The little girl was greatly moved, with tears in her eyes, "Brother, brother Zhuo Ran, you..."

I feel so lucky to have such a family and lover.

Zhuo Ran looked at her affectionately, with tenderness and sweetness in it, "I once promised you that I would grow old with you and have a lovely child, how dare I break my promise?"

He hasn't married her yet, and hasn't had a baby yet, so how could he let her die alone?

The corners of Tang Juanyi's mouth twitched. It's fine for the two of them to make a private contract for life, and they're talking about children? [

That's fast enough!

Tie Zhuoran's hands and feet are fast enough, he is very good at deceiving little girls.

Facing her brother's teasing gaze, the little girl blushed, "You..."

This guy doesn't look at the occasion, so many people are watching, especially when his brother is present, he doesn't care about their affairs in the first place.

Unexpectedly, Tang Juanyi showed admiration in his eyes, and nodded slightly, "Tie Zhuoran, it's the first time I think you are very pleasing to the eye."

In the past, this kid often looked at the little girl with coveting eyes like a wolf, but he didn't dare to go forward to show his heart, and the way he cowered was really annoying.

Sometimes I can't wait to punch him, hum, can his girl look around?

This time, he saw the kid's sincerity, without any adulteration.

Zhuo Ran was overjoyed, a little flattered, "Brother-in-law is absurd."

Tang Juanyi rolled his eyes, "Don't bark, my words don't mean you are qualified to be my brother-in-law."

How could he be called brother-in-law for a guy who is so close to his feet?

But I have to admit that he really cares about Xiaoya.

This is the most commendable place, much better than Prince Mu.

Zhuo Ran was a little disappointed, but quickly cheered up, and said cheerfully, "Then we will wait and see."

Anyway, this big brother has softened, and given time, he will be taken down sooner or later.

"Are you finished?" Ji Sheng was very annoyed, "Shut up, it's really strange that there are still people scrambling to die."

Tang Juanyi smiled slightly, with condescending contempt and disdain in his smile.

"Since your head is bald and hairless, Xiao Wang forgives your shallowness and ignorance."

Ji Sheng was so mad that he was so mad. [

Sure enough, they are brothers and sisters, with poisonous tongues inherited in the same strain.

When it comes to speaking, it can make the living angry to death, and the dead angry to live.

The little girl laughed loudly, and boasted with a thumbs up, "Brother, you are so generous this time."

A smile flashed in Tang Juanyi's eyes, "I can't argue with someone who has never seen the world, it's a waste of value."

When it comes to poisonous tongue, Bai Qianqian is a master.

Their siblings just inherited that from her.

It is far inferior to Niangqin.

Xiaoya nodded very well-behaved and taught, "It makes sense, but my brother is smarter than Xiaoya."

The two teamed up together and cooperated tacitly, which just made the dull atmosphere lively.

It's like going to a fun banquet instead of a life-and-death appointment.

Relaxed and free, talking and laughing, with a bright smile, and a very happy look.

Ji Sheng collapsed on the spot, trembling all over with anger, his face flushed, his blood churning, "You..."

One Bai Xiaoya is strong enough, and Tang Juanyi is enough to drive people crazy.

Before he could finish speaking, the little girl raised her jade hand and pointed to his nose arrogantly to give an order.

"Lao Jizi, lead the way, and this princess will drive."

Countless people were shaken to the ground, Lao Jizi?The name of the old eunuch!

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