Young Master Tang smiled slightly, but his air was filled with chills, "Human lives are ignored? Okay, throwing people out to feed the fish, I can't live up to her expectations."

I want to court death, no wonder others.

I don't know what is good or bad, I really treat myself as a dish.

It's been a long time since no one dared to yell at him like this, have the guts.

It's a pity that he is a blind idiot. [

He didn't even bother to take a second look.

Hey, every time my little girl falls in love with a man, it's a big trouble, never a worry,

The situation of the Tie family is more complicated than that of the Mu family.

The more children and grandchildren, the more troubles.

This girl is lazy and not sociable, will she be able to handle it in the future?

Wang Yong was so heartbroken that he was about to die, he rushed forward to block his granddaughter, regardless of fear.

"Little prince, no matter how noble you are, you can't act like this. Don't you still have the king's law?"

It's too much, how can you do this to a weak woman with no hands tied?

What's even more hateful is that none of the people present jumped out to say a fair word.

Even the elders of the Tie family didn't stand up and watched with cold eyes.

Eldest Young Master Tang looked at them coldly, like the most noble gods, with domineering aura.

He said loudly, "I am Wang Fa, if I talk too much, I will cut off her tongue and drink."

"Yes." The dark guard replied respectfully.

"You..." Wang Xiaoqing was frightened and angry, but he was still not convinced, but was picked up by the hidden guard, as if to throw it out, his mouth was covered, and he could no longer make a sound. "No no."

Wang Yong's eyes turned black for a while, startled and frightened, he forced himself to rush forward, but his hands and feet were disobedient, trembling non-stop, how could he have any momentum?

"I fought with you."

Before he could rush to Young Master Tang, he was already stopped.

Tang Juanyi couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "Senior, you can't even stand firmly, so let's take it easy. I don't know how to show affection to those shameless people who don't know how to advance or retreat."

Normally, he is very calm and calm, but he only secretly brings people back to life, and he doesn't know who is the one who did it. [

But Xiaoya is his reverse scale, and no one will end well if she touches her.

"You..." Wang Yong was just bluffing, how could he have the guts?

Tang Juanyi didn't feel compassionate because of his old age and frailty, "My younger sister is kind and soft, but I am not, and I don't have so many scruples."

After all, Xiaoya has to take care that this is Zhuo Ran's grandfather, no matter what, she has to show some kindness, and she can't do too much.

But he doesn't need it, Zhuo Ran still depends on his face.

The Tang family's daughter is not so easy to marry.

Wang Yong was terrified and frightened, so he turned to his grandson for help.


Zhuo Ran's lips moved slightly, just about to intercede.

Why did Tang Juanyi let him speak out, and shouted first, "Isn't it very majestic just now? Why? Want to ask for help? If you don't have that ability, don't act recklessly, harm others and yourself, and embarrass yourself."

These words are too harsh, without any sympathy.

Everyone present gloated and watched the show.

It was wonderful.

Old man Tie secretly relieved his hatred, old man, you have today too.

Wang Yong was so angry that he vomited blood, his face was dull, and he felt deeply ashamed.

"My lord, you are too deceitful."

The corner of Tang Juanyi's mouth curled up, and he raised a deep smile.

"Senior, don't worry, I'm still very tolerant and magnanimous. Seeing that you are so pitiful, I will help you."

Wang Yong was terrified by his weird smile, and he was secretly on guard.

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you just worried that your granddaughter won't be able to get married?" Tang Juanyi smiled lightly, raised his hand slightly, and summoned a subordinate.

"Little Four, come here, I'll give her to you."

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