Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 79 Blood Race Bolanov

Liang Tian who disappeared into the woods, his manager and younger brother, Zombie Xiaojun, appeared one after the other not far from the two couples fighting, quietly watching them shopping.And those two pairs of men and horses were fighting fiercely, and they didn't notice that anyone not far away was watching them fight.In fact, with their strength, they didn't even know that Liang Tian and Xiaojun were watching them fight, and they still fought against themselves.

In the field where they fight, they are vampires in black suits, but they are collectively called vampires, and they believe in their ancestor Cain.Wearing white clothes on the other side is the Holy See that has aroused the public outrage of Chinese cultivators. They think they are noble and pure, they are very proud, they look down on others, and they believe in those so-called gods.

During their fierce battle, the Holy See of Light saw that the alien race they hated was severely injured, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Hahaha, with your Earl's strength, it is wishful thinking to actually want to beat me." The leader Enduring the pain all over his body, the count said angrily: "You hypocrites, you appear to be so kind on the surface, but you are such a selfish group of people in private."

The leader of the Holy See in white clothes said in his heart: "You dark creatures, you are still running wild here when you are dying." The man standing in the front of the blood race said: "Look! I have hit the mark! They are going to kill people to silence them." The white-clothed believer said viciously: "Damn dark creatures, today is your death day."

After speaking, he sang to the sky: "Great God of Light! Please give your faithful servant strength! The knife of ice and rock." Just as the believer in white finished speaking, countless water suddenly appeared around his body. The beads suddenly turned into countless ice particles floating in mid-air.After a while, those ice particles slowly merged into a knife made of all of them.

Liang Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from the sidelines, saw the ice skate created by that believer, and said unhappily: "Damn, it's so awesome to conjure up a big knife that doesn't even reach the level of a treasure." Liang Tian said this unhappily After speaking, he stopped again.I watched the fierce battle between black and white with relish again.

And the earl of the blood clan who was fighting saw the believer of the Holy See, and his attack was about to reach him.Suddenly his body moved, and a pair of black wings appeared on his back, with characters unfamiliar to Liang Tian and Xiao Jun on both sides.After the pair of wings grew out of his body, just as the believer's attack hit his body, the earl flapped his wings.Immediately, he disappeared from the spot as quickly as possible, and appeared above the head of the believer in white.

The earl of the blood race flying in the sky said sarcastically: "Hahaha, if you want to compete with our blood race, you are courting death!" The believer in white said with a smirk: "I will let you be proud for a while, and you will cry later!" It's over." After the white-clothed believer finished speaking, he immediately made prayer gestures and whispered for a while.Suddenly raised his head and chanted to the sky: "My most respected God of Light! Please come down to the holy light to destroy these dark creatures. Forbidden spell, light of judgment."

As soon as the believer in white finished speaking, a white light suddenly fell from the sky.It shone directly on the earl, and after the earl was illuminated by the small spell called the light of judgment, his face suddenly became very pale.Shocked, he said, "I didn't expect your strength to be that of the Duke's." The believer in white said, "I'm sorry, it's just a small spell, but you are doomed today." After the words just now, the face of the believer in white became gloomy again.

Hearing these words, the earl felt very funny and said, "Hahaha, it's not so easy to kill me with your duke's strength." After speaking, the earl immediately changed into a full-body transformation form.After that earl's transformation, his strength has suddenly improved from the original earl's late stage strength to the duke's mid-stage strength.A pair of black and slightly silver wings flapped behind, and two short and sharp fangs grew out of its mouth.

In fact, what Liang Tian and the others didn't know was that when a vampire reached the prince level, his two blood teeth gradually disappeared, and he became like a normal person.When they reached the emperor level, their two blood teeth became completely like human beings.It's just that after they transformed, the wings behind them changed from slightly golden yellow to all golden.

Liang Tian, ​​who was watching the battle, said unhappily: "Damn, isn't it the cultivation base of the Jindan stage? What are you dragging!" After saying this, he watched the battle between the two sides.On the other hand, Xiaojun stood there motionless and watched them fight quietly.

After a while, he quickly woke up from the magical realm.He asked Liang Tian suspiciously and said, "Boss! The person you mentioned just now with the signs of our zombies should be the one with black wings behind him!" Liang Tian nodded and said, "Probably so!" Xiaojun looked at the earl who was fighting hard and said: "As far as I know, the foreigner who looks like our zombie is not a zombie. It is a dark creature from a foreign country. It seems to be called a blood race!" "

Liang Tian was awakened by Xiaojun's words, and immediately said in surprise: "No way! Could it be that they are the legendary vampires, I didn't expect to meet them." Xiaojun said dissatisfiedly: "Boss, your boss Don't use this vampire as my relative. Do you know that our zombies are born of the grievances of heaven and earth, hostility and yin. They are immortal, but their souls are trapped in the body forever and cannot be reincarnated. And these vampires can die , but they can live thousands of years longer than ordinary people. And the higher the strength, the longer the lifespan."

Liang Tiantian didn't say anything and said, "Damn it, it's really shameless for these bastards from the Holy See to attack people on the way." Xiaojun then said: "Boss, seeing that vampire beating so Hard work, should we help him!" Liang Tian said with a smile: "Of course we can. After all, an enemy who is an enemy is a friend!" After finishing speaking, Liang Tian and Xiaojun disappeared not far away.

The current earl's dark energy that hit the whole body has been exhausted, and the believers of the Holy See not far away saw that the earl's dark energy has been exhausted.So he slapped directly on the earl.When his bright energy was about to reach the earl's body, a black shadow shattered the energy.

The earl opened his eyes weakly, and saw two handsome young men smiling at him and said, "Are you all right?" The earl said with all his strength, "Who are you, thank you for saving me!" Me." Liang Tian said with a smile: "I just can't see people bullying the wounded, so I saved you." Liang Tian asked again: "What's your name! My name is Liang Tian, ​​I'm very happy Know you."

The earl replied weakly: "My name is Bolanov, and I am the heir of the Bola family. It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for saving me at a time of crisis. Now I invite you to come to our Bola family To be a guest, to express my gratitude." Liang Tian agreed without thinking.

The white-clothed believer saw two Chinese men suddenly appearing in front of him and rescued Bolanov, and said angrily: "You guys are so brave to save this dark creature, you demons, I will kill you Extinct." But just when he was about to make a move, Liang Tian suddenly waved his hand, and the group of followers of the Holy See disappeared forever in this universe.And the Earl Bolanov they rescued passed out due to excessive energy loss.Liang Tian supported Bolanov, and disappeared into the woods with Xiaojun at the same time.

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