Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 454: Little girl, don't go!

A sharp female voice suddenly sounded, "Tang Junyong, I will kill you!"

The little girl was shocked, who is so cruel?

She turned her head and saw that it was actually Ye Yuning, dressed in white, with disheveled hair and distorted facial expression, holding a dagger in her hand, rushing towards her fiercely.

It really looks like a female ghost. If you see it in the middle of the night, you will be scared to death.

It's just that he didn't rush to the front, and was stopped by the hidden guards. He stabbed with a sword, and the dagger fell to the ground. [

Her hands kept trembling, and she fell limply on the ground, but her fierce eyes kept staring at Xiaoya, and she screamed frantically, "Tang Junyong, you go to die, go to die."

The little girl stared at her blankly, is she crazy like this?very scary!

A peerless beauty turned into a lunatic, no matter how beautiful she is, it is scary.

Tie Zhuoran frowned in dissatisfaction, "Master Mu, you'd better take care of your sister Ye, don't let her bite wildly and lose your face."

Mu Jinmo was annoyed for a while, obviously he was the one who let him out, despicable villain.

"She doesn't belong to my family, and I have nothing to do with her. Whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with me? Not to mention the person who lost me."

Ye Yuning seemed to have been slapped twice by the man she loves, with a painful expression on her face.

"Mu Jinmo, you actually only took her away, what about me? Did you just leave me here like this? Living in the dark? Do you have a conscience?"

God knows how hard she has had these days.

Her hands were disabled, all the poisons were searched, her movement was restricted, the people below taunted her, deliberately neglected her, gave her cold leftovers, and had no tea to drink.

The room was as cold as an ice cave, and the quilt was too thin to keep warm.

She was also forced to drink three bowls of bitter gourd soup every day, and put a lot of coptis, so as to clear her heart and punish her clearly.

She lived a life that would be worse than death.

And all of this has to be blamed on Tang Juanyong, if it wasn't for her to vent her anger, would a lunatic like Tie Zhuoran treat her like this?

Mu Jinmo was even more heartless, not only did he not pay her a single glance, he even left her alone.Take this bitch away and fly away, ignoring her life and death.

Mu Jinmo was very impatient, and accused Tie Zhuoran, "How can your Tie family let lunatics run around? Lock them up!"

Ye Yuning didn't expect such a big blow when she met the person she had been thinking about day and night, which made her very sad.

He clearly knew that she was suffering, why didn't he come to save her?

Instead, help outsiders bully her? [

Don't forget that he is a disciple of Yaowanggu, who grew up with her childhood sweetheart.

"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, don't lock me up."

She never wanted to live like that again, and she would be driven crazy even if she wasn't crazy.

A cold light flashed in Mu Jinmo's eyes, "That's what lunatics say, hurry up and lock people back, so as not to scare others."

Since she chose to pretend to be crazy, she would be a lunatic for the rest of her life.

In this regard, he can fulfill her.

Ye Yuning's eyes turned black for a while, she was so cruel, she pointed at Xiao Ya, her anger was soaring, she wished she could rush up and tear her apart.

"Tang Juanyong, it's all your fault, you've made me miserable, you troublemaker, you goblin..."

She yelled so loudly that the little girl just thought she was stupid and didn't take it to heart.

But Zhuo Ran was a little displeased, and just about to explode, a surprised voice called out,

"Huh?" The servant pointed to a small black spot in the distance of the sea, "There is a boat, young master, look, there is a boat coming."

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