This day was also Liang Tian's class time.After class, they went to the food stall and drank beer.After drinking a few glasses, Qi Fei and Liu Fei fell to the ground in less than three bottles.When Liang Tian saw them drunk, he felt amused.On the other hand, Rui Yi had a better drinking capacity, but when he finished the fifth bottle, he finally couldn't help the alcohol burning in his body, and he fell to the ground gloriously.

Seeing that they were all drunk, Liang Tian shook his head helplessly.So they moved back one by one like dead people, and went to the dormitory.Liang Tian slowly carried these Liu Feis who were sleeping disorderly onto the bed.When Liang Tian carried them to the bed, Qi Fei was still muttering: "Come on girl, let me give you a kiss." Liang Tian was so frightened that he let go of his hand when he saw Qi Fei like this. With a sound of "Peng", Qi Fei fell heavily to the floor.Only hearing his painful groans, Liang Tian helplessly helped him back to the bed.After Liang Tian finished all the work.

Reluctantly, she went into the bathroom to take a shower, and a basin of cold water poured over Liang Tian's body from head to toe.Only in this way, Liang Tian felt refreshed.After taking a bath, Liang Tian comfortably climbed onto the bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning was a sunny day.The gentle sunlight shot into the dormitory where Liang Tian and the others lived, because Rui slept very close to the window.Whenever the sun shines brightly, he is always the first to shine.Just this matter made Rui Rui very depressed.

After a while, a bell rang suddenly.Liang Tian got up to wash up at the fastest speed, as fast as a world-class athlete.After washing, I saw Qi Fei and these lazy pigs still sound asleep.So he said into their ears: "Wake up, your mother will tell you to go home for dinner." Qi Fei and the others jumped up as if they wanted to beat chicken blood when they heard the word "eat". "Dinner is ready, where is it, where is it?" Liu Fei, who was sleeping in a daze, said.When Liang Tian saw this living treasure, he was not only amused.

"You lazy pigs haven't gotten up yet! When the time comes and you are punished for being late, don't blame me for not reminding you." Who knows, Liu Fei and the others who were lying on the bed heard this sentence.Get up as soon as you jump, and start grabbing the toilet when you get up.After this episode, Liang Tian and the others immediately went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

When Liang Tian and the others sat down to eat breakfast, they happened to bump into Dongfang Ruyun who had just had breakfast.Since there was no Ximen Jianhuo to make trouble, Liang Tian and the others had a very pleasant meal.After finishing breakfast, Liang Tian and the others began to walk slowly towards the classroom.As soon as Liang Tian stepped into the classroom, the class bell rang.

However, Liang Tian's class was just halfway through the class when a security guard rushed in.Came to Liang Tian's place and said to Liang Tian: "Xiao Tian, ​​someone called you outside." Liang Tian replied: "Then do you know who is looking for me?" The security guard scratched his head and replied: "I don't know, But judging by the clothes they are wearing, they must have been sent by the boss to look for you." The security guard was right.They were really sent down from above. These people are not as simple as those deputies to the National People's Congress.They are members of a secret organization known as the Chinese Dragon Group.

When Liang Tian heard the name, he kept thinking in his heart: Who is this mysterious organization group called Dragon Group?Oh well!Let's go and have a look first.Liang Tian made up his mind, turned his head and said to the security guard, "Okay then, tell them to wait for me, and I'll go find them after class. I'm a good student, and I won't miss class." Liang Tian is still shameless With a smile, all the students present felt the chill all over their bodies, and couldn't help shivering.

Liang Tian's words made several members of the dragon group wait for him outside.One of the members said: "What kind of attitude is this! Seeing that we didn't pick up when we came here, it's unreasonable!" And the partner on the side persuaded: "Okay, don't talk about it!" Be careful to let that senior know, if you get angry, we will be in trouble." His partner said that he had nothing to say, so he had to sulk on the sidelines.

Under the waiting of the super long endurance of the dragon group, Liang Tian also started to dismiss the get out of class.Liang Tian hurriedly ran to the place where the young members of the dragon group were. "What is the matter with me, everyone!" Several members of the dragon team heard the voice, but no one was seen. "Hey, here it is!" Liang Tian patted the shoulders of several members of the Dragon Team from behind and said.

Several young members of the dragon group turned around in surprise, and a living person patted their shoulders behind them one by one, but they didn't even know it.If someone tried to kill them, they would definitely have died hundreds of times.

Liang Tian came to the playground and saw several young people standing there together.So out of curiosity, I went up to say hello.So there was the front, and that scene happened.

The members of the dragon group saw Liang Tian and bowed slightly to him.They said in unison: "Qian Rui, a member of the dragon group, pays respects to senior." Liang Tian saw that he was so polite, after all, in this world, the strong are respected.Not only in the realm of comprehension, but everywhere, the strong are respected.As long as you have strength, money and beauty are easy for you.

After greeting Liang Tian, ​​several members of the dragon team took a good look at Liang Tianzhen personally.While both sides were silent, the members of the dragon team also looked at Liang Tian quietly.When the member Qian Rui was massaging Liang Tian, ​​he found that Liang Tian's body didn't fluctuate at all.How could Qian Rui think that Liang Tian had already reached the peak of Shengzun's late stage.The Saint Yuan Power on his body has been used very skillfully, and now it seems that Liang Tian has long since returned to his innocence, making him feel like an ordinary person.Seeing his cultivation in the mid-stage of Golden Core, Qian Rui couldn't see through Liang Tian's cultivation.He even felt that Liang Tian was like an ordinary person, without any fluctuation of true energy in his body.Could it be that he is already a fairy? If he is offended, the consequences will be very serious, and he may be wiped out.Qian Rui quickly dismissed this idea.

When the two parties were in awkwardness, Qian Rui said at this time: "Senior, the arrogance of the past few days should be from you!" Liang Tian glanced at Qian Rui lightly, and replied: "Then do you suspect that there is something wrong?" Is it true that the treasure was born?" Qian Rui and the others trembled when they heard Liang Tian's words.He quickly replied: "We didn't think so. We just heard what the elders said was the aura of a master, so we were sent here. We didn't mean to doubt the senior." Liang Tian saw Qian Rui's words When I was there, there was still sweat on my forehead, and I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Liang Tian smiling, Qian Rui patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief.Liang Tian at the side saw his own test, they had already passed.If Qian Rui knew that he was being pressured by Liang Tian and used it to test himself, I don't know what he would think.

Seeing that they had already passed, Liang Tian decided that it would not be difficult for them.So he said: "Actually, I already knew you were here when you came here. Then tell me! What is the purpose of coming to me today?" Liang Tian finally asked the question he wanted to ask them. .

Thinking of Liang Tian's coercion just now, Qian Rui still has lingering fears.He suddenly heard Liang Tian's question, and before his companion could answer, he answered first: "Actually, the elders sent us to look for that senior who gave off a terrifying aura, and now we have found it." Qian Rui finished speaking. When he said this sentence, he glanced at Liang Tian.He continued: "The next step is to let the seniors be the elders of our dragon group, and help our country get rid of some dark group "Akatsuki". This group is all ninjas who escaped from the four major ninja villages in Japan and some new; The Onmyoji, now called psychics, is composed of psychics. They specialize in sowing dissension between countries, and even the Anti-Japanese War 70 years ago was instigated by this mysterious group.”

After Liang Tian heard these words, he was forced to leave the house because of this mysterious group.In Liang Tian's mind, the mysterious group "Xiao" had already been blacklisted.

Liang Tian didn't think much about the conditions that Qian Rui said just now, so he readily agreed.When Qian Rui and the others heard that Liang Tian had agreed, they jumped up excitedly.If any master agreed to join his organization, it would be abnormal for him to be unhappy, so the number of elders in the dragon group increased from the original five to six.The leader of the dragon team is so excited!

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