Liang Tian stayed at the Kunlun School for several days and was warmly received by Ling Huanzi.After a few days, Liang Tian expressed his intention to leave to Ling Huanzi.Ling Huanzi respected them as an elder Qing Ke very much, so he readily agreed. Seeing that his ancestors had agreed to Liang Tian's departure, the leader Qi Huanzi agreed without thinking about it.When Liang Tian left, he gave them more than a dozen spiritual artifacts, and the elders all laughed when they saw it.

After Liang Tian bid farewell to everyone in the Kunlun Sect, he and Xiaojun walked down the path from Kunlun Mountain slowly.On the way, he asked Xiaojun, "Xiaojun, should we buy a villa now?" Xiaojun looked at Liang Tian incomprehensibly and asked, "Boss, why do you think so? live at home!"

After Liang Tian heard Xiaojun's words, he just smiled and said: "I really don't want to trouble my family, because I fly all over the place to participate in performances and filming, so I don't have time to be with my family, so let's go buy a pair now." A villa." Xiaojun looked at Liang Tian with doubts on his face and asked: "Boss, don't you have many villas in your family? Why do you still need to buy them!" After hearing Xiaojun's words, Liang Tian said impatiently: " Our family does have many villas, but those properties are all earned by my parents. But I don’t want to use their money, and I don’t want to be an old man who only spends my family’s money for the rest of my life. I I just want to get what I want through my own efforts.”

After Xiaojun heard Liang Tian's words, he said, "Boss, we don't seem to have any money. What are we going to get to the villa?" Liang Tian saw Xiaojun's worry, so he took out a diamond card from the Qiankun ring, Xiaojun said: "Xiaojun, look at what this is?" When Xiaojun saw Liang Tian took out the diamond card, he looked at Liang Tian with suspicious eyes and said, "Boss, why do you have the only one in the world?" Issuing [-] diamond cards! You won’t tell me that you are going to blackmail the chairman of a certain group!”

When Liang Tian heard Xiao Jun's words, he gave Xiao Jun a slap in the face, and then said: "Do you think I am such a person, your boss? How should I do such a bad thing? I am Civilized people." Xiaojun asked again at this time: "Then where did you get this card, it seems that our appearance fee for each performance is only 10,000+!" Liang Tian listened to Xiaojun's question , replied: "I got this card from a company boss. That boss is not a chairman, but a mere general manager." When Xiaojun heard Liang Tian's reply, he was very upset. Said: "Isn't it just stealing other people's money, and saying so many truths, hypocrisy."

Liang Tian didn't care when he heard Xiaojun talking to himself, and directly filtered these words.So he quietly said to Xiaojun: "Xiaojun, boss, I will tell you a secret." Xiaojun asked excitedly: "Boss, what is the secret! Could it be that you tricked a certain crush into bed Let's go!" Liang Tian looked at Xiao Jun with resentful eyes and said, "Your boss is the kind of person you think!" Xiao Jun was afraid that Liang Tian would get angry, so he said in aggrieved way: "No, no, boss, you have Tell me any secrets!"

After Liang Tian heard Xiaojun's begging for mercy, he said, "The secret is, your boss, I am the chairman of that Tianyu Media Group." It’s long! What’s so strange, I haven’t seen it before!” After Xiaojun finished speaking, he suddenly reflected: “You just said that you are the chairman of Tianyu Media Group, I heard you right! Liang Tian nodded and said, "Indeed, you heard me right, I am the chairman of Tianyu Media Group." After hearing this, Xiao Jun jumped up excitedly.

Liang Tian and Xiaojun were chatting while walking, and walked to the city center unknowingly.When Liang Tian saw it, he knew that he had come to the city center.So he said to Xiaojun: "Xiaojun, we have come to the city center of Beijing, let's go to the real estate to look at the villas! If there is a suitable one, we can buy it." After finishing speaking, the two found a large-scale largest real estate company.

Liang Tian and the others walked slowly through the streets of Beijing. An hour later, they finally found a large-scale real estate company, so they walked in excitedly.

Liang Tian and the others walked into the sales hall, and a pretty waitress said to Liang Tian and the others: "Two gentlemen, can I help you?" Liang Tian heard what the sales lady said. , and said to the sales lady: "Miss, do you have villas for sale here?" The sales lady replied: "Yes, I don't know how many square meters of villas you want, sir." What kind of villas are there?"

After hearing Liang Tian's words, the sales lady smiled slightly and said: "We have small-sized villas here, the price is around 500 million, medium-sized villas, the price is around 1000 million, and large-sized villas, the price is 2000." About ten thousand." Liang Tian asked again: "Miss, do you only have these villas?" After hearing Liang Tian's words, the lady said in a panic: "We also have some super-large villas here, with an area of ​​about 800 square meters. , the price is [-] million RMB."

When Liang Tian was about to swipe his card to pay, a discordant voice said, "I want to buy a villa even if I don't have money, you country bumpkin." Liang Tian turned around and saw a fat young man, so he asked, "Excuse me, sir. Did you hear a pig screaming just now!" The fat man was confused by Liang Tian's question, so he asked Liang Tian incomprehensibly, "Where did you say that was a pig just now?"

Liang Tian pointed straight at him and said, "No, it's right there, did you see that?" Seeing that Liang Tian was referring to him, the fat man said angrily, "You country bumpkin, you actually said that this beautiful boy like me is actually a pig? .Do you know who I am? I am Liao Xiaoqiang, the son of the director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, and the director of the Public Security Bureau is my father, are you afraid?" Liang Tian didn't listen to the fat boy at all, and said sarcastically: "Hey , It’s the little pig who came here today, I don’t know what kind of big pig in the police station it is.”

After finishing speaking, he said to the sales lady: "Miss, we want this villa near the sea." The lady asked Liang Tian, ​​"Sir, do you want to pay in cash or by card?" Liang Tian said lightly: "Swipe the card." After finishing speaking, he handed the diamond card to the sales lady.

After the dandy saw the diamond card in Liang Tian's hand, he just stayed there.Because he hit the iron plate this time, even his father doesn't have that much money.

After the sales lady took Liang Tian's card, she froze there after swiping the card.Because there is actually 100 billion US dollars in Liang Tian's diamond card, which was secretly deposited by Liu Yuntao without Liang Tian's knowledge.In this way, a small episode passed.Liang Tian also successfully purchased the villa.

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