"Hand over Bai Xiaoya, and spare your life."

Jun Yi was furious, his face was cold, and he moved to kill, "Such a big tone, tell the name of the person who comes, my son will not kill the unknown person."

The man raised his head to the sky and roared with great arrogance, "I don't change my surname when I'm doing it, and I don't change my name when I sit down. It's the same for Jisheng. Hand him over quickly, or I will blame you for being rude."

Zhuo Ran subconsciously moved his body to hide the figure of the little girl behind him.

"If you have anything to do, just come to me. You are a big man. You are so shameless that you find a girl to be unlucky. Even if you win, you will be ridiculed by the world." [

Ji Sheng was trembling with anger when he was told about the central matter, "You..."

Xiaoya couldn't help poking her head out of curiosity, "Are you still going to arrest me? Why?"

What is this man thinking?Hitting the door again and again, have you forgotten the lesson of being beaten by her last time?

When Jisheng saw her, his eyes gleamed fiercely. For some reason, he was full of confidence. He raised his bare head arrogantly, and his tone was even tighter. Do it."

The little girl rolled her eyes, "Are you an idiot? To say such stupid things, have you forgotten the lesson from last time?"

I was secretly surprised that this person seemed to have changed, more arrogant and domineering.

Is there any secret weapon?

Ji Sheng was so angry that he jumped into a rage, his face turned red, "Stinky girl, I want to be ashamed!"

The last disastrous defeat was the only defeat in his life. He had lost his whole life in the hands of a little girl. The feeling of humiliation was worse than death.

The little girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, "No matter how loud you scream, it won't change the fact that you were defeated by me. No matter what, you are my defeated opponent. Everyone in the world knows it, haha."

She smiled triumphantly, and hit him heartily, NND, dare to come to provoke him, are you getting impatient?

Jisheng was so stimulated that all his internal organs were burned, and his hatred burned wildly.

"Shut up, as long as I take you down, no one will laugh at me anymore."

This is the greatest shame and the greatest stain in my life.

The little girl laughed even happier, "Hahaha, I just laughed at you, what's the matter?"

The shining white teeth are particularly dazzling in the sunlight, as if mocking.

Jisheng's head was hot from the stimulation, and his anger was unbearable.

"Girl, either you die, or I die."

Xiaoya stretched out her finger and nodded, smiling, "Of course you died." [

Unable to bear this stimulation, Jisheng was so angry that his eyes were red with anger, and he jumped up frantically. "Take her down."

His subordinates were all poor people who were frightened by Xiao Ya, and they were too timid to step forward.

Miss Tie Er hid behind her father and brother, but poked her head out and yelled flamboyantly, "What? You're just a pirate leader wandering on the sea, why are you so arrogant? Do you know who she is?"

Everyone has black lines, should they praise her for being brave, or despise her for being timid?

The little girl was even more speechless looking at the sky, who are these people.

Be provocative.

Does light grow a head but not a brain?

Ji Sheng said angrily, "I don't care who she is, I just want someone."

Jun Yi had restrained his anger, his mind was spinning, and he asked with a smile, "What do you want her to do? She only knows how to eat, drink and play, but she doesn't know anything. She is also very picky. She doesn't wear common clothes or brocade clothes. She only wears Jiangnan five-woven clothes." I spun snow silk clothes, and I only drank West Lake Longjing tea..."

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