Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 50 Shocked 4 parties

The day after the Ximen family was wiped out by Liang Tian, ​​the patriarchs of the three major families held a meeting together. The patriarch of the Dongfang family was Dongfang Yunxiang, the patriarch of the Nangong family was Nan Gongying, and the patriarch of the Beiming family was Bei Mingbing.The patriarch of the Dongfang family said: "The Ximen family has been destroyed. Who did this?" The patriarch of the Nangong family continued: "Yes! Maybe that Ximen Jianhuo was killed after molesting the daughter of some family!" The patriarch of the Ming family said at this time: "It seems that we have to go somewhere in the future, or we will be the next one." The patriarchs of the three major families said in unison: "Yes! It seems that we have to be optimistic about those bastards, or we will be the next one." If something goes wrong, it will be miserable."

Suddenly, the patriarch of the Nangong family said to the patriarch of the Dongfang family: "I said Yunxiang! It seems that I heard that there is a young man named Liang Tian who likes your daughter Dongfang Ruyun, and that boy Ximen Jianhuo also likes Dongfang Ruyun. It’s just that kid is too careless. Do you think the Ximen family was wiped out by the family behind this kid.”

Nan Gongying said at this time: "As far as I know, the Liang family has a certain status in the cultivation world, I believe the Liang family will not do such a thing.

Who did it?Aren't you afraid of being hunted down by the four big families? "

Bei Mingbing said at this time: "Could it be the demon cultivators that people in the cultivation world said ran out to kill people!" Nangong Ying retorted: "Oh, I'm still cultivating demons! Didn't you hear that?" The elders of your family have said that demon cultivators reconciled with the cultivation world 1000 years ago and went to retreat. They came out to kill some ass!"

Nangong Ying said embarrassingly: "People are just talking casually, Bei Mingbing, why do you take it seriously?" Bei Mingbing said at this time: "If you said this sentence 1000 years ago, you didn't know that you were dead. How many times." Nangong Ying said with a silly smile: "Brother Beiming, I was just joking, why do you take it seriously? Well, don't be angry." Nangong Ying smiled and poured a cup of tea to Beimingbing , Bei Mingbing saw that Nangongying was so sincere, so his anger disappeared.

Dongfang Yunxiang said at this time: "The young man you are talking about is Liang Tian. Before I became the patriarch seven years ago, I met him in the jewelry store under the Dongfang family. When I saw him, I can't see through this young man with my venerable level of cultivation. And that young man is very generous in his moves, and he is a spirit stone from the cultivation world. Seeing that his cultivation is so high, I originally wanted to steal his spirit stone , but in the end it’s over.”

Nangong Ying went on to say: "The murderer who destroyed the Ximen family, could it be this young man named Liang Tian? I remember that he is in the entertainment industry now, and he has made great achievements in the five years since his debut, Yun Xiang! You The second young master is also in the entertainment industry! Tell him to get close to that young man Liang Tian, ​​and hope to find some clues from him."

Bei Mingbing and Dongfang Yunxiang agreed and said: "Yes! This is the only way, and this is the only way to work." Dongfang Yunxiang looked at the two patriarchs and said: "What else do you two guys have? If there is nothing to say, the meeting will end." Nangong Ying and Bei Mingbing said in unison: "There is no more." Dongfang Yunxiang said: "Well, let's end the meeting!" In this way, Dongfang, Nangong, and Beiming three In this way, the meeting between the big families came to an end.

In Zhongnanhai, Beijing, eight chairman-level bosses gathered in a circle for a meeting, but the head of the Liang family was ill and could not attend, and some of them were members of the dragon group.At this time, Chairman Li said: "You know that last night, the Ximen family was wiped out without a sound, and not a single corpse was found.

Qin Yusheng, the leader of the dragon team, was also among them. After hearing Chairman Li's words, he was slightly taken aback.The shrewd Chairman Li immediately noticed that Qin Yusheng was in a daze, so he asked: "Chief Qin, tell me what's going on." After Qin Yusheng heard the chairman's question, he didn't dare to neglect, so he said: "Chairman, In my opinion, the murderer who destroyed the Ximen family is a cultivator, and his cultivation is very high."

"A cultivator, what is a cultivator?" Chairman Li looked at Qin Yusheng suspiciously and asked.Qin Yusheng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Cultivators, as the name suggests, are people who go against the sky; they have the ability to overturn mountains and seas, and turn the world upside down. And their lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary people. The average lifespan of a cultivator is about 1000 years. .”

Chairman Li said at this time: "Then they have become immortals!" Qin Yusheng shook his head and said: "No, although cultivators have the ability to overwhelm mountains and seas, they are not immortals. After all, gods and immortals are not on the same level. God lives on a higher plane."

Chairman Li asked again: "Then how are the grades from cultivators to gods divided? I want to know." Qin Yusheng didn't want to agree to Chairman Li's question, but he is the chairman after all, and you have to obey his orders.So he said: "The levels of cultivators are divided into: foundation building stage, bigu stage, golden elixir stage, Yuanying stage, out-of-body stage, distraction stage, fusion stage, transcending catastrophe stage, and Mahayana stage. Among them, if the cultivator thinks of the Mahayana stage , you must cross the tribulation, if you succeed in crossing the tribulation, then congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the Mahayana stage."

Chairman Li asked again: "What if the tribulation is not successful? What will happen then?" Qin Yusheng replied: "If the tribulation is not successful, then the body and spirit will be destroyed or the army will be transferred to the Sanxian." Chairman Li said clearly: "Oh, so that's how it is! How are the levels of immortals divided?" Qin Yusheng continued to answer: "The levels of immortals are: Earth Immortal Stage, Heavenly Immortal Stage, Golden Immortal Stage, and Luo Immortal Stage. Heavenly Immortal Stage, Daluo Golden Immortal Stage, Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Stage, Ancient Spirit Immortal Stage, Immortal Monarch Stage, Immortal Emperor Stage, Immortal Venerable Stage. At the later stage of Immortal Venerable, you will cross the divine tribulation and ascend to the God Realm.”

Chairman Li asked again: "Then how are the ranks of gods and men divided?" Qin Yusheng once answered: "The ranks of gods and men are: gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, emperors, gods. From cultivators to gods, they are divided into the first, middle, and last stages." Chairman Li asked again: "Then do you know who the person who destroyed the Ximen family was? How high is his cultivation?"

Qin Yusheng said again: "My talent should be above the Mahayana period. I still have a guess that it may be Liang Tian, ​​the sixth elder of our dragon group, who wiped out the Ximen family." Chairman Li said: "Now that we know the truth, Then you bring your elder to see me tomorrow, I have something to ask him, and that's it. The meeting is over." Qin Yusheng left with a full heart after hearing Chairman Li's words.

In this way, the meeting between Chairman Li and the other patriarchs of the Dragon Group came to an end.

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