Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 460: The eldest son of the Tang family is here

"What, I'm simple, people are so scheming, picking on people around them, it's hard to guard against."

Who will guard against the people around them?

Wouldn't it be exhausting to guard against everyone?

Do you want people to live?

Young Master Tang shook his head slightly, "You say you're stupid, but you still don't admit it, your mouth is hard and your heart is soft, and you like to mess around."[

I told her earlier that the Ye family sisters are not good people, but she just didn't believe it.

Well now, let's face the truth.

He suspected more than once that when he was in the mother's womb, Xiaoya couldn't compete with him, and her mother's intelligence and talents were all passed on to him.

Thinking of the past, Xiaoya blushed, and buried her head in his arms, "Brother, you are so wordy, why do you look like Daddy?"

Young Master Tang patted her little head, come on, let him protect this silly little sister.

He joked solemnly, "Well, tell Dad when you get back, you think he is wordy."

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, "Bad brother will bully me."

Why are you always like this?

She will never be able to beat him!

The siblings were fighting and fighting, completely ignoring the people around them.

Ye Yuning's face turned blue and then white, is she so invisible?

She was mad with anger, and shouted loudly, "Jun Yi, did you hear what I said?"

Eldest Young Master Tang raised his brows and nodded slightly, "I'm not an old man, I'm not deaf yet, but my aunt at first glance, I'm 20 years old, now I don't have to worry about being old..."

Every word he said pierced people's weakness, hitting Ye Yuning's heart, jumping up and down in pain, covering her face and screaming. "what!!!"

20 years older?Isn't that an old woman?

Ah, crazy!

Xiaoya blinked her eyes, puzzled, "What's wrong with her? Is she sick again?"

Jun Yi smiled lightly, and said lightly, "It should be because I am too happy, so I am emotional."

Don't blame the man who dares to snatch his sister and ruin Xiaoya's happiness for being ruthless. [

She has come to this end, she asked for it.

He hugged Xiao Ya's shoulders, and he couldn't stop him with a strong sense of protection.

"Come on, it's cold here, let's talk in another place."

Seeing the siblings walking side by side, Zhuo Ran sighed helplessly.

Alas, I became a transparent person.

Once Young Master Tang comes out, who will fight?

Mu Jinmo's brows were furrowed tightly, her headache was about to split.

The kid didn't want to see him anymore.

Just about to follow, but couldn't move his feet, Ye Yu stared at his feet, raised his face pitifully, and said pitifully, "Ah Mo, I miss you so much."

But he was furious. If it wasn't for her, he and Xiaoya wouldn't have come to this point.

With a merciless kick, Ye Yuning rolled on the ground several times, screaming in pain.

He didn't even look at it, but quickly followed.

As soon as the eldest son of the Tang family appeared on the island, there was a huge sensation and he received extremely warm hospitality.

Old Man Tie held his hand and refused to let it go, he was very pleased, "Jun Yi, good boy, let Grandpa Tie see that he has grown taller and stronger."

Young Master Tang's mouth was as sweet as oil, coaxing everyone to be very happy,

"Grandpa Tie is growing stronger and more radiant, which makes me envious."

Old Man Tie was overjoyed, "Hahaha."

Jun Yi is like a fish in water among the crowd, with ease.

"Uncle married a wife and concubine again? You don't look good. I brought a lot of nourishing things for my uncle to take care of."

Tie Zhongtang's rigid expression softened a lot, and he patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Stinky boy, he will make fun of your uncle."

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