Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0136 go out to find food

Li Jianrui listened to Wu Guoyun's words: "I won't pay it back. How can I do it."

"Why not. You don't know. These things don't look like ordnance. Generally, no one counts them. Otherwise, the quartermaster would lend us casually." Wu Guoyun replied.

Zheng Jingang also chimed in and said, "That's right. Anyway, we are leaving early tomorrow morning. Could it be that he will come to us to ask for it?"

Li Jianrui: "Alright then. But where are we going?"

Wu Guoyun said: "It is about three kilometers away from here. It will be a little farther away from the camp later. It is time to light the torch."

"Do you want to carry these on your back?" Li Jianrui asked.

"Of course. Empty cans are of great use. Those plastic scraps are good for torches. I just don't collect enough cloth."

"Will the parachute cloth work?"

Wu Guoyun's eyes lit up.Looking at Li Jianrui, he asked, "You still keep that."

Li Jianrui replied: "Yes. Part of it was used. There are still three quarters."

"Okay. That's good. Everything is in order. Everything is ready. Only the east wind is needed. Let's go."

After Wu Guoyun finished speaking, he walked in the front.Go deep into the dense forest.All three were carrying large garbage bags.It looked like it was scavenged.

This road itself was walked by Wu Guoyun when he came here.So it's easy to handle.Although the visibility in the dark rainforest is extremely low.But Wu Guoyun was the guide.Plus the faint moonlight.The speed of travel is not slow.At least two to three times faster than Li Jianrui's speed when he was walking in the rainforest.

The temporary camp was originally on a high slope.It is a commanding height.The three followed Wu Guoyun to the northwest in the dense forest.Then turn to the northeast.

Wu Guoyun said while walking: "The road to the northwest is basically blocked. If there is no machete, there is no way to pass. There is a small stream not far ahead. We will prepare there."

Hear Wu Guoyun's words.Zheng Jingang, who was walking in the middle of the team, turned his head.He gave Li Jianrui a meaningful look.Li Jianrui stared at Zheng Jingang's footsteps.He didn't seem to notice Zheng Jingang looking back at him.

Walked for another 5 minutes.The three of them finally arrived at the stream Wu Guoyun mentioned.The so-called stream.It is relative to the rivers in the tropical rainforest.The width is about one meter or so.Li Jianrui turned his head to look upstream to the northeast.The stream runs through the dense forest like a swimming snake.But the moonlight here is much brighter than in the forest.

Wu Guoyun threw the garbage bag on his back on the ground.Said: "Here it is. We have to get ready."

Everyone put the garbage bags on the ground first.Then take out the engineer shovel you just got.moonlight.The army green sapper shovel cannot see the color.It's like pitch black.

"It's out of the patrol range now. You can use this as a machete on the road below." Wu Guoyun straightened the folding engineering shovel while speaking.The spring clicked.The fourth-generation engineering shovel has a total length of 65 cm.It is only thirty centimeters when folded.The shovel is on one side.Can be used as an axe.The other side is sawtooth.There is a knob at the end of the long handle.The knob must be tightened when the shovel is vertical.Used to fix.

The shovel surface of the fourth-generation engineering shovel is integrally poured with No. 55 quenched high-carbon steel.Extremely strong.When using an axe.Capable of splitting ten-gauge steel wire.The long handle is made of high-strength plastic.It can withstand a prying force of 95 kilograms.In the current situation where there is only one [-] in hand.The engineering shovel that the three of them got was an extra piece of extremely useful equipment.

The three of them cleaned up the grass by the stream first.Then empty the contents of the trash bag.Sort and organize.Empty cans were piled aside.Plastic bags and plastic lunch boxes piled on the other side.Originally, Li Jianrui was still considering whether to wash the empty cans again.But against the moonlight.He found that each can had been washed clean.can imagine.After the soldiers finished eating.Rinse the can with water.It is estimated that the rice was eaten with the water used to wash the cans.The lunch box is the same.There are even bags of compressed biscuits in the trash.

When Wu Guoyun saw it, he said, "Damn it. These recruits are really relentless. They will cry when the time comes."

"At that time, the cans will be used to hold water. Put them all aside. Put them in a bag and see if a garbage bag is enough. Li Jianrui was really smart just now. He also packed a few garbage bags. They will come in handy later."

Li Jianrui said: "I still don't know what to use it for."

"When it's time to use it, you'll know it. Keep this habit. Collect everything you can. It's good for your survival in the wild. We'll start cutting branches. Then we can start making torches," Wu Guoyun said After that, walk towards the nearby big tree.

Li Jianrui also finished the engineering shovel.Secure with nuts.Go to another tree.Hold the handle of the shovel with your right hand and aim at the branch and chop it hard. There was a "click".I saw sawdust flying.Probably the method of force is wrong.A big gap was left on the four or five centimeter thick branch.But it didn't break.Li Jianrui cut off the branch with another blow of the axe.

Wu Guoyun had already walked back with five branches in his arms.I saw Li Jianrui holding up his engineering shovel and waving it.Smiled: "Li Jianrui. That's not how a saber shovel is used. Haha"

He said and dropped the branch in the open space.walked over.Li Jianrui handed over the shovel: "Wu Guoyun, please teach me. I don't think this thing is easy to use."

Wu Guoyun took the shovel.Wave your right arm.It wasn't as big a move as Li Jianrui's.But extremely quickly.Li Jianrui only saw a flash of black shadow. There was a soft "chi".The branches snapped.

"I'll do it in slow motion. Look carefully. But if you really want to use it smoothly, you probably need to spend a few days in the tropical rainforest. After you get used to chopping weeds and vines, you will naturally be able to cut trees and so on. "Wu Guoyun slowed down while talking.I saw his forearm slightly bent.Lift your elbows up.The rear arm is held high at about a 45-degree angle.Then push your arms hard.Throw the sapper shovel out.

Wu Guoyun: "See it. You use ingenuity. The arm drives the shovel. Let the center of gravity of the shovel be concentrated on the front. This is the forceful way to cut small branches. If you want to cut a big tree, you need to use waist strength. Not Arm strength."

After speaking, he handed the engineering shovel back to Li Jianrui.

The two of them are in agreement.Zheng Jingang was already standing beside him silently.Listen to Wu Guoyun's explanation.Nod silently.

Li Jianrui picked up the engineering shovel.Learn Wu Guoyun's movements.Swing the shovel again.Although it looks similar.But chop on a branch.It wasn't as big as the gap he made with brute force the first time.

Wu Guoyun patted him on the shoulder: "Now is not the time to practice. Let's wait until tomorrow. Oh, no. We will be together tomorrow. This shovel must be put away. Let's practice again when we have a chance. Now let's make torches together."

The three squatted on the ground.Trim the branches with a paratrooper knife.Then cut the umbrella cloth into strips.Waste plastic is also cut into strips.

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