Destiny Immortal Way

005 Zhongyue Songshan

005 Zhongyue Songshan

"Master! Why are we going in this direction? It is said that the place where the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox appeared was in the north of Wanfeng Mountain!"

One of the thin men looked around and suddenly asked. His pair of scorching eyes showed his extraordinary cultivation.

"Yes! Young Master, isn't our task this time to find the legendary Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox?"

The other person couldn't help but echoed and asked.

"Hey! Do you really think that our mission here is to find the legendary Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox? Even if there is such a thing, we cannot complete it!"

Hearing Wang Chong's words, a deep sneer flashed across his handsome face. Lin Xiao, who was secretly peeping at it, couldn't help but stare in his eyes. He thought to himself, this really didn't come for the sake of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox, and his previous unreasonable guess turned out to be true. .

So, what is the purpose of Wang Chong's trip?Could it be more important than the legendary nine-tailed fairy fox?

"Master! What is the mission of our trip?"

The two attendants were all startled, and couldn't help asking in a low voice. They thought they were going there for the rumored nine-tailed fairy fox in the depths of Wanfeng Mountain.

"The destination of our trip is Zhongyue Songshan Mountain, which is not far from the southern end of Wanfeng Mountain!"

Wang Chong glanced at the two of them and said.

"Zhongyue Songshan?"

The two attendants suddenly showed strange expressions, and their expressions were rather puzzled. Zhongyue Songshan Mountain is a place of extraordinary significance.

"You should know the legend about the Five Sacred Mountains in ancient China! Recently, my father accidentally learned an astonishing piece of information from the senior officials of the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. Recently, my Master Tianji of the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty estimated that there will be major changes in the land of China in the near future!"

Wang Chong nodded and said, his expression was ambiguous. He was also inconceivable when he heard the news. Although the order of the doomsday world has only been established for two years, the power of the Chinese Dragon Dynasty is unquestionable and can rule steadily. How could there be major changes in the entire land of China in the near future?

"What? How is this possible?"

The two attendants were taken aback. There will be major changes in the land of China. Doesn't that indirectly mean that the rule of the Dragon Dynasty in China will be affected.This is too frightening. They don't know much about the power of the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty as small cultivators, but in their impression, the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty is a dragon entrenched on the land of China. Its power is unshakable.

"Well! This news is extremely secretive. Only a few high-level officials in China's Dragon Dynasty know about it. Even my father was lucky enough to know this secret because of his friendship with a certain important person. According to Master Tianji's estimation, the source of the accident seems to be in Wuyue. Azimuth! Huaxia Dragon Dynasty has sent other masters to the other four major sacred mountains, and we are going to Zhongyue Songshan Mountain to investigate!"

Wang Chong nodded affirmatively, with a dignified and authentic expression. The five mountains had extraordinary significance in ancient China. If the source of the accident lies in these five ancient sacred mountains, it would be really uneasy.

"A major change? Five Sacred Mountains?"

Lin Xiao, who was hiding in the dark, listened to the conversation of the three, and his heart was shocked. He knew a little about the Five Sacred Mountains. Dongyue Taishan, Xiyue Huashan, Zhongyue Songshan, Nanyue Hengshan, Beiyue Hengshan are called the Five Sacred Mountains. These five mountains have existed since ancient times. They are the places where the feudal emperors worshiped the majestic power of heaven and enshrined Zen sacrifices.Some famous poets in history have also written poems one after another to admire the majesty of the Five Sacred Mountains, which makes the Five Sacred Mountains have extraordinary significance.

What kind of accident will involve the Five Sacred Mountains?It is really puzzling, Lin Xiao was amazed, and at the same time, he was also amazed at the rumor that the Master of Tianji in the Xialong Dynasty of China really had the ability to predict the future?It's too unbelievable to think about it!

The most common people in the doomsday earth are Qi practitioners, but it is rumored that very few people have some kind of unpredictable ability, which can penetrate the secrets of the sky and predict the future. This kind of mysterious and strange existence is called the master of secrets. It has a very high status in the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. The nine Huaxia cities were calculated and planned by Master Tianji. They used the eight trigrams to defend the central imperial city, set the dragon veins of the earth, and stabilize the country's great fortune.

It is no exaggeration to say that this miraculous ability is earth-shattering.Master Tianji has been sitting in the Huaxia Imperial City and has never been exposed to the outside world. In the eyes of all Huaxia monks, this kind of person is mysterious and terrifying!Awesome!

Today, Master Tianji has calculated that there will be a major change in the land of China in the near future, and it is related to the Five Sacred Mountains, so naturally it cannot be groundless.


Looking at the three people who were gradually going away, Lin Xiao didn't move rashly for the time being, he pondered for a while, and quietly followed up. He also wanted to see what happened to Zhongyue Songshan!

A few people headed towards the southern end of Wanfeng Mountain. In order to act secretly, Wang Chong actually entered the jungle of Wanfeng Mountain, made several turns, and finally walked out of Wanfeng Mountain and rushed towards the distant Xiongqi Mountain. He is discreet and by no means an easy character.

"Songfeng 36 are all in the blue clouds. When Su Xi saw it, he wished he would give birth to Yuhan..."

Songshan Mountain lies horizontally from east to west, stretches for 120 miles, and can reach a height of more than [-] Zhang. Majestic momentum.In ancient times, many famous poets came here to pay their respects and praise the magnificence of Songshan Mountain.

"Songshan is even more beautiful!"

Lin Xiao looked at Songshan Mountain from a distance, and couldn't help but marvel. He had been to Songshan Mountain once before the doomsday, and when he came here again, he found that Songshan Mountain had become different. It is more agile, there is a kind of ethereal air, everywhere, the mountains are shrouded in a faint mist, it looks ethereal and magical, like a fairy mountain washing away the mundane mortal world, exuding a fairy air, people can't help but wonder Fascinated.

"Sure enough, as rumored, Mount Song was not destroyed in the doomsday catastrophe, including the other four mountains, and even other famous ancient places were preserved in the doomsday catastrophe!"

Wang Chong looked at the majestic and handsome mountain range in front of him in amazement, and said, in the catastrophe of the doomsday ten years ago, some places with special significance in the history of the earth were not destroyed, but were preserved intact. , This amazed the world, feeling that these places contain mysteries, and many experts have conducted investigations, but they have not gained the slightest.

Especially the Five Sacred Mountains on the land of China, the master of Tianji in the Dragon Dynasty of China once said that the five mountains imply the mysteries of heaven and earth, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see the slightest bit!It means that even Master Tianji can't spy out one or two.


Lin Xiao followed Wang Chong and the others to climb Songshan Mountain. Although Songshan Mountain was majestic, for monks, this kind of physical activity was not a problem at all. Even after climbing nearly a hundred feet high, several people were not blushing or out of breath!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moment he entered Songshan, the broken stone tablet in his arms seemed to tremble, but he took it out and looked left and right, but he didn't find anything unusual. Two corners were scratched, like a broken brick, no one looked at it when it was thrown on the ground.

"It's really strange! Could it be my illusion?"

Lin Xiao shook his head in doubt, then ignored it and continued to follow, because he felt something strange, the space inside Songshan Mountain seemed to be different from the outside world, the aura fluctuated so much that he could even faintly hear the sound of the tide.What is even more amazing is that the sky above Songshan Mountain has become somewhat blurred, and one after another faint ripples can be seen converging towards the highest point.

"Songshan really has an anomaly!"

Wang Chong frowned and looked up at the highest peak of Songshan, Junji Peak. It was too far away to see clearly, but he could feel the astonishing aura fluctuations there.

"Master! The aura in Songshan Mountain has suddenly become so strong, it's like standing on a spiritual vein!"

The thin follower next to him couldn't help but took a deep breath and exclaimed, in the depths, it gave people a feeling of celestial beings, as if they were about to ascend to immortality, very magical.

"Master Tianji's conjecture is not wrong! Songshan really has changed! Let's go!"

Wang Chong's eyes flickered, he quickened his pace, and rushed towards Junji Peak, the highest peak of Songshan Mountain. The aura fluctuated most violently there, and it was expected that there must be a big change there.


The few people were agile and climbed quickly, and soon they were approaching the highest peak of Songshan, Junji Peak, which was still half a hundred feet away from the highest point, but they could not move forward, because there was a majestic force on the top of Junji Peak. The pressure shrouded it, and the thick fog shrouded it. There seemed to be a low-pitched thunder roaring faintly, which made it difficult for people to take a step forward. There was a wave of heavenly power permeating the air, which stopped Wang Chong and the others. He stepped forward and used his eyesight to see clearly what happened on the top of Junji Peak.

However, the mist was hazy, and even with the extraordinary eyesight of a few people, there was nothing to gain. They could only see the huge aura gathering here, faintly forming a huge cyclone.

"Songshan Mountain is said to have 72 peaks. If this Junji Peak has undergone such a change, what about the other peaks?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered in the dark, and he looked down at the vast Songshan Mountain from a high point. Sure enough, in the vast sea of ​​fog, dozens of peaks stood up, and the peaks gathered a huge spiritual energy vortex, making each peak It's all hazy.The 72 peaks of Songshan Mountain all have the same changes, and the highest peak is the most powerful.

"Accidents happen on the 72 peaks!"

Not only Lin Xiao was shocked, Wang Chong and the other three people who were in the clear also discovered this point. The 72 peaks are scattered in the Songshan Mountains. At this time, several people keenly felt that there was a special connection between the 72 peaks , the qi and qi are pulling each other, as if a river of aura is galloping and roaring, shuttling between the 72 peaks, forming a majestic general trend, mobilizing the power of heaven and deterring all spirits, this is also the reason why several people Along the way, I didn't see the reason why there were no animals.

What happened?Why is the aura fluctuating so violently in the space where Songshan is located?Wang Chong and the other three looked at the steep peak with aura of aura in a daze.

"This is the time!"

Lin Xiao, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly had his eyes wide open. Taking advantage of Wang Chong's loss of consciousness, he launched a peerless attack. His figure was like a ghost wolf rushing out of the darkness, and an aura of death enveloped him instantly. Staying with Wang Chong caused the latter's expression to change drastically, and his whole body felt cold.

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