Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 48 Revenge from Simon's Family

Ximen Jianhuo returned to the family angrily, and immediately ran to their elder to complain. The elder's name was Ximen Jianshi.Ximen Jianhuo entered the elder's room, and the elder asked: "Jianhuo, what is it that requires you to come to the elder to ask for a dharma?" Ximen Jianhuo thought it was funny when he heard his elder ask himself.So he said emphatically, "Elder, you have to help me make the decision! Otherwise, your granddaughter-in-law will soon be taken away by someone else." When Ximen Jianshi heard that his granddaughter-in-law was about to be taken away by someone else, Ximen Jianshi's face was full. He said angrily, "Who the hell dares to rob the granddaughter-in-law of our Ximen family?"

Ximen Jianhuo saw that the elder believed his words, so he added embellishments and said: "The person who robbed your granddaughter-in-law is called Liang Tian, ​​and we don't know the details." Ximen Jianshi said to Ximen Jianhuo: "Jianhuo, you are in the family. Bring more masters of the first-line sky realm, and be sure to kill that traitor named Liang Tian." After Ximen Jianhuo heard Ximen Jianshi's order, a sinister light flashed in his eyes.He secretly thought: "Liang Tian, ​​today is your memorial day next year. After you die, no one will snatch Dongfang Ruyun from me! From now on, all the wealth of the Dongfang family will be mine! Hahaha."

Now Liang Tian, ​​who is filming in the distance, doesn't know that a crisis is slowly approaching him. In fact, Liang Tian doesn't need to know, because there is no one on this earth who is Liang Tian's opponent, let alone a little Ximen family.

On this day, Liang Tian had just returned to the hotel after filming on the set, and when he said he was going to take a shower in the bathroom, Liang Tian was in the hotel room.A dozen or so people suddenly appeared, and their cultivation bases were all around the bigu stage, that is to say, their cultivation bases were around the realm of Yixiantian.When Liang Tian was taking a shower, he knew they had come in.Ignore them, and then take my own bath.

Those dozens of people also used the turtle's breathing method to block their own breath, they thought that Liang Tian didn't know that they were coming to kill Liang Tian, ​​and Liang Tian was just too lazy to move them.

The dozen or so people sneaked in and said, "Xi Yi, please keep your voice down, or if you fail to complete the mission, the young master may take our lives and it will be a disaster." The one named Xi Yi said disdainfully: "It's okay. , the young master said that this person is just an ordinary person. As soon as he arrives, it will be settled, and when the time comes, no one will notice."

Liang Tian, ​​who was taking a bath at the side, thought to himself: "I haven't killed you yet, let's see who sent you and what's the matter here." Those poor masters who were ordered to kill Liang Tian They don't even know that Liang Tian has already set a trap for them to sneak in, and they are still smiling wretchedly.

Liang Tian came out of the shower and drank a glass of milk. He didn't think it was satisfying to watch like this.So he threw it casually, and Liang Tian arranged a psychedelic formation in an instant.

Those masters of the first-line sky realm just entered Liang Tian's room.When the front foot just stepped in, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed.Just now they were clearly still in the door of Liangtian Hotel room, but when they got inside the door, the scenery inside changed unexpectedly.

They are now in the phantom formation of the real mountain forest, and the mountain road inside will never end. Those dozen or so masters of the first-line sky realm.In an instant, he was lost in this phantom formation, and the elder in Ximen's family also lost news of this team.I was walking around anxiously in a secret room in the family, and said worriedly: "It's strange why the dozen or so masters suddenly disappeared." What they didn't know was that the dozen or so masters they sent out, He was invited by Liang Tian to be a guest in the illusion array!

In the phantom array, one teammate said to another teammate: "Xi, have you found the way out of this forest yet?" The one named Xiyi replied helplessly: "We haven't found it, we seem to be lost. Don’t go, tell me what we should do.” Another teammate said angrily, “The young master sent us to assassinate that guy named Liang Tian. Why didn’t we see a single figure after coming here for a long time? Strange.”

A teammate suddenly thought of it and said: "I know what's going on! Because we entered the formation by mistake." Xi Yi frowned and asked: "Formation, what is that stuff! Seaman, tell me what are the wonders of the formation." The man named Ximan finally couldn't hold back Xi Yi, so he introduced: "The formation is a method in the realm of comprehension. The method of killing people invisible is something that every practitioner in the cultivation world must learn."

Xi Yi asked with that idiotic expression: "Cultivators, who are they!" Seaman sighed and said: "Cultivators are human beings who go against the sky. The magic weapon, and the elixir to become a fairy after eating one. But these people are not something us ordinary people can mess with."

After taking a bath, Liang Tian listened to their conversation, and laughed and said, "Little guy, I didn't expect to know so much. You are right. In this world, except for you ancient warriors, There are also us cultivators with great strength. The formation just now is called the psychedelic formation, as long as your heart is not crooked, you will not get lost in it."

After Liang Tian finished speaking, he waved his hand and removed the psychedelic array that had been set up earlier.The dozen or so masters of the first-line sky realm returned to the place where they came from first.When they came out of the phantom formation, they were still looking for Liang Tian's figure.

"You don't need to look for it, I'm here!" As soon as he finished speaking, Liang Tian's figure appeared in front of these ancient warrior masters.This move of Liang Tian scared the dozen or so ancient warriors, so he asked cautiously: "Excuse me, senior, do you know that there is a young man named Liang Tian living here!"

After Liang Tian listened to the questioning of these dozen or so ancient warriors, his original smiling expression immediately turned cold.Asked coldly: "Why are you looking for him!" One of the ancient warriors said: "We will kill him because he robbed our young master's wife." Liang Tian asked again: "Who is your young master?" What's your name." The ancient warrior said proudly, "Our young master is Ximen Jianhuo, a direct disciple of the Ximen family."

After Liang Tian heard what they said, he secretly thought: "Ximen Jianhuo, you actually sent someone to kill me. If I do, your Ximen family will disappear in this universe, and you will never be able to rebirth."

Liang Tian laughed loudly and said, "Let me tell you! I am the Liang Tian that your young master wants to kill, and now I know who is going to kill me. Just die for me!" The Nine Heavens Holy Flame burst out, and Liang Tian threw it directly.Those dozen or so ancient warrior masters disappeared between the heaven and the earth before they knew what was going on.Liang Tian finished dealing with the matter and climbed into bed to sleep.

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