Those deep love and pain gradually melted away, leaving only a faint trace.

She has let go, why can't he let go?

Mu Jinmo's face was full of pain, "Yong'er, feelings can be cultivated, we have so many years of emotional foundation..."

Xiaoya interrupted him impatiently, and finally said what was in her heart.

"You promised me back then that you would only love me and spoil me in this life, and you would never look at other women more than once, but what about you? What did you do?" [

Behind her back, he made an oath with other women, made a covenant, and completely forgot about her.

Mu Jinmo was startled, "Yong'er, that's just temporary..."

Xiaoya waved her hand slightly to prevent him from speaking, "You broke your oath, from the moment you and Ye Yuning made love to each other, you have already lost the right to accompany me to grow old."

This was buried by him himself, no one else could be blamed.

Her unfeelingness filled Mu Jinmo with bitterness, "That... it was just... a temporary joke..."

He is a prince, how could he only guard one woman?

The 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Court are the responsibility and obligation of every emperor.

Even if he wanted to, no one else would agree.

The concubine represents the competition of various forces, and he must strike a balance.

Why is she so naive?

Xiaoya's expression turned cold, "A joke? Just sweet words to coax me? You never took it seriously?"

It turned out that she was stupid, she didn't take that oath to heart at all, no, she didn't even take it seriously.

All along, she was the one who was dreaming, wishful thinking and immersed in the beautiful dreams she had woven.

No wonder he ended up being betrayed!

Perhaps in his eyes, it wasn't betrayal at all, but an instinct.

She was too extravagant to expect a future emperor to be single-minded, to abandon the Sangong and Liuyuan, and she was the only one.

She was so naive.

What my brother said is absolutely right, she and him are people from two different worlds, and we will not be happy if we forcefully get together.

I didn't believe it before, but now I have to believe it. [

Her loss, her entanglement, deeply hurt Mu Jinmo's heart, "I..."

He really didn't know that she would care so much. He thought she was just playing childish and asked him to spoil her more. Of course he coaxed and hugged her, but he never took it to heart.

Even if he knew she was serious, would he agree?

He could not answer, nor could he imagine.

Xiaoya sighed in disappointment, and sighed for the crazy and stupid self in the past, "Look, how stupid I was in the past, trusting you unconditionally, longing to stay with you forever, a couple for life, but you didn't Take it to heart."

Why was she so stupid in the past, for an unsuitable person, she was an enemy of the whole world, no matter how her parents and family persuaded her, she would go her own way, no matter what, she only had him in her eyes.

Suddenly, she figured it out.

"Our ideas are so different that we are destined not to be together."

She's partly responsible for how they've come this far.

She was too stupid to see his essence clearly, he was not suitable for her at all.

He needs a woman who regards him as heaven and is willing to give everything for him, including her life. She doesn't care that he has other women, and he doesn't care that he has others in his heart.

Too bad she's not that kind of person.

Hearing Jue Jue's words, Mu Jinmo felt a burst of regret, "Yong'er, I promise you, in the future..."

It's better to keep her alone than to lose her.

The little girl shook her head slightly, and said with a relieved smile, "There is no future."

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