Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 13 Revenge, untie the knot

Ever since Liang Tian broke up with Dongfang Ruyun and left at the hotel, he always felt that the hatred in his heart was about to explode.Liang Tian couldn't find the reason for the incident, so he teleported back to his room, sat down cross-legged and analyzed to see what was going on.

In Liang Tian's own sea of ​​consciousness, the memories of five years ago appeared in front of Liang Tian's eyes over and over again.Like a movie, after an hour passed like this.Liang Tian's sea of ​​consciousness was invaded by the demons he had accumulated for a long time, and scenes of sad events appeared before Liang Tian's eyes.After a while, something that made Liang Tian particularly angry suddenly appeared in Liang Tian's mind.That was when Liang Tian was traveling, he was kidnapped by two gangsters for no reason, and his ticket was torn apart.

Seeing this, Liang Tian's eyes became redder and redder, and now Liang Tian was completely occupied by demons.And suddenly a Hongmeng bead automatically flew out of the universe ring in Liang Tian's hand, flew into Liang Tian's eyebrows, and entered Liang Tian's sea of ​​consciousness.Suddenly bursts of strong light came out, and Liang Tian's consciousness gradually recovered under the strong light.So a physical battle began.After waking up, Liang Tian saw a person who looked very similar to him standing beside him; his eyes glowed with a bewitching red light, and Liang Tian realized that he was seeing such a scene.Excessive resentment, thus bringing out the inner demons.When Liang Tian's consciousness recovered, the light of the Hongmeng Pearl turned into a flash of light and flew into Liang Tian's dantian.Falling into the body of Liang Tian's Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul suddenly grew to twice its original size.

The heart demon seemed to feel that Liang Tian's consciousness had recovered, and those coquettish red eyes had seen Liang Tian's soul that was undergoing changes.I thought of the flashing light going towards Liang Tian's soul, just when he was in front of the soul.Liang Tian opened his eyes in the sea of ​​consciousness and dismissed that attack.He asked angrily: "Who are you, why did you attack me, and what is the purpose?" There was no emotion in the voice of the demon, and he said flatly: "A fool like you does not deserve to have this body." Liang Tian existed Asked: "Why, why did you do this." The demon replied: "Because you can't protect yourself and your dear ones. So you don't deserve to have this body." You have the right to self-match, let's fight!" After speaking, he directly attacked the heart demon's body, but Liang Tian's spell did not cause any harm to the heart demon's body.The demon smiled coldly and said, "You are me, I am you, if you hit me, you are still hitting yourself." Liang Tian seemed to have caught something, and slowly remembered the incident that he had dinner with Dongfang Ruyun at the hotel a few days ago , unconsciously laughed.

The demon seemed to feel something was wrong, and shouted: "What did you do to me? Why did you become so strong all of a sudden?" Liang Tian smiled and said: "Just now I remembered something very happy in the past, so I found out Your weakness. It turns out that you are the incarnation of my negative emotions, which is interesting. And besides having the same strength as me, what you lack is love. Well, I won’t say more, now you should disappear Be in my body!" After speaking, he waved his hand, and a flash of light flew into the body of the demon.Liang Tian's inner demon dared not roar, and slowly disappeared into the sea.

The inner demon has been dispelled, Liang Tian checked his own cultivation, and it was a blessing in disguise, breaking through from the early stage of the fourth layer of the Hongmeng Supreme Art to the middle stage of the fourth layer.After breaking through to the Holy Emperor directly in terms of cultivation base and realm, and the state of mind has also risen to the early stage of Tiansheng like a rocket. The universe under the feet of the Nascent Soul in Dantian is slowly forming. It used to be a gray area, but now there are many planets, probably There are about a hundred or so.After watching the cultivation base, Liang Tian's soul returned to his body.

Liang Tian slowly opened his eyes and murmured: "It's been five years, it's time to seek revenge on those two hooligans and murderers." After speaking, he scanned the whole country with his spiritual thoughts, and finally settled in a hotel in Guangzhou. I found the two rooms, the one named Brother Cheng and the one named Xiaoqiang.Since it was difficult to start in the hotel, Liang Tian had no choice but to give up this opportunity.

Liang Tian went to the bar to drink alone, and just sat there drinking.By the way, he released his spiritual thoughts to look for the two enemies who killed him before, to avenge himself and untie the knots in his heart for many years, otherwise his cultivation base and realm would not be able to improve a little bit.

Suddenly, the murderer who made Liang Tian angry was found in an office, and Liang Tian thought to himself: "It seems that these two guys have lived a good life after they robbed and killed me!" In addition to the two, there were three weak energies that could be felt.Liang Tian smiled and said: "It seems that this revenge operation has become more and more fun." He slowly disappeared into the hotel room.

Brother Cheng was in the office, slowly tasting the red wine. "Not bad! Live a leisurely life!" A familiar voice sounded in the office.Brother Cheng looked around and said tremblingly, "You, who are you?" "Oh, Brother Cheng, did you forget that I was the one you pushed off the cliff after being robbed and killed by you five years ago? Did you forget?" gone."

Liang Tian slowly appeared in front of Brother Cheng, and Brother Cheng exclaimed: "Are you a human or a ghost? Why are you here!" Liang Tian said with a smile: "Hehe, why am I here! Of course I'm here to take revenge Yes. You won't forget!" Liang Tian looked at Brother Cheng quietly.Brother Cheng immediately pleaded with Liang Tian: "Please don't kill me. I have an 80-year-old mother and a newborn son in my family. Please forgive me!" As he spoke, tears fell down.Hugging Liang Tian's thigh, he burst into tears.

When he took advantage of Liang Tian's carelessness, he took out a dagger from his body and stabbed Liang Tian.But he was disappointed, he was bounced far away before he reached Liang Tian's body by a centimeter.But he still didn't give up, pulled out a pistol from his body, and fired several shots at Liang Tian.As a result, the bullet stopped just as it flew in front of Liang Tian.He fell to the ground all of a sudden, and Brother Cheng immediately panicked.

He pressed the security alarm on the desk, but Liang Tian didn't leave. After a while, a group of people entered the office.Liang Tian also found a few weak forces in it, which seemed to be from cultivators, and three middle-aged men walked out of a group of people.Liang Tian could tell their cultivation bases at a glance, the one at the head had the highest cultivation base, the peak cultivation base in the late Jindan period; the cultivation base of the one on the left was second, around the mid-Golden Egg stage; the lowest cultivation base was the one on the right That one is only at the early stage of Golden Core.The man in the lead asked Liang Tiandao: "Boy, what did you do to our chairman? As soon as he finished speaking, Liang Tian used the nine-day holy fire to directly burn it until there was no slag left.

Seeing that their eldest brother was killed, the two brothers were very angry, without saying a word, they directly summoned magic weapons and attacked Liang Tian.Liang Tian directly set off a handful of the Nine Heavens Holy Fire, and burned all the magic weapons of the two of them.The two were severely injured because of their souls, their throats were sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.In the end, he was burned to death by Liang Tian with the holy fire of the Nine Heavens, and disappeared from the universe.

Then he walked up to Brother Cheng who was already looking stupid, grabbed Brother Cheng's neck, and pulled his soul out of his body.Tormenting Brother Cheng's soul with the nine-day holy fire, only the screams of the soul can be heard.And that Xiaoqiang came in to see what was going on, and was burned to death by Liang Tian with the Nine Heavens Holy Fire.

Seeing that his enemy had been killed by him, Liang Tian immediately relaxed a lot.Just when he was relaxing, his state of mind suddenly rose from the late stage of Tiansheng to the late stage of Shengdi.This made Liang Tian very excited, and then disappeared into the office of the bar.Go back to your room to rest for a new day of work.

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