Destiny Immortal Way

004 The Rumor of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox

004 The Rumor of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox

In the following days, Lin Xiao temporarily settled down in the city, waiting for the news of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. Recently, the place has become quite uneasy, and many monks have traveled thousands of miles to come here, all of whom are close to this human city. A nine-tailed fairy fox appeared in the depths of Wanfeng Mountain. It is said that someone had glimpsed the flickering shadow of the fairy fox from a distance. As soon as the news spread, it immediately caused a shock. According to rumors, in just two days, even the other two human cities separated by hundreds of thousands of miles learned of this amazing news, and even monks from the imperial city at the center of the Chinese Dragon Dynasty came here.

The Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox, a kind of fairy in the legend, does not have strong attack power, but is good at performing illusions and has a long lifespan.It can be said that it is the most powerful kind of fairy, and it can also be said that it is not a fairy.According to ancient books, it is said that in ancient times, there was a monk with great luck who accidentally obtained the immortal origin of a nine-tailed fairy fox. With this, he leaped over the dragon's gate, soared in the daytime, and became one of the immortals.

Although this is just a legend, the meaning it expresses is enough to drive any monk crazy, soaring in the daylight!That would be one step up to the sky, and the power would reach the fairyland. At that time, not to mention the Chinese dragon dynasty, even the king's landing on the entire doomsday earth would not be false.

Facing the temptation of the origin of the fairy in the body of the nine-tailed fairy fox, who can bear it?The answer is obvious. These days, this human city is already overcrowded, and there are many existences with extremely astonishing auras. These monks are all here for the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox.

"Nine-tailed fairy fox... Is there really such a fairy in the depths of Wanfeng Mountain? It's really unbelievable!"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, and murmured in disbelief, he was also a little overwhelmed by the shocking news, the nine-tailed fairy fox, it is said that it can make a mortal fetus ascend in the daytime, and rank in the fairy class.This incomparable temptation is irresistible to every mortal monk, and even he is tempted to go and find out.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiao received news from Zuixian Pavilion about Wang Chong. This was already expected by Lin Xiao, but he was also surprised by the efficiency of Zuixian Pavilion. , It is really fast enough.

Sure enough, the news that the nine-tailed fairy fox had appeared in Wanfeng Mountain shocked even the high-ranking officials of the Dragon Dynasty in China. Wang Chong instructed his father, Wang Hong, to come secretly to Wanfeng Mountain immediately. The news was extremely secret, but But he was stunned to be informed by the Zuixian Pavilion, and even Wang Chong's route was clearly checked.

This point made Lin Xiao amazed, the Drunken Immortal Pavilion is really clever!Even Wang Chong's traveling route was thoroughly investigated. According to the news from Zuixian Pavilion, this time Wang Chong traveled secretly, and he only brought two attendants with him at the Body Refining Realm.

"Wang Chong, finally let me seize the opportunity, this time I must take your dog's life!"

Murderous intent flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes, and Leng Sen's words made people shudder. He had waited for this day for too long.He wanted to kill Wang Chong even in his dreams, and he would never forget Qin Yue's sad and nostalgic eyes at the last moment when he fell into the lava river. Every time he thinks of it, it breaks his heart.

Although he always believed that Qin Yue was not dead, the search for the past two years had gradually made him lose confidence, even though he was reluctant to admit it.

According to the information given by Zuixian Pavilion, Lin Xiao knew that Wang Chong would enter the area where Wanfeng Mountain was located about ten days later, and he had a relatively clear route.After serious consideration, Lin Xiao decided to recharge his batteries in the city for the time being. As for the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox, which was widely rumored in the outside world, he was no longer interested, and now all his thoughts were on the plan to intercept and kill Wang Chong in ten days.


Five days later, many human monks who came to the city gathered into a team. Under the leadership of some powerful monks, they first sent three vanguard troops to Wanfeng Mountain to investigate. After all, Wanfeng Mountain is not an ordinary place, and there are many Powerful spirit beasts, especially the deepest ones, are often occupied by terrifying monsters. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, many human monks have already made plans.

"The allure of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox is indeed unparalleled. Among these human monks, there are quite a few powerful beings who are in the realm of refinement and aura!"

Standing on the second floor of the inn, Lin Xiao looked down at the mighty group of monks in the city, and sighed in surprise.



Suddenly, three beams of light flew from a distance, and the peerless sharp sword energy pierced through the void, causing a commotion in the entire human city. It turned out to be three strong men flying with swords, three terrifying The breath shrouded it, making everyone turn pale with fright.

Flying with the sword, that is a powerful existence beyond the realm of refining Aiki!Such a powerful Qi trainer is also a first-class master in the entire Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. I didn't expect three such strong people to come so soon.

"The three leading troops followed us into Wanfeng Mountain!"

Someone from the three strong men standing on top of the flying swords spoke. The voice was deep and powerful, which made people's eardrums vibrate.

"A strong man who has been born out of the womb!"

Lin Xiao swallowed in shock, and stared at the three figures standing high in the sky with fiery eyes. Above body training is refinement Aiki, and above refinement Aiki is rebirth, this level The strong ones can already practice their natal magic weapon, flying with the sword, and they can fly thousands of miles. It is said that a Qi trainer in the bodiless state can take the head of a person thousands of miles away, which is extremely terrifying!

Rumor has it that when one enters the Embodimentation Realm, the monk's mortal body will begin to gradually transform into the legendary fairy body. Of course, the real situation will only be known after stepping into that realm.

Lin Xiao is now at the seventh level of body training, and there is still a long way to go to refining Aiki, not to mention the Embodied Realm. Looking at the three figures standing on the sword in the sky, Lin Xiao can really feel a sense of urgency. This kind of insignificance is the gap in absolute strength. One day and one place, he has no doubt that any one of these three people has the ability to kill him instantly.

"If I reach the Embodied Realm, why don't I worry about taking revenge on Wang Chong?"

Lin Xiao clenched his fist tightly and sighed secretly.It's a pity that there is no way, he is a loner, and he has to work hard on everything by himself, unlike those powerful people who occupy the resource advantage from the beginning and become stronger in the shortest time.

Many monks in the city were very excited, and there were actually three strong men who had escaped from the womb to take the lead. This greatly increased everyone's confidence, and felt that the safety of this trip was more guaranteed. After all, Wanfeng Mountain is not a good place. Now With such a strong leader leading the team, what are they afraid of.

As a result, the three vanguard troops were quickly formed. Under the leadership of the three Embryo Realm powerhouses, the troops were divided into three groups and marched towards Wanfeng Mountain in a mighty manner.

Although Lin Xiao watched with enthusiasm, he did not follow. Although the allure of the nine-tailed fairy fox was strong, he felt that it was too illusory. The road to immortality requires one step at a time, how can one step to the sky, otherwise, what would this world be like? It's not a mess!

Therefore, he is unwilling to get involved!Now that there is news of Wang Chong again, he can't wait to kill his enemy and avenge Qin Yue!

In the following days, Lin Xiao still stayed in the city. As the days passed, the three vanguard troops bound for Wanfeng Mountain also gradually sent back news. However, fortunately, there are three experts in the Embodied Realm leading the team, so there is not much loss for the time being.

At the same time, more and more monks came from other places, and during this time, there were several powerful auras from the Embodied Realm flashed over the city.Moreover, the fluctuations in the city lord's mansion that supervises the entire city are becoming more and more depressing. The city lord's mansion is directly under the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. It is said that it supervises the entire city, but it rarely interferes with things in the city. In the center, the door is closed all year round, and it looks very mysterious to the outside world.

In addition, the Drunken Immortal Pavilion was also temporarily closed, and a strong aura blocked the four corners of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, preventing anyone from approaching.In the deep part of the Zuixian Pavilion, the space near the purple-gold attic appeared distorted. The entire attic was quiet, but the people in the Zuixian Pavilion could feel the majestic power emanating from the attic. The coercion is like a mountain standing there.

Obviously, whether it is the Drunken Immortal Pavilion or the mysterious City Lord's Mansion, there are peerless and terrifying figures sitting in the town, deterring monks from all directions, so as not to cause chaos in the city.

On the seventh day, the many monks gathered in this human city could no longer hold back, and they all formed teams to Wanfeng Mountain to find the legendary Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox, hoping to have the luck to get the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox's fairy spirit. Origin, soaring in the daytime.Even if this hope is so small, human nature is like this. Under the temptation of huge interests, it is better to believe what is there or not to believe what is not. In order to become a fairy, it is worth fighting with your life.

Two days later, ten out of ten human monks in this city have entered Wanfeng Mountain, and on this day, Lin Xiao also started to dispatch, with the goal of Wanfeng Mountain, but he was not going to find the legend Instead, he rushed to the south of Wanfeng Mountain, because that was where Wang Chong would pass by. According to calculations, Wang Chong might arrive in the near future.


Beasts are roaring in the lush Wanfeng Mountain, but there are not many powerful monsters in the entrance area to the south. I am afraid this is also Wang Chong's plan. He is acting secretly this time, and the experts with him must not be able to Too much, otherwise it will attract the attention of interested people.

"Did Wang Chong really come here for the legendary nine-tailed fairy fox in the depths of Wanfeng Mountain?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help thinking with some doubts that this area was obviously far away from the depths of Wanfeng Mountain. Why did Wang Chong choose this road?At this moment, Lin Xiao even doubted whether the information of Zuixian Pavilion was wrong, but after thinking about it, with the ability of Zuixian Pavilion, the difficulty of this task is not too high, and it is not too difficult to make mistakes.

Lurking here until the tenth day, Wang Chong's figure did not appear, which made Lin Xiao a little anxious, and his desire for revenge became more and more eager, but in the end he calmed down and continued to wait. Finally, at the evening of No.11 , a young man in a brocade robe appeared in his field of vision, Lin Xiao remembered that even if he turned into ashes.

"Wang Chong..."

Lin Xiao stared at that young man, with a terrifying ray of hatred in his eyes. It was this person who caused his most beloved Yue'er to die in the doomsday catastrophe. Lin Xiao's chest was almost bursting with hatred Yep, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and what he was talking about was Lin Xiao’s state at this time. He could hardly restrain himself from immediately killing Wang Chong ###, but he finally calmed down because he wanted to kill Wang Chong It was not so easy to rush, and there were actually two Qi trainers with very strong breaths beside him.

"Two qi-level seven..."

Lin Xiao's expression became serious. Wang Chong's own strength was only at the sixth level of body training, but the two people around him made him feel great pressure.

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