Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 51 The Chairman's Invitation

Since Liang Tian single-handedly wiped out the Ximen family, the entire Chinese family has fallen into panic.Originally, the Liang family was still a little worried, but Liang Tian's elder brother and younger brother saw the sad faces of their elders and patriarchs.So he had no choice but to tell them about Liang Tian's extermination of the Ximen family.They couldn't believe that Liang Tian alone could easily wipe out a huge Ximen family.

While others were so panicked that they couldn't sleep, we, the two culprits who killed the Ximen family, had just returned from filming on the set.He was resting in everyone's room, not worried about the Ximen family's affairs being revealed.Is not this nonsensical?With their peak cultivation base after a saint, the body hardness of a corpse king in the middle stage, and the cultivation base of a Da Luo Jinxian, are they afraid that they will fail.

On this day, Liang Tian was still sleeping in bed with his head covered. Suddenly, his assistant came to Liang Tian and said, "Little God! Wake up, there is an announcement for you to go tonight, remember to go on time." After Liang Tian heard the assistant's words, he just hummed, and then fell asleep with his head covered.

Just as Liang Tian was fast asleep, the cell phone beside the bed rang.Liang Tian connected to the phone in a daze and said, "Hey, what's the matter, is it annoying to wake people up early in the morning?" Qin Yusheng's voice said from the phone: "Little God! Wake up quickly , I have something to ask you." Liang Tianzuo said in a daze, "Tell me! What is the matter that made us, the team leader of the dragon team, call in person."

After Qin Yusheng heard Liang Tian's words on the phone, three thick black bars immediately hung on his head.He said dissatisfiedly: "You Liang Tian, ​​the fire is almost burning to your eyebrows, and you are still sleeping." After hearing Qin Yusheng's voice, Liang Tian said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you so loud! How can you be so loud in the early morning? Don't let people sleep." Qin Yusheng was cornered by Liang Tian, ​​so he said, "Liang Tian, ​​Chairman Li knows all about what you did."

Liang Tianman asked suspiciously: "What on earth did I let the old chairman know! It seems that we have committed some crimes!" Hearing Qin Yusheng's words, Liang Tian asked in surprise: "My team leader! When did you know about it, and when did the old chairman know about it?" Qin Yusheng heard this, and said fiercely: "You brat, what you did. Not only I know, but even the four big families Everyone in the country and the whole country know about it." Liang Tian said with certainty: "Then tell me what bad things I have done, tell me!"

After hearing this, Qin Yusheng said angrily, "You still do bad things, so tell me, are you responsible for the extermination of the Ximen family?" After Liang Tian heard what Qin Yusheng said, He admitted and said: "That's right, I was the one who killed the Ximen family. Who told them not to mess with them, but it happened to me. Isn't that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death!"

Qin Yusheng asked Liang Tiandao again: "Then Ximen's family has provoked you again, it is worth your killing." Liang Tian replied angrily: "If you want to blame it, blame their elder! Who told him not to take good care of it? Well, his grandson actually came to be my rival in love. It doesn't matter, this man is still narrow-minded. I didn't expect that after he returned to his family, he would add embellishments and say to his elders: What did I say that I robbed his granddaughter-in-law? They actually sent people to kill me. At first I locked the first batch of ancient warrior masters who came to kill me into the phantom formation. Unexpectedly, they actually knew how to break the formation.

But I couldn't let them run out to kill me, so I wiped them out as soon as the phantom formation disappeared.But what I didn't expect was that he even sent a second team, so I waited for them to enter my room.After asking them what they said, an arrogant disciple bragged. I couldn't understand his bragging, and I couldn't get angry, so I burned him to the ground.

After I killed this group of people, I finally couldn't bear the arrogance of this Ximen family.So my little brother and I went to the sky above them and killed them.that's all. "Liang Tian didn't dare to say that these people were sucked to death by Xiaojun.

Liang Tian asked Qin Yusheng suspiciously: "Group leader, how did the chairman know about this?" Qin Yu said angrily, "I told him, what's wrong." Liang Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "It's nothing, what else did the chairman say!" Qin Yusheng replied: "The chairman didn't say anything, but he asked you to come to Beijing tomorrow." Liang Tian heard Qin Yusheng's words and said quickly: " This seems bad! I still have an announcement to go up tomorrow! I can’t go! How about the day after tomorrow!”

Qin Yusheng said: "I don't care, you have to come tomorrow, or I will die for you." Liang Tian said rascally: "If you die, you will die!"I'm not at a loss anyway.I have an announcement coming up tomorrow, it's true. "Finally, Liang Tian couldn't beat Qin Yusheng, so he agreed to go to Beijing the day after tomorrow, and Qin Yusheng hung up the phone.

The next day, Liang Tian went to sue as usual, and another day passed like this.On this day, Liang Tian and Qin Yusheng agreed to go to Beijing, and Liang Tian immediately got up from the bed.After washing everything with that light-like speed, this time he didn't even need a car, so he teleported one by one to Zhongnanhai in Beijing.

Qin Yusheng, who was working in the office, saw Liang Tian appearing in front of him like a ghost.He was so frightened that he jumped. He stroked his chest and said, "I said Liang Tian! The next time you show up, please let me know. My heart can't stand your scare like this!" Liang Tian He said with a smile: "I will definitely do it in the future, and I will definitely pay attention next time. Don't worry." Qin Yusheng looked at Liang Tian with a look that counts your interest, Liang Tian directly ignored him, and asked him: " What do you mean the chairman asked me to come here! As you know, I am very busy now, and it costs tens of millions to shoot an advertisement."

After Qin Yusheng could see Liang Tian's concerns, he comforted Liang Tian and said, "Actually, it's nothing, but he just asked you to ask if you were responsible for the destruction of the Ximen family." Liang Tian smiled at Qin Yusheng said: "Thank you, team leader!" Liang Tian ran out of Qin Yusheng's office after he finished speaking.

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