It was also at this time that the original primordial land began to produce the origins of the seven attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder, and began to be active on this prehistoric land where creatures appeared.With the subtle changes in the nascent world and the creatures that appeared on this land, the seven original attributes that appeared in the world just now for the first time began to grow gradually, and began to control the changes of the four seasons on the land in ancient times.

When the ancient prehistoric land experienced the battle of beasts, dragons and phoenixes, and witches, it did not complete its growth until the appearance of human beings. At this time, the ancient prehistoric land seemed to be an era controlled by saints, and there were strong people everywhere. The era of the traveler everywhere.

The ascetics at that time were generally very strong in cultivation, and everyone could easily destroy a place full of life with just a gesture of their hands, and their strength was comparable to the gods in the God Realm today.It is easy for them to move mountains and seas, and take pictures with bare hands. Everyone is incredibly powerful, and the power is beyond what we can imagine now.

Every move is more or less with a little power of the rules of the world, and that piece of the world is playing with the applause of their strength with more or less power of the rules of the world. Later, it was not until the appearance of another new species that this situation was realized. Slow recovery.At this time, the origin of the seven attributes that have undergone tens of millions of years of practice and evolution began to gradually evolve to the extreme, and began to grasp all the things in this land that matched their attributes, and continued to evolve by itself.

However, just when the original power of these seven attributes evolved to near perfection, a new species of "human" suddenly appeared at this moment who thought it was super powerful, and only after tens of thousands of years of practice, he reached the level of gods. The quasi-sage realm bordering the saints in the later period is the human beings who can cultivate to quasi-sages with their own perseverance for tens of millions of years since the birth of the ancient prehistoric land.

It was at this time that he got the purest original power among the seven original attributes in a chance encounter, successfully proved the Tao and became the eighth saint in the world, entrusting his soul on the heaven.

After tens of millions of years of subdued cultivation, he has finally accumulated a huge amount of supreme mana, and he is finally no longer satisfied with the situation he is in now.In a rage, he used all his mana to break the shackles left by the Dao of Heaven on him, and successfully escaped from the shackles of the Dao of Heaven to roam in every corner of the universe. Get rid of the jurisdiction of the highway and get boundless freedom.

And at this time, the seven original attributes that Qi Yu obtained before him also transformed into the innate Taoism body for cultivation under his enlightenment.

Just like that, this kind of silence lasted for tens of millions of years. Knowing that the person's strength had reached the point where the universe couldn't tolerate him practicing here, he broke the shackles of the rules of the universe and flew to another new world to continue his cultivation. It was not until a long time later that I felt that there was no news from him.It wasn't until thousands of years later that I and the other seven original law enforcers felt that the man's aura had completely disappeared into another new world. It was always the case, and he was still a hero in the hearts of the seven of us as always. "

It wasn't until after sitting next to Liang Tian and crackling a lot of anecdotes about the seven original attributes and some unknown mysteries that the old man who opened and shut his mouth frequently was willing to stop his words and replaced them with those incomparably mysterious eyes He glanced at Liang Tian meaningfully, and continued: "Although with your current strength, no one in this universe poses a threat to you, but with your pitiful state of mind, you still need to hone in the Seven Realms." For a period of time, you must know that the universe you are in now is not just your universe. Among the three thousand universes that have been formed, the universe you are in now is just one of them.

Before that, there were many existences that were stronger than your universe, and now they have completely evolved into the most perfect existences, and their strength is not comparable to those of your universe that have just perfected the laws of heaven.Therefore, there is still room for evolution in your universe in the future, as long as you seriously experience the evolution of destruction, you can evolve to the highest level of existence. "

After the old man told Liang Tian these secrets with eloquence, he stopped focusing on Liang Tian and closed his eyes to wander.

The whole person returned to the original mysterious and unpredictable appearance, and the aura revealed by the body made people feel depressed unconsciously, always feeling that the eyes had returned to the mysterious and unpredictable appearance just now. Liang Tian, ​​who Xin Mi had some insights, fell into his own insights.

But even so, when hearing these secrets that ordinary people feel a bit unbelievable, in addition to the deep doubts in my heart, I also feel that the secrets of the seven original attributes that I have heard now may be the iceberg of them. It was just a corner, this sudden feeling made Liang Tian, ​​who was originally sober, couldn't help but sink into it, falling into his thoughts of epiphany.

Just like that, Liang Tianan quietly sat cross-legged on the ground, realizing the mystery of the unheard-of mystery just now, which lasted for a long time, and the time flowing invisible in it began to pass away bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, five hours quickly passed away like flowing water.It wasn't until a little more than five hours later that Liang Tian, ​​who had just fallen into the mysterious epiphanies that the old man just narrated, opened his eyes slowly, and suddenly a very confused light flashed inside for a long time. It gradually disappeared and became clearer.

"I didn't expect the origin of the seven attributes to be so noble, and the destructive power could easily destroy a newborn universe. It seems that such a source of blessing is really bestowed by heaven!"

From the moment when he slowly woke up from the epiphany and opened his eyes, Liang Tian, ​​who seemed to have realized something in his heart, couldn't help but bursts of joy in his heart, and he couldn't help blurting out what he had realized in his heart.

However, after he said the words on his mouth to express the joy in his heart, he saw that the expression of incomparable joy on his face immediately changed into a slightly bitter expression, and he muttered helplessly: "But it's a pity , such a powerful source of the seven attributes was only a little superficial in the epiphany just now, it seems that if you want to perfect these seven sources in the future, you have to pay more attention to practice and comprehend."

After these murmured words fell from his mouth, the slightly bitter expression on Liang Tian's face began to gradually deepen and hang on Liang Tian's entire face.Although I feel a little regretful about the gains and losses of the understanding of the origin of these seven attributes, but at this moment the mood is still full of joy, and it is better to have some understanding of the origin of power than none.Even if this is the case, Liang Tian feels satisfied in his heart at this moment, and doesn't want more extravagantly.

It's just that when he was immersed in the joy brought by the epiphany just now and hadn't completely withdrawn from it, the old man sitting next to him with his eyes closed and wandering in Taixu suddenly said: "Now I have five The opportunity to comprehend some of the superficial power of the source of power when you were young, which already shows that your comprehension is very good. But the cultivation of the power of the source is not only to understand the meaning of it by comprehension alone, but also to carry out with suitable cultivation methods Only by penetrating through it can we comprehend the miraculous mysteries, blind comprehension will not work.”

After saying these words, the old man who had been sitting cross-legged beside Liang Tian never opened his eyes, but kept them tightly closed.


After hearing the words from the old man's mouth, Liang Tian immediately felt some doubts in his heart, glanced at the old man lightly, and was about to speak.

But before he opened his mouth, the old man with white temples continued: "In this way, the old man now has a formula suitable for your cultivation, which is called 'Hongmeng Xuanlei Jue', and I hope you can practice well, after all. You are the first person to enter here."

As soon as the words fell, the old man immediately passed the formula to Liang Tian who was at the side with a wave of his hand.

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