Seeing the scene in front of him, Lei Yu, who was in the midst of the competition, could only sigh helplessly, it seemed that his words were about to come true.

But time didn't give him a moment to sigh. When the chief disciple of the Kunlun School saw his disciple being sent flying by Lei Yu's blow, his already somewhat unsightly expression became even more unsightly at this moment, his eyes were ruthless. Looking at Lei Yu, he asked: "Your Excellency's cultivation base is outstanding. With one move, more than a dozen disciples of my Kunlun Sect can be knocked into the air. It can be seen that your strength is comparable to mine. Just now, Your Excellency reported his surname." Daming and where is the Lion City, in order not to let our Kunlun faction lose the upper hand, I will introduce myself here, my name is Ling Feng, and I am the chief disciple of the Kunlun faction, please give me your advice in the next battle."

"According to Your Excellency, this battle is inevitable."

Regarding the self-reported family name of Ling Feng, the chief disciple of the Kunlun School, Lei Yu, who knew that this battle seemed inevitable, said coldly.

Seeing that Lei Yu's face suddenly turned cold after he said what he said just now, Ling Feng, who is the chief disciple of Kunlun, also vaguely felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a little frozen at this time, and he knew that he had already formed a beam. Not afraid of Lei Yu's cold expression, he also bullied himself and replied coldly: "That's right, this battle is inevitable. Earlier you injured more than a dozen of our Kunlun disciples. If you, as a big Brother, if I don’t make a move, then as the chief disciple of the Kunlun Sect, what face do I have to go back to face the master and the others, and bring my disciples out to find the evil party of Longhuazong and wipe them out. In the end, I haven’t seen anyone Just like that, more than a dozen disciples were killed or injured in one fell swoop, can such a sum of money prevent this battle?"

"Heh, the disciples of the Martial School are really unreasonable. They judge others' life and death based on their own judgment. Why do you rely on the cultivation bases you have cultivated all your life? Didn't you see that the dignified cultivation is ten The Kunlun Sect, the head of the top-ranking sect, actually has such a tyrannical person. Just relying on what I said just now, he has something to do with the Sect Master of Longhua Sect, so he will not fight any kindness. Then he saw that I was wounded by one move. A dozen or so disciples are impatient, and they are going to trouble me, this is indeed the work of the number one cultivator of the true sect."

Facing the cold reply of Ling Feng, whose cultivation base was only in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation, Lei Yu, whose cultivation base ratio was much higher, even sneered at this style.

Those eyes that were originally calm and without the slightest ripple had already been aroused by the furious eyes of Kunlun School disciple Ling Feng flashed a murderous look towards Ling Feng, and blurted out out of the irresistible anger: "So avoid it!" If we can't fight this battle, then I'd like to see what's so special about this once-in-a-thousand-year cultivator known as the chief disciple of the Kunlun Sect, who dared to stir up the anger of our disciples of the Thunder God Sect. So powerful."

This time, Lei Yu, who had just come to join in the fun, was completely enraged.

"Hmph, this suits me well. I also want to experience the strength of the legendary disciple of the Thunder God Sect."

Ling Feng, who has a late-stage cultivation of the Tribulation Tribulation, said without fear of provoking him with a murderous intent from the mysterious and unpredictable Lei Yu.

As soon as the two of them spoke briefly, they fought without any scruples out of hatred for the wounded disciples of their own family.

At this time, outside the square, the sky was still covered with dark clouds, and it was densely packed with darkness.

Except for the two ways of monsters who have left to participate in the competition for the artifact and some righteous people who are thinking about the artifact, the number of people left to watch the scene of the two of them crossing the catastrophe is much smaller than before, but those who stayed to watch the scene of crossing the catastrophe Cultivators, everyone is an existence with extraordinary cultivation base, or monks who are about to prepare for the catastrophe, or some loose immortals who have already disbanded. Make preparations, because with the experience of observing the catastrophe, the chances of being able to survive the catastrophe will increase and become the fairy existence that one dreams of.

Of course, as the head of the Shangqing Sword Sect and as the elder of the sect to cross the catastrophe, he must watch the catastrophe from a distance.

"The third thunder tribulation has been brewing for so long, it should come down depending on the situation, and I feel that the power contained in it should be greater than the power of the first two thunder tribulations. The peak cultivation base should be able to withstand this thunder tribulation. After all, two people are going through the tribulation instead of one person. I hope he can survive this catastrophe!"

As the head of the Shangqing Sword Sect, he naturally stayed to cheer for his elder Du Jie. He breathed a sigh of relief and worried about it, looking at the two people who were still going through the catastrophe, Xuan Jianzi looked extremely worried at this moment, as a person who has practiced for hundreds of years in the realm of cultivation, he naturally understood that the nine The horror of the Nine Heavens Tribulation, countless people have died in the Nine Heavens Tribulation for tens of thousands of years, and very few people can safely survive the Nine Heavens Tribulation.

However, on the contrary, Liang Tian, ​​Liu Fei, Qi Fei, Lu Yi, Leng Yue and other seven people were completely different from his worried expression. Although they all looked at the dark sky, But they didn't see the extremely worried expressions on their faces like Xuan Jianzi, the head of the Qing Sword Sect. Everyone still had their usual expressions on their faces, looking calmly at the two people in the Transcending Tribulation Area in front of them.

It seems that at this moment no one is willing to make a sound to break such a peaceful atmosphere, just standing quietly in the distance and staring at Ding Wensi and Qing Jianzi in the Dujie area in front of them, it seems that they are under the jurisdiction of the sect resident. They have nothing to do with the competition for artifact time that is happening in the super shopping mall now, and no one is nervous about it.


At this time, in this instant, the third thunder tribulation that had been brewing for a long time came down with a penetrating sound.

When the lightning that looked like a barrel with the mouth of a wooden barrel fell, Ding Wensi, who seemed to be addicted to the thunder and lightning, jumped up directly.

Taking advantage of the momentary pause to rush into the silver-white thunder calamity, the whole person is like a Digimon in the process of evolution, being hit by the silver-white thunder calamity impartially. Lei Jie was completely caught by him in an instant, and he used the power that had been transformed into a fairy to continuously compress the ball of lightning in his hand until it turned into another Thunder Orb, and then he stood below and stared dumbfounded. He threw his Qing Jianzi at him.

"I'm going, is this still a human being? Du Jie wished he could directly use a fairy weapon to resist the attack of the Heavenly Tribulation, but he was better off, just plunged directly into the Thunder Tribulation that came down, even if he tempered his body, he didn't want to work so hard, okay? It's a lifeless lunatic."

Seeing Ding Wensi appearing steadily on the ground at this moment, Qing Jianzi, who was extremely shocked in his heart, couldn't help but complain.

However, as soon as the words he uttered fell down, the Thunder Spirit Orb that Ding Wensi threw towards him hit him fiercely.

When Qing Jianzi, who did not pay attention to the orb, was hit by the thunder orb, he was suddenly shocked by a sudden thunder and lightning, and his whole body felt a numbness in the armpit, and a burst of electric current suddenly It spread all over the body, and the body was shaken instinctively by this thunder spirit orb, and the owner of this body, Qing Jianzi, couldn't help but screamed: "Oh, it's numb to death. Take this Throw the beads without making a sound, and throw them at others without making a sound, and then you will become crippled and you will support me!"


As soon as Qing Jianzi's howling sound fell, the black cloud of robbery above his head fell down again with the sound.

Unbiased, at this moment, it was falling on Qing Jianzi's body at the most precise angle. He was obviously slow in reacting at this moment, but at this moment he just felt a dazzling white light flash past in front of him, followed by him and felt A burst of numbness spread all over his body, and the bursts of numbness made him feel extremely sour, and then a burst of energy mixed with enough to destroy the world invaded his body, as if he wanted to destroy the world. His body was torn apart, and he noticed such a situation in his body. During the transition, Qing Jianzi immediately circulated the true energy in his body to resist vigorously, and turned the original resisting true energy into aura in a way of attracting it. Like walking among the eight extraordinary meridians, the toughness of the tendons is continuously strengthened in the middle, and the inner walls of the tendons that were originally fragile are widened to allow more aura to enter.

"Fuck me, you're really a prodigal son. You can condense the thunder calamity that fell from this catastrophe into a thunder spirit orb for future body training, but I didn't expect you to just stand there in a daze. That lightning strike allowed the unpurified thunder calamity to invade the body and temper the body, wasting a future opportunity to temper the body in vain."

Ding Wensi, who clearly saw Qing Jianzi being bombarded by Lei Jie, froze for a moment, and then he regained his composure and complained fiercely.

However, as soon as he said the words of complaint, the black cloud of robbery in the sky seemed to be angry when he saw that the people below were still standing there so easily.

The black calamity cloud, which seemed to be quiet without any movement, began to rotate, and the pieces of black calamity cloud formed a vortex like a kaleidoscope, and then a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the all-black vortex, and the fourth thunder calamity came out without warning. Falling down from the dark MRT, Ding Wensi, who decided not to waste in his heart, appeared in the hands of a fairy artifact in the shape of a baseball bat. He also passed the technique of sound transmission for thousands of miles and begged Liang Tian to help him. He struck the energy of thunder calamity in the past, and condensed it into a thunder spirit orb by the way.

However, Ding Wensi, who thought Liang Tian would not agree, received the voice transmission that Liang Tian agreed to, so he became more confident about the catastrophe overhead.

"The fourth thunder tribulation has already fallen. In the legend of the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders, each of which is extremely powerful. The condensed thunder spirit orb will play a big role in refining the body in the future." It's very convenient. Next, you only need to counterattack the rest of the thunder disaster with this fairy weapon to Uncle Liang, and let him help catch it and condense it into a thunder spirit orb, so that you can survive this disaster safely. I can get these thunder spirit orbs condensed from the thunder disasters that fell from the sky for future body training. Now that I think about it, I just came up with this idea out of nowhere, I am really great."

Ding Wensi, who had greatly increased his confidence, fixed his eyes on the black robbery clouds above the sky, and said without any concealment.

It's just that he never thought that when he just blurted out these words, Qing Jianzi, who was with him as a tribulation passer, heard what he said, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.


As soon as Ding Wensi's counting words fell, it seemed that the angry Heavenly Tribulation dropped the fifth Thunder Tribulation.

"Huh, it's just in time to see my super home run."

As soon as the fifth thunder tribulation fell, Ding Wensi, who had sensed it with his keen sense, looked coldly at the dark sky and said.

Then he stared closely at the thunder that fell from the black cloud of calamity at a very high speed, his right hand tightly grasped the fairy weapon shaped like a baseball bat, concentrated his attention, looked at the right moment like lightning, and accurately used the fairy weapon to strike hard On the energy of the thunder calamity that is a little bit thicker than the mouth of the bowl, when encountering that thunder calamity, the fairy artifact similar to a baseball bat instinctively emits a trace of energy protection, and fiercely drives the thunder calamity towards it. The direction of the two questions was struck in the past, and Ding Wensi had already agreed to the plea. With a powerful divine sense, Ding Wensi captured the thunder energy that was coming towards him, and instantly waved his hand, and sent that Dao Lei Jie's energy was absorbed.

In less than a moment, a bead with silver lightning flashing from time to time lay on Liang Tian's hand.


Less than an hour had passed since the fifth track fell, and the sixth track fell right after.Ding Wensi, who was holding a baseball bat-shaped celestial weapon, hit it as if he had concocted it, and Liang Tian, ​​who had a superhuman cultivation of spiritual sense, caught it as if nothing happened, and condensed it into the shape of a thunder orb without any effort, and temporarily put it away.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared outside the square.

The black clouds in the sky were densely descended with lightning tribulations whose power multiplied by multiples. Ding Wensi used a baseball and a bunch of immortal objects to hit Liang Tian fiercely. The energy of the thunder calamity passed through Ding Wensi's hands The fairy artifact flew towards Liang Tian's location, and the condensed thunder spirit orbs appeared in the palm of Liang Tian's palm after receiving the energy of the thunder calamity.

After the No.80 Thunder Tribulation, Ding Wensi, who put away the baseball bat-like celestial weapon, turned to look at the stunned Qing Jianzi beside him, and pulled him out of the stunned state Said: "Okay, I have already condensed the previous 79 thunder tribulations into thunder spirit orbs for you to keep, and the last thunder tribulation must be overcome by you, otherwise, your heavenly tribulation will not be counted as passing. Then the hope of breaking through to the Mahayana stage becomes somewhat slim.”


As soon as the words fell, the last thunder tribulation with the effect of inner demon followed closely behind.

At this moment, Ding Wensi was stunned.

I thought that it would take a long time for the last Heavenly Tribulation like this to land, but I never thought that the last Thunder Tribulation would fall faster than he imagined, and it would land on the side impartially. On Qing Jianzi's body, the silver-white light instantly illuminates the surroundings, and hundreds of kilometers around are illuminated by the light transformed by the energy of the thunder calamity. The pieces of Lei Jie in the sky that were still spinning into a vortex suddenly shot down a column of golden light, covering the Qing Jianzi who had just been blasted, slowly repairing the scars on his body just now.

Seeing this situation, Liang Tian immediately knew that the Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation was over.

Then, the karma between my nephew Ding Wensi and the Shangqing Sword Sect is also over at this moment, and there is no relationship anymore.

"Let's go. Now the sect still has a lot of things to solve. It's been a long time since they've been at ease. It's time to let them out to play."

The tribulation was over, and the karma was completely over. Liang Tian felt that there was no point in staying here, so he reminded everyone around Liu Fei.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the seven of them blurred for a moment, and then disappeared in place without leaving a cloud.

Ding Wensi, who had finished a series of things, glanced at Qing Jianzi, who was twitching on the ground and was still transforming, shook his head and disappeared in place, rushing to the super shopping supermarket where the accident happened at this time. Go, when he appeared in front of the monsters, demons, and monks who practiced the true way, he found that seven people including his uncle Liang Tian had already appeared in the crowd, but they didn't make any movements, just quietly Watch what these people are going to do next.

However, before he was puzzled for long, he discovered the scene that made him extremely angry.

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