Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 441: Whoever snatches my man will be destroyed!

The left one is no, and the right one is not allowed to marry her, which pissed off the little girl, and she pouted, "Old man, in what capacity do you say such things?"

Hmph, dare to pinch her?

He was full of hair and complained endlessly!

She is not easy to bully!

Wang Yong raised his head proudly, pointed his chin at the little girl, and said confidently, "I am his grandfather, so I am not qualified to say these things as his elder?" [

He put his airs high, just waiting for the girl to bow her head and ask for help.

Unexpectedly, the little girl rolled her eyes and asked with a blank smile, "Brother Zhuoran, is your grandfather a rough man? Have you ever read a book?"

This irrelevant question caught everyone's attention.

what does she mean?

Zhuo Ran was also surprised, unable to figure out what she was thinking, "Huh?"

Wang Yong was so angry that he dared to underestimate him?

"Of course I have read books, and I have read a lot. Don't look down on me."

His father was originally a teacher in a private school, well-read poetry and books, but he failed many times, and he didn't have a child. The family was very poor. He studied with his father for several years, and he still has the status of a scholar.

This is really rare in Jianghu, and it is also what he is most proud of.

The little girl smiled slightly, "That's good. Have you ever heard the saying that parents are the masters of children's marriage?"

When Zhuo Ran heard this, a knowing smile flashed in his eyes.

This girl is really a thief and smart, he likes it very much.

Before Wang Yong noticed it, he puffed out his chest with an extremely proud expression. "Of course I've heard it. This is a truth that everyone understands. Is it worth your fuss? Don't you have anyone to teach you? It's really pitiful."

He didn't forget to say a few words to her, he hated anyone who hindered his plan.

The people in this room, except for the granddaughter and Zhuo Ran, are all displeasing to the eye.

The little girl's face turned cold, and she asked coldly, "Excuse me, senior, are you his father? Or his mother?"

Who is it?

Does she need pity?

How dare she mock her for having no tutor! [

Her grand master is the emperor's teacher of a country, famous all over the world, respected by the world, and the emperor is his disciple.

Her mother is recognized as the most talented woman in the world. Whenever people in the world mention her, they will praise her as a strange woman.

Her father is the prince of the Qin Kingdom, with unrivaled martial arts, defeating invincible opponents in the world, and even built Xixi City by himself, the most perfect city in the world.

Her uncle became famous all over the world when he was 12 years old, and was given a nickname by the world, Mr. Wushuang, and his name spread far and wide.

With such a family background, who dares to say that she has no tutor?

Hmph, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

This old man, his braids are on the verge of becoming overbearing, and he still doesn't know how to restrain himself!

Let's accumulate some virtue.

Zhuo Ran was speechless, secretly worried about his grandfather.

This is miserable, Xiaoya is upset, and the consequences are very serious.

But he didn't intend to make a move to save the siege, as long as Xiaoya is happy.

Wang Yong was suffocated for breathing, he was speechless, and was sweating profusely.

He is indeed not Zhuo Ran's close relative, not his father, nor his mother, and it is not his turn to point fingers, make irresponsible remarks and arrange things without authorization.

But he couldn't help it. With a flash of inspiration, he argued hastily, "His mother is my own daughter, and what I say is what his mother said."

The little girl's eyeballs rolled around, she was eccentric and agile.

"That's wrong, who is this girl to you?"

Wang Yong suffered a loss, he was on guard, and said cautiously, "Granddaughter."

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