Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 442: Whoever snatches my man will be destroyed!

Wang Yong suffered a loss, he was on guard, and said cautiously, "Granddaughter."

What does she want?

Girls have too many eyes, which is not good.

The little girl nodded, and asked again with a smile, "Who is that brother Zhuo Ran's mother?"

"Niece." Wang Yong became even more nervous, with sweat on his forehead. [

He didn't think she was an idiot who only asked silly questions.

In fact, this girl is frighteningly smart, and she doesn't lack means, no wonder she can hold Zhuo Ran's heart firmly.

The little girl coughed and said in a very loving and pityful tone, "Little niece, you are so beautiful and have a good temperament. I like you so much. Sleep with me at night. Let's have a good time."

Wang Xiaoqing's eyes were wide open, with a confused look on his face, which was confused by her.

What is she talking about?

Why can't you understand?

Why did you suddenly call her little niece?

"..." Everyone fainted.

Who is she learning to speak?Old-fashioned and arrogant, with a long-lost tone.

Only the corners of Zhuo Ran's mouth twitched, helpless and funny.

This girl, alas.

In terms of eloquence, few people are her opponents.

She is just lazy, lazy to spend her time, and lazy to waste her tongue, so when I see her lazy appearance, I think she is easy to bully.

Actually, she is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Normally, he doesn't show it, but at the critical moment, he shoots and beats everyone to the ground.

Wang Yong's heart was up and down, his heart was fuzzy, and there was an ominous premonition, as if he had been calculated.

"What do you mean? What kind of tricks are you playing?"

The little girl just waited for his words, she pursed her lips and smiled at him innocently, "This is what Zhuo Ran's mother said, please senior. Can you say this too? If you can, you are..."

I won't say the following words, winking, everyone understands anyway. [

A pervert, and an old beast with no integrity and no morals.

Can Wang Yong recognize it?Can you say yes?

He seemed to have been slapped heavily, his face was flushed, and he was messed up in the wind.

Old Man Tie was the first to laugh out loud, "Hahaha."

All right, this old man is in the army.

What is his mother is his words, can it be the same?

How could it be the same? !

It seems that you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

Wang Xiaoqing understood Xiaoya's words, her eyes went dark and she almost fell down.

It's so scary, in a blink of an eye, grandpa is playing around in circles.

Such a powerful woman, how could she be an opponent?

Are you going to give up?

No, never!

"You..." Wang courageously went crazy, his face flushed red, he didn't know if it was from anger or shame.

Has he ever seen such a cunning woman? "You're talking blandishments, and this is how you tricked Zhuoran into your hands?"

It's really powerful, he counterattacked successfully in a few words, and slapped him several times with his backhand, which was extremely loud, which made his face dull and embarrassing.

Zhuo Ran couldn't handle such a character.

The little girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, like a naive child, "Brother Zhuo Ran is not a three-year-old child, he has his own mind."

What does it mean to cheat?

Who is pestering whom?

Please clarify this point first.

If brother Zhuo Ran hadn't been pestering her for many years, he wouldn't have touched her heart. [

Zhuo Ran looked at her with a smile, resisting the urge to touch her and hug her.

Smart, cute, naughty and lively girl, who wouldn't like it?

This is the person he likes, the one and only in the world, the one and only Tang Junyong, his little girl.

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