't bear it, and stretched out his hand to support him, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will definitely choose a good-looking son-in-law for my cousin, so that their husband and wife can live happily together..."

Wang Xiaoqing cried and shook her head desperately, "I don't want it, I'd rather wander the rivers and lakes alone than accept my cousin's kindness."

Tie Zhongtang frowned, neither willing to marry another descendant of the Tie family nor accept the arrangement, it seemed that he was determined to marry Zhuoran.

Mr. Tie became more and more displeased, this girl is too stubborn.

Wang Yong took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked coldly, "Which family's daughter is it? Show me the marriage certificate."

He didn't believe that another family's daughter could surpass his own Xiaoqing. In his eyes, Xiaoqing was the most gentle and considerate girl in the world.

No one can compare to her.

The Tie family were stunned, and looked at each other, "This..."

It's just a verbal agreement, where's the marriage certificate?

Seeing this, Wang Yong was overjoyed and his eyes lit up, "You are lying to me."

Haha, there is no good marriage, there is still hope for Xiaoqing's matter.

Zhuo Ran frowned, "It's true, Grandpa, I've really ordered..."

Wang Yong turned from joy to anger, and flew into a rage, "Zhuo Ran, you also helped them lie to me, you... let me down so much, Xiaoqing, let's go."

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