"You...you're mad at me..." Wang Yong's eyes darkened, his blood surged, his body fell back, and he passed out completely.

Wang Xiaoqing was terrified, with tears streaming down her face, and knelt down on the ground, only screaming, "Grandpa, grandpa, wake up."

"Grandpa, grandpa." Zhuo Ran was quite frightened, picked him up and rushed out, "Come here, call the doctor."

Mr. Tie felt dizzy for a while, hey, what a headache.

There was a panic, and the doctor came quickly, and after a long time of diagnosis and treatment, he shook his head and sighed. [

Wang Xiaoqing sat on the corner of the bed, her eyes were swollen like grapes from crying, and her expression was dull, as if she was stupid.

Zhuo Ran's heart was raised high and he was very nervous, "Doctor, my grandfather..."

The eldest lady sighed again, and simply said, "Time is short, so don't let him get angry, just follow him as much as possible, and eat as much as you like."

The implication is to eat as much as you want and drink as much as you want to satisfy his last wish.

Zhuo Ran felt a throbbing pain in his heart, looking at the white-haired old man with his eyes closed, feeling sad from his heart.

"Is there no way to cure it?"

The doctor is helpless, his eyes that see life and death are extremely clear, "When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, even the gods can't save it."

Wang Yong quietly opened his eyes, and looked at everyone blankly, what is this place?

Zhuo Ran was the first to rush over, "Grandpa, you're awake, what's wrong?"

Xiaoqing took his hand, crying very sadly, "Grandpa, don't scare me anymore."

Only then did Wang Yong remember what happened before he fell into a coma, and he got angry for a while, and he stood up tremblingly with his body stretched.

Zhuo Ran was very anxious, "What are you doing? Lie down quickly and don't move."

Wang Yong ignored him, his expression was as cold as ice, "Xiaoqing, help me up, let's go."

Zhuo Ran was very sad, dejected, "Grandpa, don't be angry with me, your body..."

Wang Yong said coldly, "I can't die for the time being. Our grandparents and the Tie family are not related or related, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. Let's leave."

He held his granddaughter's shoulders and walked staggeringly, looking like he might fall at any time.

Xiaoqing worked very hard, her forehead was covered with sweat, and she reminded fearfully, "Grandpa, be careful on your feet."

Wang Yong's anger turned into a sigh when he saw the terrified granddaughter.

"People are old and useless, but I can't worry about you. If I die, what will you do?" [

How will a helpless orphan girl live in the future?

Xiaoqing bit her lip and shed sad tears, "Grandpa, don't say that, at worst, you go on the front foot, and I will come on the back foot. Our family will be reunited underground."

Wang Yong's heart ached like a twist, with all kinds of helplessness and pain, and all thoughts were lost for a while.

"Stupid boy, I have suffered so much for you, who told you not to be reincarnated. Forget it, our grandparents and grandchildren will die together."

The Tie family has black lines, this pair of grandparents and grandchildren is really the best.

Is this a clear threat?

Zhuo Ran was in a dilemma, had a splitting headache, and was very troubled.

"Grandpa, why are you bothering? Don't get angry. Cousin, please persuade grandpa."

Xiaoqing glanced at him indifferently, and said expressionlessly, "Just follow Grandpa's wishes, he can do whatever he wants."

"You..." Zhuo Ran was startled, she is so ruthless! "Hey, let's discuss it carefully."

His words seemed to have a turning point. Wang Yong was shocked, and took the opportunity to make a request, "Unless you agree to marry Xiaoqing, don't care about our life or death."

Zhuo Ran had a painful face, "Grandpa, don't force me."

He can't just sit back and do nothing, and refuse to save him.

But it is also impossible to marry someone else against your will.

Wang Yong snorted coldly and sighed, "Hey, let's go, if you die, you can't die in Tie's house. It's just a joke."

Wang Xiaoqing didn't say anything, and silently supported him to go out. The backs of the grandparents and grandchildren, the old and the young, looked particularly desolate.

Zhuo Ran was so annoyed that he jumped behind him anxiously, "Grandpa."

At this moment of confusion, a slim young girl walked outside, and said with a crisp smile, "Hey, Brother Zhuo Ran, what's the matter? Who are these two?"

[That's all for today, let's see how Xiaoya pinches this pair of grandparents tomorrow, Xiaoya v5, yeah]

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