Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 459: The eldest son of the Tang family is here

"Uh, you are a talented woman on the Xinglin list. You are covered in poison. If you are unhappy, you will poison others. Who can get close to you? Who dares to bully you?"

Zhuo Ran glanced at him with a half-smile, this is the master.

It's obvious that she hates it, but she still pretends to like it very much and is very affectionate.

But everyone likes him.

Ye Yuning got used to his cool tone, thought he was going to vent her anger, and was very happy. [

The target was originally the most annoying little girl, but I thought wrongly, they are brothers and sisters.

The two have been arguing fiercely, but the more quarreling, the better their relationship.

He changed his mind temporarily, pointed at Tie Zhuoran's nose and yelled.

"It's him, it's Tie Zhuoran who bullies me, locks me up, calls me a lunatic, tosses me all day long, and kills me, whether it's human, ghost or ghost, Jun Yi, you must help me out."

The little girl can't stand it, who is it, who is a white-eyed wolf.

She said coolly, "Aren't you crazy? Why are you normal again?"

Zhuo Ran smiled slightly, "She recovers from this illness for a while, and goes crazy for a while, and some neuropathy is intermittent."

From the moment Ye Yuning decided to pretend to be crazy, she involuntarily walked on this dead end.

The title of lunatic is to be followed for a lifetime, if there is a lifetime.

Who would dare to marry a madman in the future?

It is even more impossible for her to want to be a concubine.

This was something Ye Yuning never expected when she was pretending to be crazy.

Xiao Ya nodded understandingly, "So that's the case, no wonder."

Ye Yu trembled all over, his eyes full of hatred.

"Sister Yong'er, you fell for his tricks. He was attracted to your family background, so he had to pretend to be a snake, and coaxed you with sweet words every day, but when he turned around, he showed great hospitality to me. I refused him. He Just...just..."

The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she became, her tears flowed like broken pearls, "Wuuuu, I don't want to live anymore."

Those who offend her will never end well.

Hmph, she is unfortunate, and everyone in the world will be buried with her.

The corners of Tie Zhuoran's mouth twitched, and he didn't even draft a lie, which was too shameless. [

Will he fall in love with her?What are you kidding?

What's the use of just having a face?

With such a bad heart, no one likes it.

The little girl is so angry, what is this man talking about?

Jun Yi's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked, "What did he do?"

Ye Yuning was crying, faltering shyly and timidly, "He was rude to me...belittled me..."

The little girl flushed with anger, how could she create something out of nothing?

"Brother Zhuo Ran won't, he hates you."

Zhuo Ran is not Mu Jinmo, she knows this very well.

Not all men in the world like to hug left and right, eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot.

Zhuo Ran is also very speechless, meeting this kind of woman is really a bad luck for eighteen generations.

Ye Yuning didn't argue with them, but just covered her face with a handkerchief, crying even more mournfully, "Jun Yi, Sister Yong'er is too simple and doesn't understand the world, you have to protect her well, don't let her be cheated. "

These words are very clever, it seems that everything is considered for Xiaoya, and it is very useful for Xiaoya's family.

It's a pity that the person in front of her is Tang Juanyi, a man she has never seen clearly in her life.

Young Master Tang twitched the corners of his mouth, and his smile seemed to have a deep meaning, "Yes, my silly sister has been cheated for more than ten years, she is really dumb."

Ye Yu was stunned, what do you mean?

The little girl understood it as soon as she heard it, the twins are connected with each other.

"What, I'm simple, people are so scheming, picking on people around them, it's hard to guard against."

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