Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 490: Frantically Flattering

Wang Yong turned pale with shock, rushed forward and shook violently, "Xiaoqing wake up, wake up quickly."

A good child, forced to be like this by the little prince, if there is something good or bad, how can he go underground to meet her parents?

What kind of world is this? The world depends on status and power.

People who have no power and power are destined to live very hard.

And he just wants his only granddaughter to live comfortably in the future, what's wrong? [

Why do these people just refuse to be perfect?

But no matter how he called, the granddaughter remained as motionless as a dead person, her eyes were closed tightly, and her face was snow-white.

He couldn't help feeling sad, heartbroken, and a trace of hatred welled up in his heart, "Zhuo Ran, you have to decide for your cousin."

Why do these nobles have trouble with them?

They have everything, why should they take away their only hope, Zoran?

Why do you humiliate your granddaughter in every possible way?

Even the servants have to step on it?

Is there any justice in this world?

"Grandpa, some people can't be provoked." Zhuo Ran sighed lightly, and stepped forward to help him, but was slapped away by Wang Yong's angry palm. He was very helpless and raised his hand.

Grandpa has lived his whole life and has seen a lot of things in the world, how come he becomes confused when he is old?

I don't understand even the most basic truth.

No wonder I heard that some people will be very abnormal when they are dying, and their behavior, words and deeds are completely different from before.

Regardless of Wang Yong's refusal, the servants of the Tie family stepped forward to help the old and the young, but the disdain in their eyes could not be concealed, which deeply hurt Wang Yong's heart.

He was frightened and angry, and asked angrily, "You are a dignified young master of the Tie family, are you also afraid of the Tang family?"

Everyone could hear the strong sarcasm in the words, and watched the show with great interest.

Haha, it's so funny that grandparents and grandchildren turn their faces.

Young Master Tie also had such a day.

Xiaoya looked at him nervously, what was he thinking?Do you really mind?

But then again, Wang Yong keeps saying he cares about this grandson, is that why he loves him so much? [

Tang Juanyi pursed his lips slightly and stared at Zhuo Ran closely. If he dared to say a word that hurt the little sister, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Ran took a deep look at Xiaoya, and admitted frankly, "Of course I'm afraid, if the elders of the Tang family refuse to marry their daughter to me, what should I do?"

Xiaoya is the only person he wants to catch, what's the point of losing her?

Everyone was amazed and had different thoughts.

The little girl was relieved and closed her eyes with a smile.

But Wang's courage was broken, and he pointed at his nose and scolded, "It's worthless, she is not the only girl in the world."

As for that?

Don't you feel ashamed?

How could he have such a grandson?

Zhuo Ran looked at Xiaoya affectionately, "There are thousands of women in the world, but I must marry her, and no one else can."

She is the only irreplaceable.

Wang Yong was furious, his eyes went dark, countless small stars flashed, he kicked his feet, and passed out.

Zhuo Ran took a step forward, supported his limp body, and sighed deeply.

Jun Yi commanded his servants to put boxes of presents in the hall, and he stepped forward to open the lids himself. The jewels in the room lit up the eyes of countless people.

Silks and satins, jewellery, tea porcelain, etc., are all expensive items, and many of them are tribute items, which cannot be bought even if they have money, and they are also the favorite things of the islanders.

Old Man Tie held the precious tea specially given to him, and smiled from ear to ear, "Jun Yi, you are too polite, and you are not an outsider."

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