The corner of Tang Juanyi's mouth twitched, he was handsome and domineering, "Because I am the young master of the Tang family, I am the elder brother of the little girl, and I can be the master."

Mu Jinmo became furious for a while, her anger welled up, and she angrily reprimanded, "Even her brother can't make decisions for her, she has her own ideas, you can't force her..."

The same is the pride of heaven, the same noble status, the same pride and conceit, the two are doomed to dislike each other.

It's quite a taste of the king not seeing the king.

In the past, due to the face of the two families, there was a young girl to deal with, even if the two did not get along, they lived in peace. [

But now there is no Xiaoya as a buffer in the middle, and the relationship between the two is full of gunpowder.

Young Master Tang talked nonsense with him lazily, but asked indifferently, "Little girl, do you still want this man?"

Regardless of whether the younger sister wants it or not, anyway, he will not recognize this kind of person as his brother-in-law.

What kind of person is this? He keeps saying that he likes Xiaoya, but everything he does is hurting her.

No one can afford such a liking.

And he will never let the little sister get hurt again.

Her happiness is the greatest responsibility in his life.

Everyone's eyes lit up, did they really have an old relationship before?

Does Zhuoran know?

Who the hell is this guy?

Bai Xiaoya is the eldest lady of the Tang family, and Mr. Mu who grew up with her must not be an ordinary person.

It's either rich or expensive, otherwise you won't be able to climb up to the honorable lady of the Tang family.

Miss Tie Er pricked up her ears and listened very carefully, her complexion changed back and forth.

Xiaoya shook her head resolutely, and simply refused, "No."

There is absolutely no room for maneuver. If you love, you will love. If you don’t love, you will not love.

She just needs a simple relationship, belonging to each other, knowing each other, loving each other, that's all.

Mu Jinmo's face lost all color, and she couldn't breathe because of the heartache.

Is she really so unfeeling?

No matter how he recovers, he still doesn't change his mind? [

Young Master Tang smiled with satisfaction, "No regrets?"

Although this girl is stupid, she finally came to her senses, and all her thoughts were not wasted.

Xiao Ya's answer was firm, "I don't regret it."

Now even Zhuo Ran is smiling, his heart is blossoming.

He just likes her like this, daring to love and daring to hate, the enthusiasm of moths to the flame when in love, and the quick cutting of messes when not in love, simple and clear.

what to do?I like her more and more, and I wish I could rub her into my flesh and blood, and never be separated from life to life.

Every word she said pierced Mu Jinmo's chest like a sharp arrow, her painful face was ashen, and she begged bitterly, "Yong'er, just because we have known each other for more than ten years, give me one last chance , I promise not to make you sad."

The unattainable proud son of heaven is now humiliating, just to save his beloved, looking very embarrassed.

Zhuo Ran moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

This is Xiaoya's past, and no one else can interfere, and he believes that she can handle it well.

Give her complete trust, let her live a wanton life, and don't give her pressure and burden.

The little girl couldn't bear it, what a proud man Prince Mu is, but now...

My heart was filled with melancholy, as if I saw my old self.

But no matter how unbearable she was, she refused without hesitation.

"It's late, you squandered all my feelings for you, looking at you now is like looking at an ordinary passerby, and my heart is very peaceful."

Those deep love and pain gradually melted away, leaving only a faint trace.

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