Liang Tian wiped out the Iga family, and regardless of whether the high-level Japanese officials would blow up the pot or not, he directly sold the beauties of the Iga family captured by Xiaojun to the United States and some directors who love to make porn.Liang Tian sold the beauties of the Iga family to these people for a total of [-] million US dollars.Counting the money happily, Liang Tian almost couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

After Liang Tian finished laughing, he said seriously, "Since you have [-] million US dollars, what are you talking about? I've been filming for the past few days, and it's really boring. I have to go to a bar to drink to relieve boredom." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian's figure Slowly disappeared into the room where he temporarily lived.

Appeared on a street in London, England, and complained to himself while walking: "Damn, when I teleported just now, I should have used divine sense. But I forgot to use it just now, and I accidentally teleported to England is here. It's unlucky, I don't know where the bar is." Liang Tian complained while walking aimlessly.

But as he was walking, he suddenly came to the front of a bar.Liang Tian looked up and saw the four big characters of 'Crazy Bar' written in English on it.Liang Tian couldn't help feeling that it was funny, so he went into that bar without any hesitation.

As soon as Liang Tian walked into that bar, the business of this bar was booming.Many people come to this bar to relax when they are off work.Liang Tian walked across the dance floor where all kinds of people twisted and danced, and found an empty space to sit down.A waiter came over and asked in English, "Excuse me, sir, what would you like to drink?" (Since my English is poor, I wrote it in Mandarin.)

Liang Tian said indifferently: "Well, let's have five bottles of xo!" When the waiter heard that Liang Tian wanted xo, he asked in shock: "Sir, you really want xo!" The waiter glanced at it and said lightly: "Why, no! Could it be that what you are selling is fake!" The waiter replied with a smile: "Oh, sir, no, how can our bar sell fake wine?"

Liang Tian shook his head and said: "No, no, that's not necessarily true." The waiter still smiled and said: "Mr. You are joking, our bar does not sell fake wine at all, but the one you ordered just now is a bit expensive. Let me remind you It’s just sir.” After finishing speaking, it still revealed that this kind of wine is very expensive, can you afford it?He looked at Liang Tian with his eyes.

Liang Tian had noticed the strange look in his eyes a long time ago, so he asked suspiciously: "Just now you said that the wine I ordered just now is a little expensive, how expensive is that!" The waiter looked down on Liang Tian and replied: " It’s very expensive, $15 a bottle! Just now you ordered five bottles!” Liang Tian said with a smile: “Oh, I thought it was so expensive! It’s only $15 a bottle! I thought it was 150 Ten thousand dollars a bottle! What a waste of my expression."

When Liang Tian was drinking the xo he ordered, suddenly Liang Tian felt two waves of energy moving around him.And the attributes of these two forces are actually opposite, one is biased toward darkness, while the other is biased towards light.

Suddenly, two teams walked in from the entrance of the bar. The first team was people exuding dark attributes. They were very handsome, wearing black suits, and looked like gentlemen.Another pair of centaur exudes the power of light, and their costumes are all white clothes.But when they came in, Liang Tian recognized their identities.And when they entered the door, they looked at each other with unfriendly eyes. When the young guy in the black suit looked at the followers of the Holy See, his eyes were full of anger.But he didn't show it at all, even though he didn't show it, Liang Tian knew what he was thinking.

Liang Tian put down his wine glass and murmured: "Damn it, the Holy See, I didn't look for you, but you came to my door. That man in black must be a vampire! No, I have to ask Xiaojun. After finishing speaking, Liang Tian put his hand into the Qiankun ring, and after a while, Xiaojun was grabbed by him from the Qiankun ring.

Originally absorbed the blood essence of those ninjas before being digested in Liang Tian's Qiankun ring, and was about to break through to the late stage of the corpse king, but a big hand suddenly appeared in the midair and grabbed Xiaojun's entire body, directly pulling him out of the Qiankun ring. pulled out.He was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw that it was Liang Tian, ​​his original angry report immediately disappeared, replaced by his bright smile.

After Xiaojun came out, he said dissatisfiedly: "Boss, why did you catch me out! I still have to digest the strength of those essence and blood breaking through to the late corpse king!" Liang Tian replied with a smile: "No way! You are now a master of the Daluo Jinxian stage. Do you still want to break through? There is no one on earth who is your opponent." Xiaojun said with a wry smile: "Boss! Aren't you helping me put on a top hat? My current cultivation level is only at the stage of Daluo Jinxian, who is quite a cultivator, and there are as many as four people on earth who can beat me." Liang Tianming asked knowingly: "No way! Which five are they? Come and listen." Xiaojun said with a bitter smile: "The first one! Of course it's you, the boss. The next three! Of course it's your brothers."

Seeing Xiaojun's depressed look, Liang Tian patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Hahaha, I just wanted you just now. Why take it seriously! It's true." Xiaojun heard that Liang Tian was just It was nothing more than his own, and he asked dissatisfiedly: "Boss! If you ask someone to come out and have something to say, just talk about it! Why do you want everyone!"

Liang Tian resumed his previous serious look and said: "Now I see a foreigner, but their physical signs are zombies just like yours. I'm not sure now, so I ask you to make sure." Xiaojun looked around Ask Liang Tiandao: "Boss, what about the foreigner with zombie features you mentioned? Why can't I see him!" Liang Tian also looked at it in confusion, and then said embarrassedly: "Hehehe, look Come on, we chatted for a long time just now, and he left long ago." After hearing Liang Tian's words, Xiao Jun said dissatisfiedly: "Since he has gone, let's go look for it!" After finishing speaking, Liang Tian The figure of He Xiaojun disappeared in the dim bar.

Liang Tian's figure appeared in the outskirts of a forest, and he had just walked a few steps.Suddenly, the sound of fighting reached the ears of Liang Tian and Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun excitedly said to Liang Tian, ​​"Boss, did you hear that? There was a fight not far away. Shall we go and see it?" Liang Tian He smiled and said, "Who can say no to going, there is a real-life movie to watch, and it's free, so of course I'm going. And it's the foreigner with zombie signs I just mentioned!" Liang Tian finished speaking After saying this, he disappeared into the woods, and Xiao Jun followed.

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