Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 588 The Artifact War

That sentence of "disaster and the catastrophe of the seven worlds" shocked everyone present, and stared at him in horror.

Of course, this was just a moment of surprise. Being in the big staining vat of the cultivation world, the monks who came to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Longhuazong this time and wanted to share a piece of the pie couldn't help shouting at what this unheard-of disciple from the sect said before him. laughed.

They all pointed at Lei Yu and laughed, as if they felt that what Lei Yu said was as funny as an unprecedented joke.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard at this young master."

Some sect disciples with outstanding cultivation base laughed recklessly, as if they were mocking Lei Yu's ignorance in their arrogant laughter, until they almost died of laughter, they held their chests and said: "This young master has joined the Qing Dynasty. For thousands of years, the Xu Sect, although they have often followed their master down the mountain to destroy demons and benefit the common people, has never been like the prelude to the impending catastrophe of the Seven Worlds as you said. In the peaceful cultivation world, all monks are working hard to become immortal Xiu, who would do harm to the Seven Realms when they have nothing to do, even at the expense of their own wealth and life against the Seven Realms, wouldn’t that be boring and crooked!”

When he heard this monk who claimed to be a disciple of the Qingxu Sect uttered these words with a slight sense of irony, Lei Yu, who seemed to know something, smiled and shook his head.

"No, no, the catastrophe of the Seven Realms is not as ominous as the catastrophes of gods and demons in the past, and it will not be as earth-shattering as when you crossed the catastrophe. It is like an unknown little person. Come, and go quietly, without any clouds, and will not let anyone know, maybe at the moment when the greedy heart surges out in your heart, you are already in the trap it has set up, waiting for it to give you a long time The torture, like a butterfly flapping its wings, set off a chain reaction."

After a while, Lei Yu, who shook his head slightly and showed a helpless smile, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and spoke slowly.

But there was an extra fan in his hand at some point, and he opened it very chicly, like a scholar who fanned it a few times before putting it away.

"You can think about it, whether you have been doing some heinous activities recently, such as inciting the sect to encircle and suppress a sect that has been born for less than ten years because of temporary greed, but it just so happens that the master of that sect is cultivated to the sky and possesses magical powers But it has already surpassed your expectations, and just released absurd reasons to accuse this sect of an out-of-the-box crime, and then get the reason for the joint encirclement and suppression."

After a while, Lei Yu, who seemed to see what they were thinking, continued again.

What he said this time pierced into the hearts of all the monks present like a sharp arrow, making them dumbfounded.

"Your Excellency, who is holy? Among the group of evil party monks who came to encircle and suppress Longhuazong this time, they are either people who are acquainted with me, or have a relationship with me once, and Your Excellency looks so unfamiliar and knows that we are cultivators. I am very curious about the fact that the two allies of the righteous way and the demons are besieging and suppressing the evil party of Longhuazong, who is your identity and who is your teacher."

Following the froze of the monks, the chief disciple of the Kunlun Sect who had the highest cultivation base among them frowned slightly and asked.Compared with the arrogance and arrogance of the disciples of the Qingxu Sect, the chief disciple of the Kunlun Sect, who is the head of the cultivation sect, is a bit more refined, but he is as thick-skinned as a city wall.

Seeing the self-reported monk in front of him asking each other, Lei Yu narrowed his eyes slightly at a glance and saw that the other party's cultivation was only in the middle stage of the tribulation, and then raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a mysterious smile and said: "Little I don't know much about sects, so I don't care about your Excellency. The reason I came here this time is because I heard about the reputation of Longhuazong, which has recently become famous in the cultivation world. It would be a good thing if I want to meet him or do some moves. , I am not interested in these trivial matters that you are currently involved in. As for who you are asking me about, didn’t I already tell you just now? Or do you not take this matter seriously at all?”

"Don't dare, dare not, it's just that your Excellency has been hiding in the cultivation world for tens of millions of years, why are you showing up in the cultivation world at this time?"

I have to say that apart from his extraordinary cultivation, the chief disciple of Kunlun actually has such a meticulous mind. When he asked this question, he had long suspected in his heart whether the person in front of him was an enemy or a friend. The chief disciple of Kunlun, who wanted to quickly understand the matter, raised a slight smile on his face and asked: "Could it be that Your Excellency also came after the aura of the divine weapon, and wanted to get rid of the traitors from the cultivation world like Long Huazong?" Take back the artifact in your hand, and return me a peaceful cultivation place in the cultivation world?"

The gentle smile of the chief disciple of the Kunlun School who said this was full of confidence, but the seemingly harmless smile hinted at danger.

"Your Excellency is showing signs this time. I came here from the sect just to meet the mysterious Longhua Sect Master. As for what you are doing now, it is inconvenient for me to participate. Since Your Excellency does not know where the Sect Master of Longhua Sect is, so I will bid farewell here, and there will be a later date."

However, Lei Yu, who had just stepped into the muddy waters of the cultivation world, saw that the other party couldn't answer the question he had just asked, and knowing the answer, he bowed to the Kunlun disciple and wanted to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, the chief disciple of the Kunlun School with a slight smile on his lips narrowed his eyes, and said slowly in that incomparably mysterious language: "Your Excellency is in such a hurry to leave, it seems that I haven't let you leave yet, could it be?" Your Excellency really wants to make fun of your faction's status in the realm of comprehension, can't you become an enemy of our fellow cultivators and monsters? Help the group of Longhua sect's evil party take this artifact as their own, and use it to harm the peace of the realm of comprehension ?”

"Breaking the peace of the cultivation world? Hehe, what a joke. As a dignified sect in the cultivation world, he would say such a grandiose reason for a divine weapon. Little did he know that he was already in the midst of the great catastrophe of the Seven Realms, and he was killed for his own selfish desires. The Seven Realms are restless, it's really sad, sad!"

Lei Yu, a disciple of the Hidden World Sect, was a little surprised by the behavior of the monk who claimed to be a disciple of the Kunlun School. He couldn't help but stop and turned his head back, looking at the chief Kunlun sect behind him The disciple sneered, as if laughing at his despicable appearance.

When he stopped to look back, the chief disciple of the Kunlun School who saw the timing made a gesture, and then a group of disciples dressed in Kunlun School clothes quickly surrounded Lei Yu.

"Hehe, it seems that I have a good eye for seeing people, and you are really a real hypocrite!"

Surrounded by a group of Kunlun School costumes, Lei Yu was not as frightened by the number of people on the other side, and his eyes were still extremely sharp. He stared at the seemingly gentle and elegant chief disciple of the Kunlun School in front of him, unabashedly Said sarcastically.

As soon as Lei Yu's ironic words came out, the chief disciple of the Kunlun School who had disguised himself as extremely elegant finally revealed his true face, and his face that looked good at first turned ferocious in an instant, and he suddenly raised his voice and said: "Everyone from the Kunlun School! Send disciples to listen to the order, the person in front of you is an accomplice of the Longhua Sect's evil party, and wants to intercept me on the way to get the artifact, but now I have exposed his true colors, everyone killed him."

"Kill it~"

The chief disciple is worthy of being the chief disciple, and at the first order, the Kunlun sent disciples summoned magic weapons to kill in Lei Yu's direction with a killing sound.

"Hmph, you want to kill me? It's still too early to rely on your wine bags and rice bags!"

Seeing a group of more than a dozen Kunlun disciples killing him with magic weapons, Lei Yu, who has always seen the essence of human beings clearly, smiled coldly and snorted softly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his figure transform into countless afterimages in a flash, avoiding the killing moves of a group of Kunlun disciples with an ethereal pace, and suddenly circulated the pure and thick Lei Yuanli in his body, palming his right hand together Turning into the shape of a knife, a steady stream of Lei Yuanli gathered in his palm, more and more, and finally appeared in front of the monks in the shape of a big knife. Suddenly, his expression turned ruthless, and without the slightest hesitation, he swung his right hand like a big knife, and an electric snake with terrifying power surged out from it, hitting the dozen or so Kunlun sect disciples like a tidal wave.

When the chief disciple of the Kunlun School who was watching the battle saw Lei Yu concentrating so much lightning power, his pupils suddenly shrank. Unable to open their eyes, just in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen disciples whose cultivation bases were around the fusion stage were sent flying, without exception, they either hit a wall or a pillar, and the lucky one hit a handful of immortals When the artifact shelf was in place, it touched the killing array arranged on the fairy artifact, and before it could react, it disappeared into the world.

"Since the scene is so lively, then this artifact in front of us belongs to our demon cultivators. Thank you, everyone."

Seeing his disciples being beaten to death and wounded by this young man named Lei Yu in front of him, when the chief disciple, who is a senior brother, was about to step forward to help, he heard the demon Xiu said in an extremely arrogant voice, but at this moment he seemed helpless, he could only curse despicablely in his heart, and then he could only cheer up and deal with Lei Yu who had already appeared not far from him in front of him, as the middle stage of the tribulation. As a monk, he felt that the young man in front of him was very unfathomable.

With Yaoxiu as the leader, the heads of other righteous sects who kept this matter out of the way led a group of disciples to follow in.

"Hmph, the artifact belongs to our magic way, so let's go too."

Seeing that most of the people had already moved towards the place where the artifact was, the demon cultivators who also wanted to get the artifact also followed in the footsteps behind.

Seeing such a scene, Lei Yu, who was in the midst of the competition, could only sigh helplessly, it seemed that his words were about to come true.

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