Destiny Immortal Way

018 Unscrupulous Monk

018 Unscrupulous Monk

The strange phenomena about the Mass Burial Ridge made all the monks daunted, like snakes and scorpions, because the man who ran out insanely approached the Mass Burial Ridge on the night of the full moon, and was attracted by the mournful sound of the zither, and unconsciously broke into the mass grave. Into the depths of the Mass Burial Ridge.

Empty and desolate are the most apt descriptions of Mass Burial Ridge.

In the depths of the Mass Burial Ridge, it is shrouded in a strange gray mist all the year round. It is impossible to see the situation inside from the outside. It seems that there are ghosts flickering and swaying inside, which sets off the Mass Burial Ridge mysteriously and strangely.

"Mass Burial Ridge, Mass Burial Ridge...I never thought I would come here one day!"

Lin Xiao stared at the Mass Burial Ridge shrouded in gray mist, and muttered to himself that he had come out of Mass Burial Ridge after waking up. No one knew about it. A secret that cannot be revealed, because the horror here made him dare not even think about it.

If it weren't for the broken stone tablet, he might have gone crazy long ago.

Facing this Mass Burial Ridge, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel palpitations, but in order to kill the masters of the Wang family, he could only bite the bullet and rush in. He had a glimmer of hope for the mysterious stone tablet, which is why he The main reason for choosing this place.

"Amitabha! Mass Burial Ridge is a place of great danger, don't be fooled by the benefactor!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, and Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed. Looking at the sound, he found a fat monk sitting majestically on a boulder somewhere on the edge of the Mass Burial Ridge.

The fat monk looked to be in his thirties, with a full forehead and a ruddy complexion. He sat there cross-legged, exuding a sacred and peaceful aura, like an eminent monk who had attained the Tao, and seemed incompatible with the strange environment of Mass Burial Ridge .

There was a strange look in Lin Xiao's eyes. This monk came in a strange way. He hadn't noticed it before, and the other party was actually in the Mass Burial Ridge. Even if it was only a marginal area, it was not something ordinary people could set foot in.

"Since the master said that this Mass Burial Ridge is a place of great danger, why would he be in it himself? Isn't it a mistake?"

Lin Xiao smiled faintly, I don't know why, although this monk looks dignified, Lin Xiao feels strange in his heart.

"Hey! There is too much evil here, and if it goes on for a long time, it will become a catastrophe. The poor monk must try his own way, save all the grievances, and promote the immeasurable merits of my Buddha! Amitabha——!"

The fat monk sighed, shouted the Buddha's name, and had a compassionate face, just like a Buddha who saved the world.

"Master is really compassionate!"

Lin Xiao curled his lips and said with a faint smile, the more compassionate the fat monk's expression, the more weird he felt.

"All living beings are suffering. If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell! Amitabha—!"

The fat monk continued to chant the Buddha's name, with a benevolent expression, his forehead was faintly glowing, and his sacred aura was even more serious, which made people feel the fearless spirit of Buddhism.If ordinary people see this scene, they will definitely shout holy monk!

But Lin Xiao didn't take it seriously in his heart, feeling more and more weird.


Suddenly, the fat monk gasped in surprise, and appeared in front of Lin Xiao in an instant. The astonishing speed made Lin Xiao's eyelids twitch.

"Master! What's the matter?"

Lin Xiao asked suspiciously, but his whole body was tense. He always felt that this monk was a little weird.

The fat monk was silent, he looked at Lin Xiao carefully, and pinched his fingers from time to time, as if he was calculating something, with a serious expression, even Lin Xiao couldn't help showing suspicion, could this really be some kind of eminent monk.

"Oh, benefactor, the poor monk sees that you have extraordinary demeanor, full forehead, and natural luck. In the future, you will definitely not be a thing in the pool, but now you are full of evil spirits. Presumably, disaster must be imminent!"

The fat monk's eyes swept over Lin Xiao's blood-stained body, he paused for a moment in the latter's arms as if intentionally or unintentionally, and then suddenly exclaimed, as if he had discovered something, he shook his head, spoke plausibly, and looked compassionate.

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, why does it feel like the fat monk is like a magic stick, and he is also pretending, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?Don't you see that I'm covered in blood?Lin Xiao couldn't help but slander.

"Master is really clever and clever, he is worthy of being an eminent monk!

Lin Xiao secretly smiled, but on the surface he praised.

"Amitabha! The benefactor is absurdly praised. Today the benefactor is in great distress. I'm afraid he will die a short time ago! Hey!"

Fat monk Bao looked solemn, shaking his head and sighing loudly.

"Since the master said so, there must be a way to crack it!"

Lin Xiao felt amused, clasped his hands together, and smiled authentically.

"My Buddha is merciful. Since I have a predestined relationship with the benefactor today, the poor monk is willing to guide the benefactor to overcome the calamity!"

The fat monk has a rosy complexion, clasped his hands together, looks like an eminent monk, and has a frank expression on his face, which makes people feel that he is really a compassionate monk.

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and he secretly slandered, this fat monk is really thick-skinned, he really got into the drama!

"Okay! Master! I hope you can give me some pointers later!"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes, found a place to sit down, and started to adjust his breath, before the masters of the Wang family arrived, he wanted to adjust himself to the peak state.

Although he was blocked by the masters of the Wang family three times along the way, and was seriously injured once, Lin Xiao was not worried at all since he discovered the secret of Xuan Gong, especially after the stone tablet merged with him in a strange way, Xuan Gong's healing effect is getting stronger and stronger.

After only adjusting his breath for a moment, his injuries were completely recovered, and his blood was surging, and he was almost back to his peak state.After several confrontations with masters of the Wang family, he was shocked to discover the fact that with his current strength, he could be on par with a practitioner of the first level of refinement and aura. If he was more ruthless, he might be able to defeat his opponent.

The Master of Tianji Sect gave me a lot of luck!Lin Xiao sighed secretly, remembering that all of this was given by the master of Tianji Sect, otherwise, he might be captured or killed by the masters of the Wang family before he could get here.

Seeing that Lin Xiao recovered so quickly, the fat monk next to him had a strange look in his eyes.

"Huh? Master, you haven't left yet?"

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and found that the fat monk was still there, pretending to be surprised.

"Amitabha! What does the benefactor say? The monks must do what they say. Since the poor monk promised to guide the benefactor, how could he abandon the benefactor? This is contrary to my Buddha's great wish to save all sentient beings!"

The fat monk clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. His chubby face was glowing with a layer of light, which made the fat monk look even more dignified. Even Lin Xiao couldn't help but have an illusion that this is really an ordinary man. The compassionate monk who saves sentient beings.

"Oh? In this way, the master is willing to fight side by side with me later?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, with a strange expression, and said.

"Amitabha Buddha! The almsgiver's words are serious. My Buddha is merciful. Buddhist disciples should take it as their duty to support the weak and the ### big evil!"

The fat monk said, with a face of honesty and justice.

"Haha... Dare to ask Master's Dharma name?"

Lin Xiao looked at the fat monk suspiciously, couldn't help laughing, and asked.

"Amitabha! Poor monk's Dharma name... See you!"

The fat monk chanted the Buddha's name, then paused, and said.

"Bitch? Haha..."

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be misunderstood by the benefactor, see the one who sees righteousness and courage, the benevolence of great benevolence! See benevolence!"

The fat on the fat monk's face trembled, and he explained in detail.

"Oh! So it's Master Jianren, I've been taught!"

Lin Xiao pretended to be stunned, and folded his hands together.

"Just over there!"

However, at this moment, a shout came from afar, and one by one, the monks with strong auras and powerful auras were galloping towards this side, each with strong qi and blood, and the weapons in their hands gleamed coldly.

"Haha...Lin Xiao! Let me see where else you can escape? Today, you will have nowhere to go to heaven!"

Behind this group of monks, a wild laughter came from far away, and immediately a young man rushed out first, who is it not Wang Chong?At this time, the aura on his body became stronger. After the Battle of Songshan, he survived a catastrophe, and his cultivation improved a lot.

"Hmph! Wang Chong!"

Lin Xiao sneered again and again, with murderous intent in his eyes, staring at the person who came.

"Hey! You are really a cockroach, but today you can't fly even if you have wings! Haha...surround me!"

Wang Chong sneered, and stopped at a place far away from Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao's desperate attitude left a deep shadow in his heart during the Battle of Songshan that day. None of the masters in the first level of Aiki could keep the latter, so he didn't dare to get too close, lest he be attacked and killed by Lin Xiao!

"Haha... Your Wang family really thinks highly of me! Wang Chong, aren't you going to kill me? Why are you so far away?"

Lin Xiao took a glance, happy and fearless, staring at Wang Chong who was standing in the distance with disdain, and laughed loudly.

"You...huh! Don't use your tongue! Today's competition will let your blood splatter on the spot!"

The corner of Wang Chong's mouth twitched, his face was livid, and he snorted coldly.

"Haha...then I, Lin Xiao, will kill your Wang family Shili with blood in my stool today!"

Lin Xiao's body was straight, standing with a knife in his hand, and he was calm and composed when surrounded by the masters of the Wang family. His arrogant words made all the masters of the Wang family furious. I have seen arrogant people, but I have never seen such arrogant people. It's really hateful that a mere casual cultivator with nine layers of conjoined body doesn't pay attention to everyone.

"Hmph! The young man is really arrogant! Wang Hong, is this kid? Just a casual cultivator at the ninth level of body training, you didn't keep him last time!"

At this time, a middle-aged man came out in front of the crowd, snorting coldly, this man has strong energy and blood, and has a sharp aura, obviously he is a strong man who has refined the Qi state.

"Hmph! Kid, where is your helper? Could it be this monk?"

Wang Hong also came out with an ugly expression on his face. He pointed at the fat monk and snorted coldly.The last time Lin Xiao was rescued under his nose, he couldn't help but think that the fat monk was the one who rescued Lin Xiao in the first place.

Lin Xiao took a look, and this time the Wang family actually came with six strong men who refined the energy and the Qi state, and more than 20 monks who refined the body. Surrounded and blocked at the edge of Mass Burial Ridge, they really did what Wang Chong said, and it was difficult to fly even with wings!

"Hmph! Where did the wild monk come from? How dare you meddle in my Wang family's affairs!"

Wang Chong stared at the fat monk viciously, and shouted, the situation is completely down right now, he is full of confidence!


Lin Xiao laughed suddenly, turned his head, and was about to say something, but the scene at the next moment made him dumbfounded. He was yelled at by Wang Chong viciously, but the fat monk didn't say anything, and ran into the room without saying a word. In Mass Burial Ridge, that speed is faster than wild rabbits!

"Damn... dead monk, don't you want to fight with me?"

Lin Xiao's face darkened immediately, and he couldn't help yelling curses. Before, this guy was righteous, helping the weak and punishing the strong. Now that the Wang family is powerful, this guy actually just let go of the girl and ran away!How can there be any strength of character to save sentient beings, the whole unscrupulous monk!

"Benefactor! Now the enemy is strong, you hold it up first, I will go in to find the way, don't love to fight, don't worry, I won't abandon you!"

The voice of the unscrupulous monk came from afar, and he had already disappeared!

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