With a tone of charity, it seems that it is a great honor to be married to his subordinates, and it is a good thing that can't be asked for.

The little girl pursed her lips and snickered, her brother was getting more and more resourceful, and even came up with such a bad idea.

However, to be honest, the hidden guards of their family are all good men selected from a hundred, and being able to marry them is a virtue of their ancestors.

Many of the dark guards of the previous generation married well-known ladies, and were frantically sought after.

Everyone was dumbfounded, no way, is this okay? [

This little prince acted unexpectedly.

Wang Xiaoqing was even more stunned, she couldn't believe her ears.

How can there be such a person?

Who is she?

How could the only young lady of the Wang family marry a servant?

Are you kidding me?

Such humiliation drove her mad, "You..."

Never thought that the hand Xiaosi had a bitter face, full of pain.

"Master, can we discuss it, this woman is too mediocre, ugly, uneducated, dishonest, and shameless..."

I have scolded a lot of shortcomings, and I can't help but feel disgusted.

"I don't even want a woman like this given to me...Master, can you change someone?"

Wang Xiaoqing was about to faint from anger, she was rejected by others?

And is it disgusted by lowly people?

So angry.

But what made her even more angry was yet to come.

Young Master Tang looked embarrassed, sighed, and was very considerate of him.

He summoned two more subordinates, pointed at one of the ordinary-looking men, "Xiao Wu, come here then."

Xiao Wu curled her lips in disdain, and refused politely, "I don't want it either, master, please forgive me. Such a woman is useless and will only ruin the family style. I can't afford to lose face."

Young Master Tang shook his head, looking very headache, and asked inquiringly, "Xiao Shi, why don't you come?" [

Xiao Shi is the youngest, and speaks most directly, saying whatever comes to mind.

"I don't want the junk that my brothers don't want, master, so don't embarrass us."

Everyone couldn't stop laughing, these people's vision is so high, even Miss Wang's family can't look down on them.

It seems that letting them marry Wang Xiaoqing is the most tragic thing in the world, and it will be over for a lifetime.

The tendon in Wang Xiaoqing's brain was completely broken, his whole body trembled with anger, his face turned pale as a pig's liver.

"You guys... are so...evil."

Everyone in the Tang family hates it, the miss of the Tang family hates it, the young master hates it, even these servants, none of them are good things.

Young Master Tang smiled lightly, and said lightly, "I don't want it? Forget it, it's really embarrassing for you to marry her, so let's get a nursing home."

Xiao Ten couldn't help but interjected, "The nursing home won't want her either. To marry a wife, you have to marry a good man. She has bad conduct and is not qualified to be a wife, but if you want to be a concubine for others to play with, you can consider it."

His words were too direct, directly making everyone faint.

But his words spoke out the hearts of many.

The Wang family is not a famous family, and they have no power. There is no one in the family to rely on. They are ordinary and have a bad temper. There is no merit.

Xiaoya couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Nonsense, our Tang family is not allowed to take concubines, anyone who dares to take concubines will be kicked out."

Seeing her smiling face, Xiao Shi boldly smiled and said, "Miss said, we won't be confused, only one husband and one wife can last long, and the family will be peaceful."

Hearing this, Tie Zhongtang had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Hello... ruthless." Wang Xiaoqing's blood was churning, and the heat surged upwards, and he was so angry that he rolled his eyelids and passed out.

[That’s all for today, there are only five chapters, please forgive me, in a few days, I will take a small road test, and I will strengthen my training every day. My cupidity discovery is considered to be strengthened. The exam is so difficult, so miserable, why am I stuck at this juncture?cry! 】

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