Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 14 Dongfang Ruyun's Birthday Party

Liang Tian avenged his revenge, untied the knot in his heart, and eliminated the demons in his heart.Going back to the hotel room happily and excitedly, he closed the door and entered the Qiankun Ring to consolidate his cultivation.An hour later, Liang Tian came out of the room.The previous aura was gone, and he looked like an ordinary person. Standing in the crowd, it was difficult to find him, and he became completely like an ordinary person.

Liang Tian was drinking red wine leisurely in the hotel, when suddenly the bell rang.Liang Tian took out the phone to have a look, and thought to himself: "So it's Dongfang Ruyun calling, I don't know what it is." So he connected the phone, "Hey, Miss Dongfang, what can I do for you?" Liang Tian teased Dongfang Ru Yundao on the phone. "My big star, are you busy recently?" Dongfang Ruyun asked. "Not busy, is there anything?" Liang Tian replied. "Oh, it's my birthday in a few days and I just invited you to attend." Dongfang Ruyun said shyly.Because it was the first time he sent an invitation to Liang Tian, ​​his face turned red. "Oh, that's good. I'll be there on time. See you then." Liang Tian said. "Well, we'll see you there then, bye." Dongfang Ruyun hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Liang Tian also hung up the phone, let out a sigh of relief, and recovered his mood; he started the rehearsal for his national tour concert again.

The second stop of the national tour concert has come to an end today.Liang Tian dragged his tired body back to rest.He didn't get up until five o'clock the next night. Liang Tian didn't have any announcements or event notifications, so he suddenly thought: "Oh my god, isn't today Dongfang Ruyun's birthday? I promised Dongfang Ruyun will be on time, but I'm almost late "Suddenly Dongfang Ruyun called and urged: "Damn Liang Tian, ​​have you arrived yet! It's almost seven o'clock, and the banquet will start soon." Liang Tian said apologetically: "Okay, I'll be right there, give me 5 minutes." "Well, if you don't make it in 5 minutes, you will die in the future." Dongfang Ruyun said fiercely on the phone.

Liang Tian originally wanted to teleport there, but it was too shocking.He gave up this idea, and suddenly Liang Tian recalled that when he was refining weapons, he practiced many cars.So he said triumphantly: "That's right, don't I have a car with many artifacts? It can be used to drive." Liang Tian will do it as he says, this is his principle.

Liang Tian came to the side of the road, waved his hand, and a miniature version of a limited edition top-level artifact car appeared in the palm of his hand.Liang Tian shielded the aura on the artifact, so as not to cause trouble for himself.The car made of artifacts on the road grew slowly until it was the same size as a limousine and then stopped.Liang Tian changed the Dao Qi casual clothes into a unique evening dress in the world, opened the car door, and got in the car.Using his divine sense, he locked the location of the Dongfang Manor, and drove towards the direction of the Dongfang Family.

When we arrived at the gate of the Dongfang family, we waved to the security guard at the gate and told them to come over and help park the car.The security guard at the gate was used to seeing BMWs and Mercedes-Benz, but he had never seen such a car driven by Liang Tian. He thought to himself: "It must be the young master of that family, showing off with his new car. If I offend him, I can't afford it." !" So he obediently drove Liang Tian's luxury car to the parking lot and parked it.

When Liang Tian just arrived at the gate, when Liang Tian was about to take a step in, the security guard at the gate stopped Liang Tian and said seriously, "Excuse me, do you have an invitation card?" Liang Tian touched his pocket, embarrassed Said: "Um, no." "I'm sorry sir, today is Miss San's birthday party, and you can't enter without an invitation." The security guard said with contemptuous eyes on Liang Tian.

Liang Tian walked out 50 meters away from the manor, took out his mobile phone and dialed Dongfang Ruyun. "What's wrong, Xiaotian." Dongfang Ruyun asked.Liang Tianze said helplessly: "My eldest lady, you asked me to come to your birthday party, and you didn't even give me an invitation card. As a result, I couldn't go in when I came." "Okay, where are you? I'll go out to pick you up." Dongfang Ruyun couldn't help laughing. "I'm right in front of your house, come out quickly!" Liang Tian said helplessly.

After a while, the door of Dongfang Homeland opened.A beautiful girl came out of it, this girl was Dongfang Ruyun, she ran over and grabbed Liang Tian's hand and said, "Xiaotian, you are here. Please come in." Dongfang Ruyun walked in front, Liang Tian followed In the back, looked at the surrounding scenery.

In Dongfang Manor, there are trees on both sides of the road, and a few villas can be vaguely seen in the middle.Liang Tian followed Dongfang Ruyun and let go of his spiritual thoughts.All the scenery of Dongfang Manor appeared in Liang Tian's mind. It turns out that Dongfang Manor covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, with more than a dozen villas and several large swimming pools.In addition to these, there is a protective formation around, Liang Tian checked it out of curiosity.It turned out that the formation was formed by masters of the Mahayana stage and cultivators below the tribulation stage, who could never get out after entering.

After Dongfang Ruyun brought Liang Tian to the lobby, he left on his own.Slowly, more and more guests came to participate in Dongfang Ruyun, Liang Tian had no choice but to find a seat in the corner, sat down and drank the wine.

After a while, the congratulatory guests arrived.The first one to arrive was the Ximen family, one of the four major families, and the current head of the family is Ximen Yuqiang.Seeing a middle-aged man and a young man standing outside the door, Patriarch Dongfang greeted them immediately.Greeted: "Brother Ximen, why don't you come in when you're here!" Ximen Yuqiang's old face blushed, and quickly said: "Brother Dongfang's baby girl celebrates her birthday, how can I not come as an uncle?" Dongfang Yunxiang After saying a few polite words, he made a gesture of please.The two entered the gate, Dongfang Yunxiang greeted Ximen Yuqiang for a while, and then went to another one to set off.

After a while, many famous people and disciples of the four major ancient martial arts families came to the Oriental House.Even the four major cultivation families sent people to congratulate them. The four major cultivation families are: Long family, Liang family, Li family and Huang family.Among the four major cultivation families, the head of the Long family has the highest cultivation level. Long Yun, the head of the Long family, is at the early Yuanying stage, followed by Liang Batian, the head of the Liang family, whose cultivation is hovering at the peak of the late Jindan stage.As long as there is an opportunity, one can break through the Nascent Soul stage and achieve the effect of immortality.The strength of the latter two Patriarchs is at the peak and mid-term of Jindan, so they can only be ranked No.3 and No.4.

"It seems that everyone is here. Now the banquet is officially starting. Thank you all for coming to my little girl's birthday banquet. Dongfang is very grateful to everyone here. Please go ahead." Dongfang Xiangyun left after finishing a series of opening remarks. Come off the stage.After a while, a girl as beautiful as a fairy came down from upstairs. This is tonight's protagonist, Dongfang Ruyun.Many boys present looked straight at Dongfang Ruyun's body, and even a few disciples from the family showed Brother Zhu's appearance, making their mouths water.Even Liang Tian, ​​who is a saint, couldn't help but take a look.Because Dongfang Ruyun was so beautiful tonight, when everyone was admiring the beauty, a person broke the peace at this moment.

This person is Ximen Jianhuo. Ximen Jianhuo saw Dongfang Ruyun's beauty, so he went up to show his hospitality and said, "Ruyun, this is the Foundation Establishment Pill I gave you, I hope you take it well." Everyone gasped. Cool, Ximen Jianhuo's eyes flashed an obscene light after he finished speaking, but it just passed by, and Liang Tian happened to see it.All the family disciples who came to the banquet gave gifts, and these were priceless treasures.

Liang Tian was the only one who hadn't sent it off yet, and everyone turned their attention to Liang Tian who was sitting in the corner.Not only did Liang Tian's face turn red, he said embarrassedly, "Why are you looking at me like that! Is there something on my face?" Everyone shook their heads.Suddenly Ximen Jianhuo jumped out and pointed at Liang Tian and said: "You poor boy, we all gave gifts, what about yours?" Liang Tian said indifferently: "I haven't thought of what to give this." He smiled and said, "I think it's not that you haven't thought about what to give, but that you have nothing to give." Liang Tian saw Ximen Jianhuo's appearance, and had the urge to go up and beat him up, but finally held back.

Liang Tian didn't even look at Ximen Jianhuo, he just ignored him.Going to Dongfang Ruyun, he said: "Today is your birthday party, and I can't think of what to give for a moment. Let's do this! This set of rubbish works and these pills are also given to you, so you can just use them." I'll give you some good ones later, you know?" Liang Tian waved his hand, and a set of female artifact suits and several bottles of pills appeared in front of Dongfang Ruyun.

At this time, Ximen Jianhuo jumped out and pointed at Liang Tian and said, "Isn't it just a rotten magic weapon! I have a lot of them in my house. You can see that all I wear are magic weapons. Envy me!" Suddenly a person tremblingly said: "Yes, it's a divine weapon, a divine weapon! It's the first time I've seen it." After hearing the man's words, everyone turned their heads and set their eyes on Dongfang Ruyun's magic weapon.

Liang Tian brought the shocked Dongfang Ruyun back to reality, knocked her on the head and said, "If you have obtained the divine weapon, don't hurry up to refine it. Don't you want someone to snatch your divine weapon to make you happy!" Send out an aura to press on everyone.Those family disciples with greedy eyes immediately looked away.

Only then did Dongfang Xiangyun come to his senses, and asked suspiciously: "Senior, are you really going to give these artifacts to my daughter?" Liang Tian said impatiently: "Nonsense, don't you give it to her? Here it is! Besides, he is my friend, is it wrong for me to give her a birthday present?"

When Ximen Jianhuo heard that it was a divine weapon, he immediately lost his temper, and his hatred for Liang Tian increased a bit.Liang Tian looked at Ximen Jianhuo's appearance of wanting to eat people, shook his head and ran to an inconspicuous corner to drink.

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