Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 440: Whoever snatches my man will be destroyed!

The little girl laughed, "Even if you get told what's on your mind, don't blush. You need to be thick-skinned and courageous, so that you can grab good things."

When she said this, she still glanced at Xiaoqing who was standing aside, her words were full of sarcasm.

That's not the way to rob a man!

Relying on the relationship between the two families, taking advantage of an old man who is seriously ill and dying, he insisted on stuffing people in and pretending to be innocent, it was really unbearable.

Xiaoqing heard the meaning of the words, blushed with shame, and trembled with anger, "You don't have the shame to steal someone else's man." [

Without her, cousin would not refuse grandpa's arrangement.

She is the one who robbed everything that belonged to her, and dare to shout like that?

Too much!

The two families are cousins, what's wrong with each other?

"Eh?" Xiaoya asked with a smile on her innocent face, her eyes wide open, "When did I rob you of your man?"

She deliberately emphasized your two words, and she bit them very hard.

Who are these people?

Steal her man?Thanks to what she said!

Have the two ever been in love?Have you ever sworn to each other?Have you ever made a marriage contract?

Not at all!

Then why blame her?

I hate this kind of groundless slander the most!

Xiaoqing knew that she had made a mistake, and she was so ashamed that she wished she could find a hole in the ground and go in.

The other party's sharp words made her angry, annoyed and ashamed, and she couldn't find any words to defend herself.

In her heart, her cousin should belong to her, and she was right.

But you shouldn't just say that, the elders of the Tie family are all there.

If you want to marry into the Tie family and gain a foothold in the Tie family, these elders must not be offended.

Old Man Tie couldn't help laughing, his eyes narrowed, the little girl is too powerful, in one round, he cut the opponent off the horse and won the victory!

what to do?I like this little girl more and more, no, hurry up and book her down, I can't let her run away. [

"Hahaha." Zhuo Ran couldn't help laughing too, the sweetness in his heart was about to overflow.

Xiaoya is defending her rights, well, she is also fighting for him.

This made him very proud and proud, which is rare in a thousand years.

This little girl is usually so proud, a person who is lazy to look at him even more, is willing to fight for him, hahaha!

Wang Yong's hands trembled, and his heart was cold, "Smelly girl, I'm so mad. Zhuo Ran, are you just watching an outsider bully our grandparents and grandchildren?"

No matter how poor his granddaughter was, she couldn't tolerate being bullied by others.

Zhuo Ran hugged Xiaoya's shoulders and smiled sweetly.

"Grandpa, she is not an outsider, she will be my wife soon,"

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched. This man's face was much thicker than hers, and he dared to say anything.

He looked down at her, his eyes were affectionate, and the corner of his mouth was smiling, "Besides, she is young and ignorant, so don't worry about it like her."

That being said, the gentle and watery expression is not the case at all.

The sense of protection was beyond words, except that he didn't say clearly, this is the person I'm covering, please don't open your mouth.

When Wang Yong saw this, he was heartbroken and shook his head desperately, "If you protect her before you get married, what will you do in the future? No, I won't allow you to marry her."

Now there is only this girl in my eyes, and she is leading her by the nose, so that Zhuo Ran is completely controlled by her, what big things can he accomplish?

No, he, Mr. Wang's grandson, is an outstanding person, and he is considered to be a great cause with great vigor and vitality.

The left one is no, and the right one is not allowed to marry her, which pissed off the little girl, and she pouted, "Old man, in what capacity do you say such things?"

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