Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 438: Whoever snatches my man will be destroyed!

At this moment of confusion, a slim young girl walked outside, and said with a crisp smile, "Hey, Brother Zhuo Ran, what's the matter? Who are these two?"

The person who came was the little girl who had been well-dressed, with a little powder applied, a snow-white fox fur coat wrapped her exquisite body, a bundle of hair was tied up and tied with a gold ring, and a phoenix hairpin was inserted obliquely on the cloud temple. , with a longan-sized pearl inlaid on it, the whole person is beautiful and luxurious, elegant and dazzling, like a snow lotus growing on a high mountain, beautiful and unattainable.

Zhuo Ran went up to meet her and touched her hand, um, it was a bit cold, luck was lost.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all praised him secretly, what an outstanding person.

When Wang Xiaoqing saw this girl, she felt ashamed and shocked. Who is she?Could it be the girl my cousin likes? [

Zhuo Ran was both happy and worried, "Xiaoya, you came just in time. Grandpa, this is Xiaoya, the girl I want to marry. Xiaoya, call grandpa."

The joy is that Xiaoya is here, so that grandpa can see Xiaoya's well-being with his own eyes, and he will no longer object to their marriage.

But he was also afraid that Grandpa Bull's temper would come up, and Xiaoya would be hurt by his words.

How could he let others hurt his own spoiled heart?

He can't bear it!

Wang Xiaoqing heard his words clearly, her heart became cold, and despair flooded her heart like a tide.

It turned out that this was the girl he liked, so outstanding, so noble, and so beautiful.This noble demeanor and elegant demeanor are unattainable.

What does she use to compare with others?

The little girl saluted generously, "Hi, Grandpa..."

I didn't want to come, but I thought about it wrongly. I asked Coral to send someone over to investigate the situation. I didn't expect this to be the result.

She couldn't lie down any longer, and she dressed up carefully.Take the initiative to fight.

Now that she has made a decision, she sticks to it.

No one can take away the man she believes in.

Unless she doesn't want him anymore, she will kill whoever comes to snatch him.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help but smile, haha, his baby girl is so good, how could he not love her?

Wang Yong dodged to the left, avoiding her courtesy, and looked at her coldly, without any warmth, "No, I'm not so lucky, our Wang family can't afford it."

His tone was indifferent and repulsive, and he didn't like the beautiful girl in front of him at all.

It was her who ruined his plan and made all his plans come to naught.

Zhuo Ran looked at Xiaoya nervously, for fear that she would be stabbed, "Grandpa." [

Even elders can't do this to a delicate girl who greets her with a smiling face.

Grandpa totally disregarded that this was his beloved woman, and showed no mercy at all, which made him very sad.

The little girl straightened her body, she didn't feel sad or afraid, she looked at the other party frankly, and the corner of her mouth raised, revealing a sweet smile.

"Brother Zhuoran, grandpa's tone is so sour, what did you give him? Old vinegar?"

Calling him grandpa is for brother Zhuoran's sake.

Otherwise, who would be willing to call such an unreasonable old man?

She is a junior, so she took the initiative to show her kindness and save face, but she was not accepted, and the stern words came back.

Then you can't blame her.

Old Man Tie laughed out loud at being teased, this girl is really amazing.

For such shameless people, we must fight back severely.

But their Tie family is the one who is in the wrong, and the debts they have owed over the years make them hard.

Tie Zhongtang's face flushed with suppressed laughter, and he glanced at his father-in-law with a half-smile.

I saw the corners of his mouth twitching, he was so annoyed, his face was as black as coal.

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