Ji Sheng was shocked, his mouth opened wide, "What? They are the children of Prince Tang?"

As a Jianghu person, it is impossible not to know Tang Youhao's name.

That is the No. 1 player who is invincible all over the world.

Even the former martial arts leader was defeated in his hands.

But his sphere of influence is in the martial arts of the Central Plains, and he does not set foot in this area. [

How did his children come here?

And caused so much trouble?

He stared at the little girl brother and sister from side to side, the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

The appearance is extraordinary, the handsomeness is unusual, and the nobility between the brows is compelling.

Too bad, why didn't he find out last time?

However, the humiliation of being defeated by Xiaoya subsided a lot inexplicably. It turned out that she was not an unknown junior, but the daughter of Prince Tang and Bai Qianqian. Her parents were unparalleled experts in the world, and their daughter was of course also amazing.

It's not too shameful to lose at her hands.

Tang Juanyi stared at him closely, with a warm and gentle smile, "Exactly, Sister She offended Senior somehow, please see it for the sake of my parents, and don't be so fussy with her."

No one can escape under the cannon in red.

Even if he wanted to capture him, the distance was uncertain and unlikely.

Ji Sheng's expression was very complicated, and he struggled for a long time, as if he was struggling with something.

Eldest Young Master Tang laughed loudly, "If you let your younger sister go, all of us in the Tang family will be grateful for your kindness, and we will definitely repay you in the future. We, the Tang family, always keep our word..."

Jisheng struggled more and more, but a look of determination soon appeared on his face.

"I don't want to fight against the Tang family either, but it's too late. I'll give you two options. One, die together, or two, send Bai Xiaoya here."

The little girl frowned. It seemed that this person was determined to win her. What good thing did she do to make him miss her so much?

Young Master Tang was startled, and with a straight face, he said coldly, "I have to say, you are very courageous."

How dare you go against the Tang family? I'm really tired of it!

Anyone who dares to hurt the Tang family in this world will go to hell!

Jisheng's eyes shrank, and he decided to fight, "I'll count to three, if I don't hand in any more, I'll send you to the west together. One, two..."

He was already riding a tiger, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk on.

In his heart, he sprayed the bloody scolding of that person, and did not inquire about the situation, so he acted rashly, which made him miserable.

Is the Bai family easy to provoke?

What should we do if we use all the strength of the whole family to attack?

Everyone present stopped breathing, sweating profusely from tension.

Even the well-informed and well-informed old man Tie was at a loss as to what to do for a while, and was extremely anxious.

Tang Juanyi subconsciously blocked Xiaoya, and at the same time, Zhuo Ran pulled Xiaoya behind to protect her.

Xiaoya looked at the two men in a daze, her eyes became hot, and her blood rushed upwards.

This is her brother!

This is the man she likes!

With strength from nowhere, she rushed past the two and rushed out, "That's enough, I'll go with you."

Zhuo Ran's face changed, and he stretched out his hand hastily, but didn't grab her, "Little girl."

"Impossible." Tang Juanyi jumped up anxiously, brat, what kind of hero do you want her to be, when big men like them are dead.

stupid one.

The little girl didn't dare to look back, fearing that tears would flow down when she saw it, so she lifted her chin and said proudly, "Let's go."

What are you afraid of? Since ancient times, no one has died in life?

Even if it is to die, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just... I can't bear to part with my parents, and those who love her.

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