Wang Yong turned from joy to anger, and flew into a rage, "Zhuo Ran, you also helped them lie to me, you... let me down so much, Xiaoqing, let's go."

Xiaoqing was hesitant, with tears streaming down his face, looking very lovely and pitiful.

She was dragged out by Wang Yong, and kept looking back.

Zhuo Ran swayed, blocking their way, "Grandpa, don't be angry."

With nowhere to vent his anger, Wang Yong pushed him away resentfully. [

"Go away, I almost forgot that your surname is Tie, not Wang."

So what if it's a grandson, it's not caring.

It's just that he had been ill for a long time, and his strength was exhausted. He didn't push the opponent away, but his body swayed a few times, and his eyes turned black. Scared, Wang Xiaoqing hurriedly supported him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Ran burst into sadness, "Grandpa, this is cutting my heart with a knife, you are the grandfather who loves me the most, how could I help others to lie to you..."

What is the difference between the surname Tie and the surname Wang?

In his heart, both the Wang family and the Tie family are his close family members.

Wang Yong felt a little better, "Then how do you explain this?"

Zhuo Ran hurriedly helped him to sit down, and handed over hot tea, "The verbal promise is the same, just wait for Grandpa to come and make decisions for us."

Since the little girl agreed, he has already regarded her as his future wife, and he has even thought about the future.

Wang Yong was stunned for a while, shaking his lips and said, "Are you privately ordering for life?"

The corner of Zhuo Ran's mouth twitched, "Not really, the elders in the family agree..."

At the very least, the Big Three of the Tie Family are what they wished for, and they are warmly welcome.

I just don't know what the elders of the Tang family think?

Maybe they will make things difficult for him in every possible way, after all, this is the only girl in Tang Bai's family, and Jin Gui is the one.

But there is one thing he is sure of, no one can stop what Xiaoya decides.

At the beginning, everyone was not optimistic about her marriage with Mu Jinmo, but she still went her own way, and no one could stop her.

The Tang family is very proud and conceited in their bones.

Wang Yong thought he had grasped the handle, and felt a little relieved, and persuaded him earnestly.

"A woman who has a private life with a man is not much better. Listen to my grandfather's persuasion, such a woman is not worth it." [

Zhuo Ran refused without thinking, "Impossible."

Are you kidding me, little girl?Are there any good girls out there that day?

Wang Yong chattered on and on, "Grandpa won't hurt you, that kind of frivolous and shameless girl has a bad character..."

Zhuo Ran became very angry, his face changed drastically, saying that Xiaoya is not good made him more sad than scolding him.

"Grandpa, don't talk about her like that. I have been chasing her for more than ten years and have been waiting for her. Now that she finally agrees, I will not give up on her."

Wang is brave enough to die, what did this kid do?Being so obsessed with obsession, and being tricked by others?

"Why are you so stubborn? Marriage matters, how can you make up your own mind? You are young and can't see the serious consequences. I'm someone who has experienced it. Listen to my advice. Let's let this matter go and discuss the marriage again."

Anyway, this grandson can only marry his granddaughter, not anyone else, and he disagrees.

No matter how Zhuo Ran tried to persuade him, he just took the weight and became determined and refused to agree.

"Impossible. For me, Xiaoya is my happiness. I can't throw away my happiness with my own hands."

He is not a fool, he has been alone for so long, he has been searching for so long, and seeing that happiness is coming, how could he give up for others?

"'re mad at me..." Wang Yong's eyes darkened, his blood surged, his body fell back, and he passed out completely.

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