Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 455: The eldest son of the Tang family is here

"Huh?" The servant pointed to a small black spot in the distance of the sea, "There is a boat, young master, look, there is a boat coming."

Zhuo Ran was also a little surprised, why is there still a boat at this time?

He stared intently for a while, the little black spot was getting closer and closer, revealing its true face little by little, the boat was not small.

A large flag was erected on the top of the ship, with a big "white" character waving in the wind.

white?He was startled, a member of the Bai family? [

There is a man standing against the wind at the bow of the boat, his figure is tall and straight, with a jade tree facing the wind, he looks very seductive.

The more Mu Jinmo watched, the more startled he became, "Huh? Why does that man look familiar?"

Xiaoya watched for a long time, and recognized that person, she jumped up, laughed happily, and narrowed her smiling eyes, "It's my brother, it's my brother."

Haha, the elder brother who loves her the most is here.

I'm so happy!

Mu Jinmo was stunned, her scalp tingling for a while.

The young master of the Tang family, Tang Juanyi, is the most difficult person in the Tang family, bar none.

Zhuo Ran was also dumbfounded, the sister-in-law of the Tang family came! ! !

While speaking, the boat had stopped at the ferry, and the slender figure strolled down, looking elegant and handsome.

Dressed in purple, with a golden crown on his head, he looks extravagant, his facial features are perfect, he is as handsome as a god, at first glance he looks like a gentle and noble man, but there is an evil charm in the corner of his eyes, which makes people shudder.

Mu Jinmo was the first to go up to him, with a smile all over his face, "Junyi, why are you here? How was your trip? Are you tired? Are you thirsty?"

Tang Juanyi didn't seem to see this person. When he passed by him, he didn't even stop. He just stretched out his arms and slowly raised a bright smile at the corner of his mouth, "Little girl."

Xiaoya threw herself into his arms like a butterfly, and shouted happily, "Brother, brother, Xiaoya misses you so much."

Although the two were born at the same time in the same year and the same month, they look very different.

Xiaoya's natural baby face looks like a naive little girl.

On the other hand, Tang Juanyi was calm and introverted, he had the demeanor of his father, and also had the slight evil spirit of his mother, contradictory and attractive.

Tang Juanyi hugged her tightly, raised his eyebrows, charming, "Miss me? Why don't you go home early?"

Damn girl, isn't it just for a flirtatious man?

As for running away without seeing anyone, is everyone worried? [

I looked at her a few times, her complexion was fine, her little face was flushed, her smile was very bright, and there was no trace of gloom.

Not bad, I have improved.

The little girl pursed her lips and looked angry, "I can't see you when I go home, you are the worst, always running away without a trace, even I..."

He didn't even attend the day of her marriage, I don't know where it is.

She doesn't pay much attention to her sister, hum.

Tang Juan raised his eyebrows calmly, "It won't work anyway, and it's not worth my special trip at all."

These words were too provocative, and Mu Jinmo was stunned by the firm tone.

What does it mean to be unable to accomplish anything?They are all married!

This guy has been like this since he was a child, and he has a dark belly.

"Jun Yi, you came just in time, let's take Xiaoya back."

Tang Juanyi didn't seem to hear, took out a small doll from his arms, and handed it to Xiaoya.

"Here, here is your birthday present."

The little girl's eyes lit up, she was so delicate, she looked exactly like her, it was the handwriting of the master Zhang Yijiang.

She couldn't put it down to touch her, with a smile on her face, like honey on her mouth, "Thank you brother, brother is so kind."

Tang Juanyi couldn't help shaking his head, poking his small forehead, sycophant, you just glared at him.

【Enough here today, continue tomorrow, the mighty Brother Tang is here, and the villains have retreated. 】

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