But if her brother and Zhuo Ran were harmed because of her, that was the last thing she wanted to see.

I would rather die myself than let them live well.

Everyone stared at her in a daze, fearless and calm, she exuded a dazzling light all over her body, and her young face was so beautiful and dazzling that people couldn't turn their eyes away.

It turns out that girls can also be so brave and strong, not losing the courage of boys.

In contrast, many sons and daughters of the Tie family paled in comparison. [

Old Man Tie sighed deeply, this is the daughter of the Tang family, she has an extraordinary bearing and superhuman courage.

This is something his children and grandchildren did not have.

Is this the merit of the mentor's teaching?

Tie Zhongtang looked around at the many children under his knees, seeing that they had different expressions, but none of them had such courage, so he couldn't help but want to sigh.

Except for the eldest son, no one else could face such a powerful enemy calmly.

People are more than people, it's really maddening.

Zhuo Ran didn't care to think about other people's thoughts, and stared at Xiaoya in a daze, his eyes became hot.

Silly girl, why are you so stupid?

He is a man, he should protect her, why should she protect herself?

Ji Sheng was stunned for a long time, then waved his hand, "Let's go."

He had no choice but to bear it to the end.

No matter how powerful the Tang and Bai families are, this is not their territory.

Besides, Bai Xiaoya is the best threat weapon in hand, who dares to act recklessly?

Tang Juanyi was very anxious and chased after him, "Wait a minute."

Zhuo Ran moved, rushed in front of him, and shouted hastily, "Little girl, I'll go with you."

Live or die together!

Life and death go hand in hand, never give up!

The little girl looked back and shook her head with tears in her eyes, "Brother Zhuoran, don't go, I'll be fine."

The person they want is her, she can't hide behind others, ignore them, and be a shrinking turtle. [

Fight her own battle.

Under the turmoil of Zhuo Ran's mood, he blurted out the words that were suppressed in his heart, "Fool, if you have something to do, can I still live alone?"

He was a person who disregarded the rules of the world, and he didn't blush or feel ashamed when he said such a thing in public.

It would be absolutely impossible for him to watch Xiaoya leave with these villains.

Everyone was in an uproar, he is a big man, how could he say such a thing?

What does it mean not to live alone?

Isn't this a woman's idea?

Tie Zhuoran is the young master of the Tie family, the future heir, how could he think so?

Aren't you afraid that there will be a shortage of women in the future?

But some women are secretly envious of Xiaoya, it's worth it to have such a man who loves her so much.

The little girl had all kinds of feelings in her heart, both sour and sweet, tears welled up in her eyes, and she was so excited that she couldn't speak.

This time, she did not choose the wrong person.

Tang Juanyi took a deep look at him, feeling a little strange, "I'll go too."

The little girl was in a hurry, and stared at him fiercely, "Brother, why are you joining in the fun? This is not a good thing, so don't argue with me."

My elder brother is the only child in the family, so nothing will happen to him.

If something happened to her, at least there would be him, so her parents wouldn't be too sad.

Tang Juanyi stared back angrily, "If my parents know that I won't follow at this time, they will kill me. For the sake of my life, of course I will go."

In the face of life and death, how could he let his weak little sister carry it alone?

He raised his head and looked at Jisheng coldly, "Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, the members of the Tang family will not back down."

Dare to play Xiaoya's idea, so courageous.

Let him taste his power.

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