Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 47 Meeting Ximen Jianhuo Again

After Liang Tian and Xiaojun finished buying the villa, they hurried to catch up with the next announcement.

On this day, Liang Tian didn't have any announcements or roles, so Liang Tian went to Dongfang's family to pick up Dongfang Ruyun to go shopping.Just when he was about to speak, Dongfang Ruyun quickly agreed.This made Liang Tian dazed, what he didn't expect was that Dongfang Ruyun readily agreed with him to go shopping.Dongfang Ruyun knew that Liang Tian asked him to go shopping, and he was very happy.So I went back to change clothes and prepared to go shopping. After an hour, Dongfang Ruyun walked out of the house slowly.

Liang Tian saw Dongfang Ruyun coming out, so he went up to him and said, "Ruyun, everything is ready, let's go!" Dongfang Ruyun nodded with a smile and said, "It's ready, we can go." Yun looked at the empty-handed Liang Tian and asked: "Where is your car? If you don't go by car, do you want us to go shopping on foot!" Liang Tian said with a smile: "It's rare that we don't have a job today, so let's go shopping on the street." Dongfang Ruyun looked at Liang Tian and said, "Don't you have any scenes to film today?" Liang Tian said with a smile: "I don't have any scenes to film today, and there is no announcement yet. Let's go back after playing crazy today, okay. "Dongfang Ruyun blushed and said: "You can play whatever you want."

At this time, Liang Tian suddenly grabbed Dongfang Ruyun's hand and said, "Come on, let's go shopping." After Liang Tian waved his hand, a Ferrari appeared in front of Dongfang Ruyun.Seeing Dongfang Ruyun stunned, Liang Tian said, "Let's go! Let's go shopping." After speaking, he dragged Dongfang Ruyun into the car.After Liang Tian got into the car, he pushed the accelerator to the maximum and galloped towards the commercial street in the city center at the fastest speed.

On a commercial street in Chaoyang District, Beijing, the only people who can come here are some family members.After Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun arrived at this commercial street, they parked their cars in the parking lot.Liang Tian didn't take back his car into the Qiankun ring this time, because he was afraid of avoiding unnecessary trouble, so he didn't take back the car.

After Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun got off the car, they rushed to the commercial street.When I arrived at the commercial street, there were exquisite goods everywhere. When Dongfang Ruyun saw the goods here, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Just when they were happiest shopping, a fan who knew Liang Tian said in shock: "Isn't this the star Liang Tian who released more than a dozen albums and dozens of movies as soon as he debuted five years ago? Why did he come here to shop?" Here we go. Let's go find him for an autograph." Instigated by this person, the fans all came to Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun.

Those who bypassed Dongfang Ruyun all crowded in front of Liang Tian, ​​and surrounded Liang Tian's escape route.The group shouted loudly: "Liang Tian, ​​please sign for us!" Liang Tian tried to evade it several times, but it didn't help, so he had no choice but to agree to their signature.

Dongfang Ruyun, who was left on the sidelines, said bitterly: "When I came to go shopping, I didn't know how to dress up. Now it's all right. It seems that I can't go shopping in this street."

Liang Tian was surrounded by fans in this October siege, with his speed of signing, after 1 minute, thousands of people's signatures were signed all at once.After signing the name, Liang Tian didn't dare to stay in the encirclement, and just ran away.

When Dongfang Ruyun was angry, Liang Tian finally escaped from his fan group.Dongfang Ruyun glared at Liang Tian and said, "When you came out, you didn't even dress up. It's all right now, it's been delayed for a minute." Liang Tian didn't want to be wordy here, so he directly pulled Dongfang Ruyun and walked away. up.

At this time, Liang Tian pulled Dongfang Ruyun and fled angrily to a place where there were not many people. He said out of breath, "Damn, this time I signed the most autographs. I'm exhausted." got there.

After a while, Dongfang Ruyun said: "Have you rested enough? I still have to go shopping!" Liang Tian suddenly sat up from the ground, and said with a smile: "I have rested, let's go!" Liang Tian said After saying these words, the two of them walked into every shop in a mighty manner.Every time they came out, Liang Tian had several bags of clothes on his shoulders.

When they came out with their own clothes, they walked slowly, suddenly Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun were attracted by the clothes in a high-end clothing store.

At this time, Liang Tian said: "Since the two of us want to buy it so much, let's go in and have a look!" Dongfang Ruyun nodded in agreement.Liang Tian took Dongfang Ruyun's hand and walked into the high-end clothing store.As soon as Dongfang Ruyun entered, she began to drive seriously.Liang Tian also went to the men's clothing section and looked at it too.

After a while, Dongfang Ruyun took a fancy to the beautiful dress.After Liang Tian saw that Dongfang Ruyun liked that dress, he said to the waiter in the shop: "Please take down that dress for this young lady to try on."

The waiter said to Liang Tian: "I'm sorry, sir, but you can't try on the clothes in our store, because these clothes are very expensive."

Liang Tian asked suspiciously: "If you haven't tried that dress, how can you wear it!"

The waiter explained: "These clothes are very expensive, and a piece of clothes is worth more than [-] yuan, so when you try them on, you only need to give us your waistline number, and we will ask the tailor in our store to give you Re-sew until you are satisfied."

Liang Tian said lightly: "Okay, take this lady to measure your body! I'll just wait here." After speaking, Liang Tian walked into the rest area to find a place to do it.

After a while, when Dongfang Ruyun came out, all the people in the store looked at Dongfang Ruyun in a daze, not for anything else, but because Dongfang Ruyun was so beautiful when she was wearing a dress.

Liang Tian quickly woke up from the shock, so he praised: "Ru Yun, this dress you are wearing today is so beautiful." After hearing Liang Tian's praise, Dong Fang Ru Yun nodded quickly.

Liang Tian asked the waiter, "Miss, how much is this dress?"

The waiter did some calculations and said, "Sir, this dress costs 100 million, 50.00% tax."

Just as Liang Tianzheng came out of the diamond card, a discordant but familiar voice said: "So this poor boy also came here to buy things! Hey, Ru Yun, so you are here too!" Liang Tianzhuan Looking back, he said with a smile: "Oh, I know who it is! So it's Ximen Jianhuo from the Ximen family!" When he said it, he said the word "bitch" very emphatically.

When Ximen Jianhuo heard Liang Tian's sarcasm, his face became obviously gloomy.Said to Dongfang Ruyun: "Ruyun, you know I like you, but why do you like this poor boy? What's so good about him."

Dongfang Ruyun looked at Liang Tian and said, "I like him because I like his simplicity and his cheerfulness. There's nothing wrong with that."

Ximen Jianhuo took a hard look at Liang Tian, ​​and asked Dongfang Ruyun, "But I'm richer than him, but why don't you like me?"

Dongfang Ruyun looked at Ximen Jianhuo with contempt and said: "Love cannot be measured by money, people like you don't deserve love."

Ximen Jian Huo Yin said to Liang Tian ruthlessly: "Well, you are ruthless, just wait, I will make you regret it in the future."

Liang Tian looked at Ximen Jianhuo and said: "If your Ximen family dares to act wildly, I will make your Ximen family disappear from the history of China. I, Liang Tian, ​​will do it."

After Ximen Jianhuo said these very words, he slammed the door and walked out.As for Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun, they were not in the mood to go shopping after being disturbed by Ximen Jianhuo, so they drove back directly.

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