The little girl widened her eyes indignantly, "Brother, why are you talking about me like that? Didn't I just steal some of your things? You're useless anyway."

It's not that exaggerated, she is easy to raise, just a little picky.

With this condition, why not enjoy it?

She pursed her mouth a little aggrieved, feeling very depressed.

The little hand was gently held, she raised her head, Zhuo Ran smiled at her, as if saying, I can support you. [

Her little face flushed, but she didn't withdraw her little hand and let him hold it.

Jun Yi saw it, and sighed silently, the little girl was full of lovers, without him as an older brother.

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt."

"You..." The corner of Xiaoya's mouth twitched, she couldn't believe how brazen he was, "You're only 1 minute longer than me."

How did she become a child?

If she is a child, so is he.

Seeing that they were bickering happily, Jisheng completely ignored him, and was very angry, "Shut up both of you, brat, did you come here on your own initiative? Or do you want to suffer?"

Xiaoya shrugged her shoulders and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Oh, how arrogant, what kind of onion are you? Miss Ben doesn't like that."

Ji Sheng waved his hand, pointed in a certain direction, and laughed triumphantly, "Hahaha, look, what is this?"

Everyone looked at the past, stunned, and gasped, "Oh my god, the red-clothed cannon."

There is a big ship in the distance, with two red cannons on it, aiming at them, and everyone is in the shooting area.

Zhuo Ran's heart sank suddenly, and his face changed drastically.

It seems that this guy is fully prepared to make a comeback.

Seeing their terrified expressions, Ji Sheng became more and more proud, "If you don't hand over, you will all be smashed to pieces, and you will die without a whole body."

Master Tie's expression was serious, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

How could he have a cannon in red?

It stands to reason that he does not have this strength, nor does he have the ability to get it.

In this sea, only the Tie family owns a cannon in red, and it is kept at home, and they will never fire it unless it is absolutely necessary. [

But Jisheng took out two easily, what does this mean?

The Tie Zhongtang brothers exchanged glances, seeing worry in each other's eyes.

The faces of the Tie family members were of different colors, livid, red, and pale as paper.

Miss Tie Er turned pale with fright and trembled, "Grandpa."

She is still young, she has great youth to enjoy, she does not want to die, she is not married yet.

Old Man Tie gave her a hard look, "Our Tie family has no weak bones, even if we die, we cannot lose the reputation of the Tie family."

"But..." Miss Tie Er's heart was beating fast, and her body was shaking non-stop.

Old Man Tie couldn't stand it any longer, and closed his eyes, deeply ashamed.

"Shut up, Jisheng, you can kill if you want, but I want to warn you, you can't afford the consequences."

Ji Sheng was full of pride, wishing everyone could see his new baby, "Can't bear it? Hahaha, you're not ashamed to say it."

He was at his happiest when he didn't look down on anyone, even the three giants of the Tie family in front of him.

He has a cannon in red, who is he afraid of?

See who doesn't like it, and bomb it with the red cannon.

They were beaten to the ground, and they had to obey even if they refused.

The time for revenge has finally come.

Master Tie's thoughts changed, and his eyes met with Young Master Tang's, and they exchanged glances.

Young Master Tang nodded his head slightly, and Old Man Tie twitched his brows, and scolded loudly, "The brothers and sisters standing in front of you are the descendants of the Tang family in Xixi City, the flesh and blood of Bai Qianqian and Lord Tang..."

【That's all for today, and we'll continue tomorrow. You kept everyone waiting for a long time, and Junjun slipped away in shame. 】

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