Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 21 Chinese Dragon Group

In a mysterious place in China, a desirable place.That is Zhongnanhai, which is the place where the emperors of all dynasties worked, and it is also the place where the modern chairman works and lives.In fact, there is a little-known organization here, a secret that has been kept for hundreds of years.That is the dragon group, a group composed of warlocks with strange skills.Hiding in a secret base not far from Zhongnanhai 100 kilometers away, these people generally don't go out.As soon as some supernatural things happened, they sent people down to investigate.

Liang Tian's arrogance in the university's dining hall has already shocked everyone in the dragon group.Especially the leader of the dragon group, who was just in the process of cultivation, when he was just immersed in the cultivation, a powerful momentum woke up the leader of the dragon group.The leader of the dragon group immediately ended the retreat, and immediately notified all the members of the dragon group to discuss matters.

The leader of the dragon team is Qin Yusheng, who was a street boy two thousand years ago.Later, I met a casual cultivator by chance, and then worshiped that casual cultivator as my teacher.Fortunately, his aptitude is quite good. In 50 years, he has reached the late stage of Bigu.Such a fast result made the loose cultivator very satisfied.But the good times didn't last long. Hundreds of years later, his casual cultivator reached the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, and it was time for him to ascend to the immortal world.Because his master was not in a good state of mind, when he was crossing the catastrophe, he was unfortunately struck by the lightning of the catastrophe.

When Qin Yusheng saw his master crossing the catastrophe, unfortunately, he was hacked to death.First he cried a few times, and then he heard an explanation from a senior, so he immediately retreated to practice.It was not until the Eight-Power Allied Forces attacked China that Qin Yusheng came out to help.It wasn't until the invading army was driven away that Qin Yusheng began to practice in closed doors with peace of mind.

Qin Yu was born into seclusion, and it lasted for ten years, ten years later.Qin Yusheng left the customs again, and this time was also very unfortunate. When he came out, he had just encountered the Japanese invasion of China.An angry Qin Yusheng saw the Japanese devils brutally murdering his descendants and compatriots, and angrily wiped out more than half of those Japanese ninjas.The strength of those ninjas was around the golden core stage, and Qin Yusheng, who happened to be in the Nascent Soul stage, wiped out those ninjas with a wave of his hand.

The original team leader of the Chinese dragon team saw a master fighting against the Japanese devils, so he wanted to win him over.When Qin Yusheng came back after killing those ninjas, the team leader went to talk to Qin Yusheng.But what the other team leader didn't expect was that Qin Yusheng agreed so readily.The group leader was very grateful to Qin Yusheng, so he made him a captain in the group.

During his tenure as the captain, Qin Yusheng made great achievements in battle many times.The team leader wanted to talk to him about raising his position many times.Qin Yusheng always shirks because of cultivation and lack of time.When the team leader pestered him for many times, Qin Yu got angry and started to retreat and practice.

When he left the customs ten years later, his cultivation had already reached the middle stage of leaving his body.This made the original dragon group leader look at Qin Yusheng with admiration, and the group leader almost jumped up for joy.So when I felt it was time to abdicate, I gave up the position of team leader to Qin Yusheng.

When Liang Tian was showing his momentum in the cafeteria, Qin Yusheng was thinking about how to win over this master.After much deliberation, there was still nothing to do in the end, and in the end, he had no choice but to invite five elders to go out to discuss this matter.The door of the secret room trembled, and five white-haired old men came out of the secret room.He said to Qin Yusheng: "Hello, team leader." Qin Yusheng replied, "Hello, elder." Qin Yusheng motioned for the five elders to sit down. Seeing Qin Yusheng's eyes, the five elders immediately understood what he meant.So he sat on the stool with a smile and pulled up the homework.

When the five elders were doing their homework, Qin Yusheng's voice came to mind and said, "Elder Jin, tell me who made the momentum today." Elder Jin stood up and said, "According to this old man, The person who emits this kind of momentum must be a master, and he must be a master above the Mahayana stage." After speaking, he sat on the chair.

Qin Yusheng saw that the other elder seemed to have something to say, so he asked, "Elder Mu, do you have anything to say? Just say it! Why hesitate." The elder Mu heard When the team leader wanted to express his opinion, he stood up and said: "In my opinion, it is indeed the arrogance of a master in the Mahayana stage. Just now, I couldn't breathe because of this aura."

At this time, Qin Yusheng said again: "In our country, there is such a master of the Mahayana period. Then is there any way to attract him to us and use it for us? Please think about it, elders." At this time, an elder said : "Then I'll send someone to check his information." After saying that, he disappeared into the office.

These five elders were originally five casual cultivators, and once again joined the dragon group by chance.The first one is Elder Huo, whose cultivation is in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe; the second is Elder Shui; Fourth is Elder Jin, whose cultivation is in the early stage of fusion; fifth is Elder Tu, who is also the lowest in cultivation, and his cultivation is in the late stage of distraction.

Qin Yusheng discussed with several elders for a long time, but he had no choice but to adjourn the meeting.

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