Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 541 The secret of the origin of the seven attributes

"Uh, old man, what are the seven origins of the seven attributes you just mentioned!"

Regarding what the old man with white temples said to him now, Liang Tian still feels that he is in a fog for a while, and then he stared at the old man with white temples with a bewildered expression on his face, hoping to get The answer in my mind.

However, he felt a little disappointed now, but he continued to ask with that seductive smile on his face as always: "It actually makes you feel extremely afraid now, it seems that there is still a little fear of it?" Obviously, with Liang Tian's inquisitive personality, whenever he came across a topic he was interested in, he would keep pestering you until it completely bored you.

So now Liang Tian took out his best trump card, nonsense and nonsense questions to the old man who intends to reveal the origin and secrets of the seven attributes to him. The theme of the origin of the great attribute shows Liang Tian's good intentions now.

"Okay, give me a break, there's so much nonsense, can't I tell you now?"

Finally, under the bombardment of all kinds of nonsense on Liang Tian's lips, the old man who originally planned to whet Liang Tian's appetite for a while could no longer bear Liang Tian's long-winded sentence after sentence, and finally both raised their hands to compromise.

After the old man raised his hands and compromised, Liang Tian, ​​who was still full of depression and disappointment in his heart, suddenly swept away the gloomy expression on his face, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The charming arc said with a smile: "It's not bad to confess earlier like this. At least it can reduce the speed of other people's previous mouth movements. It's really exhausting."

After the words fell, Liang Tian, ​​who had already seen a slightly evil curve on the corner of his mouth, deeply deepened the evil and seductive smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the sitting cross-legged with a hint of conspiracy in his eyes. The old man beside him glanced.

However, his eyes with a trace of conspiracy made the old man sitting beside him tremble all over, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching suddenly, and said in a tone of surrender to Liang Tian: "Old man now I will tell you everything I know, please stop staring at people with those eyes that make people panic, it can't help but make people feel weird."

This time, the old man, whose cultivation base is much higher than Liang Tian's, could no longer bear Liang Tian's beast-like eyes. It seemed that Liang Tian was going to rape him at this moment.

"Since you hate people looking at you like this so much, grandpa, don't dawdle now. It's better to tell you the secrets of the origin of the seven attributes you just said, or you will be asked again later. The good things that make your scalp tingle are perfectly presented in front of you! Why don't you take a look now?"

When the rosy face of the old man with white temples was slightly pale, Liang Tian, ​​who has always been good at observing words and expressions, quickly noticed the strangeness in the expression on the other's face, and immediately revealed that incomparable expression. He looked straight at the old man opposite him with a wicked smile, his eyes were full of playfulness at the moment.

The words Liang Tian said had just finished. At this moment, the old man with gray temples, who seemed to feel something extraordinary about Liang Tian, ​​twitched his lips a few times, and then used his piercing eyes to After staring at Liang Tian for a long time, he sighed slowly and said, "Okay then! Since you are determined to understand the mysteries between the seven origins, you should adjust your attitude and listen carefully. Some invisible avenues, how much you can comprehend later depends on yourself."

After finishing speaking, he saw the piercing eyes of the old man with white temples lingering on Liang Tian for a while, and an incomparably shining light quickly flashed across his eyes, but quickly disappeared in them.

"I have completely sorted out the messy things in my heart. Now the old man can start to talk about the secrets between the seven origins. You, the old man, have been waiting here for thousands of years."

After listening to the words of the old man with gray hair in front of him, Liang Tian, ​​who had been eager to understand the mystery in the rain, quickly sorted out his mind that was still in a trance just now, until it was as calm as water, he gradually summoned up the courage to face the old man in front of him. The old man asked humbly, and now he was as curious as a studious elementary school student.

When Liang Tian suddenly transformed into a diligent and obedient student, he humbly asked the old man in front of him about the mysteries of the structure of the universe. At this moment, he felt that the temptation was almost over in the old man's heart.

Only then did the serious and cold expression on his face slowly relax, and a slightly gratified smile appeared on the reddish expression, his eyes lightly glanced at the extremely curious Liang Tian beside him, and introduced: "Say, The mysteries among the seven origins have to be talked about from the distant universe before its formation."

Halfway through the speech, the gray-haired old man paused slightly on Liang Tian's body with a slightly coercive aura, and then continued to talk about the next period of the history of the development of the universe.

"In other words, the heaven and the earth have not yet formed, and this huge universe is still surrounded by stars and mist. It is filled with incomparably rich power of nothingness, densely scattered in this universe that has not yet formed its embryonic form. In this way, until one day, The star mist containing incomparably rich power of nothingness began to rotate around a light point as the axis point, and after tens of thousands of years, an oval egg was gradually formed in it. Not only that, when that When an oval-shaped giant egg first formed and stood in it, then three thousand oval-shaped giant eggs with the same shape and size as that one were successively formed in the incomparably rich force of nothingness, vying to absorb it together. Incomparably rich power of nothingness.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years passed, and the first giant egg among the three thousand giant eggs was born first, and that was Pan Gu, who created the present universe.After the Great God Pan Gu was born out of the shell, the three thousand giant eggs that were born after that were also born out of their shells one after another, and a shocking catastrophe came suddenly. A big gap was opened in the space, and the ancient prehistoric continent appeared in this huge universe, and the first batch of creatures began to reproduce, and the rules of heaven and earth were also being further improved at this time.

It was also at this time that the original primordial land began to produce the origins of the seven attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder, and began to be active on this prehistoric land where creatures appeared. . . . . .

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