Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0135 Cleaning

Li Jianrui followed Wu Guoyun and Zheng Jingang to the outside of the camp. He saw that many soldiers had already begun to eat. Although the taste of military canned food was so-so, after a day of high-intensity field survival training, who cares about the taste at this time? Woolen cloth.

As for the self-heating lunch box for individual soldiers, Li Jianrui has eaten it before. When training in the field, he eats that. It is easy to carry and easy to heat. The disadvantage is that it looks uncomfortable, and it tastes even more uncomfortable.

He still remembers that when he heated the lunch box and removed the tin foil, what he saw was a mass of soft excrement, which was still slightly steaming, as if it had just been pulled out... Well, the difference The color is different and the shape is different, but he saw that everyone ate it, and he had no reason to be picky, so he scooped a spoonful with a disposable plastic spoon. The taste was hard to describe. Like his comrades, he poured the entire package of spicy sauce into the lunch box, stirred vigorously, and wiped out the lunch box as quickly as possible.

But after this day of tossing, he now also feels that being able to eat a bite of boxed lunch is a great happiness.

Wu Guoyun looked at the soldiers who were eating, and seemed indifferent, neither envious nor ridiculed.

When we got to the edge of the camp, in a relatively deserted place, Wu Guoyun said: "Later, we will split up and collect empty cans near each tent. The more the better, we will still gather here after 10 minutes. Be careful not to let people find out. ,"

"Ah, they all left the empty cans at the door. Someone probably recycled them, and it's hard not to be discovered," Li Jianrui asked.

"It won't be recycled, but someone will pack it up and find a place to bury it. We pretend to be the ones in charge of collecting it," Zheng Jingang replied with a hint of cunning.

Li Jianrui knew that Zheng Jingang must know something he didn't know, but the problem now is how to get the empty cans without being noticed. He felt that according to Zheng Jingang's statement, there would still be mistakes. I knew what the consequences would be, but it would definitely not be a good thing, so I changed my mind.

He thought of the short fat man at the door of the warehouse. No matter how he looked at it, he had nothing to do with the people in this camp. He should be a temporary logistics staff, and such a person would be responsible for the aftermath.

Li Jianrui said: "I guess I'm in charge of the logistics of the warehouse, and finally clean up these sundries. What do you think?"

Wu Guoyun nodded: "It should be, even if it wasn't for him, someone would take care of this temporary camp after we set off,"

Li Jianrui nodded, and put forward his idea: "Then why should we pretend, just clean it up openly, and what to pack the empty cans we receive, if we use our own backpack, people will definitely be suspicious,"

"Why did you clean it up so generously?" Zheng Jingang asked with his eyes brightened.

"Come with me," Li Jianrui said.

After speaking, he brought the two of them to the warehouse door. At this time, all the things that should be done have been done for the time being, and the rest is the follow-up work after the soldiers set off.

The short fat man was sitting at the door with his feet up on the table, smoking leisurely. When he saw Li Jianrui and the other three coming, he put his legs down calmly and looked at him with questioning eyes. them.

Li Jianrui said: "Report, the first company of the field training camp, Li Jianrui, has been ordered to assist you in cleaning up the garbage in the camp, please instruct."

Humpty Humpty seemed taken aback, thought for a while, and asked, "Your company commander is a crab,"

"Report, yes,"

"Have you guys offended him? Why don't you do something that displeases him, haha?" Humpty Humpty seems to know a lot about crabs. He knows that crabs are a weird pervert, but his biggest advantage is his ability to fight well. , Whether alone or leading a small team, they can complete various tasks excellently. The so-called one handsome cover one hundred ugly, is talking about crabs.

His superiors are very fond of him, so although Crab does something wrong from time to time, no one is too concerned about it, but it is also because of his character that he has been performing missions outside all year round and has made a lot of contributions, but he has never been promoted. , but crabs seem to prefer to take out missions, and don't care much about promotion.

Wu Guoyun replied: "Well, you know, just give him some tasks and wait for him to calm down."

Humpty Humpty thought: Crabs are really ruthless, and asking people to clean them up is a fucking slap in the face, but since the three people in front of them have received tasks, they have to go around the camp no matter what.

"Okay, you go and collect the empty cans, lunch boxes, etc. in the camp, and then hand them over to me, and the task will be considered complete," Humpty said.

This will neither offend the crab nor embarrass the three fighters too much. It is a win-win result.

After speaking, he stood up, found several large garbage bags in the warehouse, and handed them to the three of them.

Li Jianrui saw this kind of large garbage bag with a length of 1.5 meters, and thought it was very useful. Although he couldn't think of where to use it, he still asked: "Brother, can you give me a few more?"

After hearing this, Humpty Humpty handed over the remaining garbage bags to Li Jianrui. Anyway, these things are consumables, and no one will count them, just a few garbage bags.

Li Jianrui took it, and quickly said, "Thank you, then let's go clean up the camp. Would you like us to help dispose of the garbage by the way?"

"It's okay, I don't see it, you're quite clever," the short fat man smiled, thinking that Li Jianrui was quite sensible, and he gave him a few garbage bags in vain, which was considered a good fortune.

He took out three mini canvas bags from the warehouse and threw them on the table; "Use the shovel first,"

The three of them immediately put the canvas bag into their backpacks, and were overwhelmed with surprise in their hearts. Unexpectedly, following Li Jianrui, they even managed to get an engineer shovel in their hands.

After expressing their gratitude again, the three of them split up and went to the door of each marching tent to collect the empty cans, plastic bags, and lunch boxes discarded by the soldiers in garbage bags.

During the process, someone also asked: "Do you want to learn from Lei Feng?"

Li Jianrui smiled and replied: "Of course, the barracks is my home, so cleaning depends on everyone."

"Brother, do you want to help?"

"No, this trivial matter can't be solved by three times, five times and two divisions, thank you,"

He also found that some soldiers did not throw away the cans, but cleaned them and put them in backpacks. It seems that some people have already begun to prepare tools for wild survival in advance.

After 10 minutes, Li Jianrui packed up the rubbish of the five tents in the middle row, and then he carried the trash bag on his shoulder and came to the edge of the barracks, where Wu Guoyun had just agreed.

Soon, the other two came over with garbage bags on their backs.

Zheng Jingang said in a low voice: "Your boy, it's fine," and raised his thumb after speaking.

Wu Guoyun also said: "Unexpectedly, not only the empty cans were collected blatantly, but even the engineer shovel was obtained. This treasure, there is no need to return it, haha"

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