Destiny Immortal Way

019 Captive Wang Chong

019 Captive Wang Chong

Monk Jianren used to look compassionate and sympathetic, taking helping the weak and punishing the strong, and saving all living beings as his own responsibility, with awe-inspiring righteousness.But at this moment, a group of masters from the Wang family wanted to surround and kill Lin Xiao with an overwhelming advantage. He was yelled at and insulted by Wang Chong, but he ran away without any backbone, faster than a wild rabbit!

Lin Xiao's face was dark. Earlier, he felt that the fat monk gave him a strange feeling, but he didn't expect it to be so unreliable.The Wang family masters on the opposite side fell into a state of petrification, and they didn't react for a long time. The fat monk's movements were too fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Haha...Lin Xiao, this is your helper? You are so timid as a mouse, it opened my eyes! It seems that today is the general trend, no one can save you!"

Wang Chong pointed to the direction where the fat monk disappeared, and laughed heartily. His posture was arrogant, and he felt that Lin Xiao's life was already in his hands, ready to be crushed at any time.

"Ha ha…"


All the other masters of the Wang family came back to their senses, and they all burst into laughter. The fat monk was really funny. After being frightened by Wang Chong, he simply dropped Lin Xiao and ran away, which is really ridiculous.

Lin Xiaozhi felt that his face was dull, and his face became even darker. If his face could scare people to death, then the fat monk would have been scared to death a hundred times now.In front of the enemy, momentum is necessary, but the fat monk's behavior really made Lin Xiao's face dull. Now the more I want to see the solemn and compassionate face of the monk Ren, Lin Xiao's beating attitude ### The more I can't hold back.

"It's too early to be proud!"

Lin Xiao's icy eyes suddenly pointed at the carefree and arrogant Wang Chong, and said coldly.

"Heh... Lin Xiao, you dare to speak hard when you are about to die! Hey, don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. I will destroy your meridians, drain your bone marrow, and let you die of endless torture. Haha...give it to me superior!"

Wang Chong's expression froze, he stared at Lin Xiao with resentment, and smiled ferociously. He was almost killed by Lin Xiao in Songshan Mountain that day, and he still has lingering fears. Although he survived by chance, he also consumed a piece of ancient jade. It made his heart hurt for a long time, so he hated Lin Xiao to the bone, and wished he could pull him out.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man among the masters of the Wang family yelled loudly, walked out of the crowd, and stopped the masters of the Wang family who were about to attack.

"Second uncle!"

Wang Chong's face changed, and he looked at this person.

"Haha... Today he is difficult to fly, so why rush for a while, I heard that this young man has the combat power of refining and aura, and caused many losses in my Wang family. I want to try it out, are you really that powerful! "

Wang Lin waved his hand and laughed.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Wang Hong and Wang Chong suddenly became ugly. There are three brothers in the Wang family. People chased and killed Lin Xiao, but in the end he was killed by the latter for thousands of miles. Now that Wang Lin said this, it was tantamount to adding salt to the wounds of Wang Hong and his son, and it was still in front of so many family masters.

"Second brother! Why bother? This person has many schemes, so don't be careless!"

Wang Hong forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, glanced at Wang Lin, and said coldly.

"Haha...Brother, this doesn't look like your style. A mere boy with a ninth level of body training is nothing to worry about. Wait for the younger brother to take him down and help the elder brother get rid of the shame!"

Wang Lin curled his lips, and walked out with a big laugh. The corner of Wang Hong's mouth twitched, and his face became more and more gloomy, and all the masters of the Wang family around knew that these two brothers were always fighting openly and secretly. They looked at each other, not daring to get involved.

Lin Xiao watched the two brothers put on a show, sneered and said nothing, it couldn't be better, it just happened to kill him on his own feet!

"Hey! Brat, courage is not bad. If my elder brother can't take you down, let me suppress and kill you!"

Wang Lin strode forward and said with a sneer, a powerful aura surged from his body. It has been a while since he stepped into the first level of refined Aiki, and he is not far from the peak of the first level.

Refining Aiki, exuding true energy, and extremely lethal, he has absolute confidence to kill the kid in the ninth level of body training in front of him. Although the same masters were defeated before, in Wang Lin's view, these people They are all useless, if he makes the move, he will definitely catch them. It can be seen that this Wang Lin is quite a conceited person!

"Haha... It seems that the Wang family is really not as good as the previous generation. The big ones can't do it, let's come to the young ones!"

Lin Xiao let out a big laugh. He stood up with the knife in his hand without any fear, and his body was filled with energy and blood. With a single sentence, he taunted Wang Chong and his son opposite him until their faces turned livid.

"Boy looking for death!"

Wang Lin's expression froze, he shouted angrily, and then he slashed with his sword, the sharp sword aura frightening people.

Lin Xiao's eyes were fixed, his figure trembled, and he flashed over. The release of true energy was very lethal, and he didn't dare to resist it as a last resort.

"Haha...but that's all!"

Seeing Lin Xiao dodge, Wang Lin laughed out loud, feeling even more contemptuous in his heart, feeling that those people were exaggerating towards Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked dignified and narrowed his eyes slightly. Fortunately, his physical body was already very strong, and his agility was no worse than Wang Lin's, and he managed to avoid Wang Lin's sharp edge.However, Wang Lin was a realm higher than him after all, and the fierce sword energy left many wounds on Lin Xiao's body.

"Hmph! The kid is slippery! But you won't last long!"

After holding Lin Xiao for a long time, Wang Lin felt that his face was dull, and he snorted coldly, and the offensive became more violent. The cultivation base of the first level of refining Aiki was pushed to the extreme, which made Lin Xiao face even greater pressure.


Finally, Lin Xiao was pierced through the shoulder by a sword energy, and the severe pain caused him to sway and almost fell down.

"Second Uncle, don't beat him to death, leave him to me!"

Seeing this, Wang Chong shouted excitedly, he must torture Lin Xiao well to vent his hatred.


Wang Lin laughed loudly, and the attack became even more violent. The sword energy turned into a cloud and enveloped Lin Xiao. This kid was already injured, and with his cultivation base, he was definitely the winner.

But no one in the room noticed that the battle circle between Lin Xiao and Wang Lin moved slowly towards Wang Chong's position intentionally or unintentionally from the very beginning, until Lin Xiao's shoulder was pierced by Wang Lin's sword energy, and the battle circle between the two It was only ten feet away from Wang Chong. Even if some people thought it was strange, Wang Lin was standing in front of Wang Chong at the moment. With the former's powerful cultivation, he was about to take down Lin Xiao, who was at the end of his strength.

Seeing this, Wang Hong also heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that maybe he was worrying too much. Although his second brother is not right with him, his strength is nothing to say. ### Lin Xiao, who is still in the ninth level of body training, is more than enough.


Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly turned red, as if a mad beast rushed towards Wang Lin, the tragic aura made people's eyelids twitch.

"Hmph! Courting death—!"

Wang Lin sneered, and took the long sword in his hand straight to Lin Xiao. It was indeed at the end of his strength, and he was going to counterattack when he was dying, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

The other masters of the Wang family had the same idea as Wang Lin. Lin Xiao's behavior was like moths flying into the flames, and he was beyond his control!And Wang Chong laughed excitedly when he saw Lin Xiao making a counterattack on the verge of death, and seeing the despair of the enemy when he was in a desperate situation, he felt that the bad breath in his heart had been dissipated a lot!

However, just when Lin Xiao was about to pounce on Wang Lin, a sudden change occurred. Two pale, phantom bone claws appeared out of thin air and grabbed Wang Lin's chest. The corpse caused Wang Lin's movements to stagnate for a moment.


The pale bone claws were as big as a person. Although they seemed illusory, as if they could be blown away by a gust of wind, these two pale bone claws unexpectedly tore Wang Lin apart from the middle. The flesh is like paper.

Wang Lin didn't come back to his senses at all, and he didn't even let out a scream. He was torn in half by the bone claws, and died unexpectedly, and his true energy collapsed in an instant.

All of this happened so suddenly, no one could have imagined that Wang Lin, who had a chance to win, was instantly killed. The pale bone claws were like the claws of the Nine Nether Bone Emperor, representing death.Everyone in the Wang family was stunned. You must know that he is a powerful monk with the first level of refinement and aura!It was instantly killed like this, and it was still torn apart.

Wang Lin probably didn't even understand what was going on until he died, he died too confused.

"Ah! Stop him!"

Suddenly, Wang Hong shouted loudly, because he saw that Lin Xiao had already rushed in front of Wang Chong.

The two experts at the ninth level of body training around Wang Chong also came back to their senses, but when they met Lin Xiao's red eyes, they were stunned for a moment. They were torn apart, and they were afraid.

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Seeing Lin Xiao like a demon and god grabbing towards him, Wang Chong's face turned pale, and he wanted to stand up to resist, but he was only at the eighth level of body training, so he was Lin Xiao's opponent, and Lin Xiao directly took off both arms .

"Haha...Wang Chong, you never thought that one day it would fall into my hands!"

Lin Xiao grabbed Wang Chong who had lost the ability to resist, laughed loudly, and immediately let go of the girl and ran into the Mass Burial Ridge.

Just now, he deliberately showed weakness to create an illusion for Wang Lin and the masters of the Wang family. From the very beginning, he deliberately pulled the battle circle closer to Wang Chong's position, and finally resorted to a lore kill, instantly killing Wang Lin, with the purpose of capturing Wang Lin alive. rush.

In the end, he succeeded!

Nether Bone Claw!It is a supernatural power that he has realized from his recent practice of Xuan Gong. It has a very terrifying lethality. At least he needs to refine the Qi Qi state to display it. However, in order to capture Wang Chong alive, he has consumed a part of his life essence. Forcibly activating the Nether Bone Claw was due to his lack of realm. The Nether Bone Claw he activated was very illusory, and it collapsed after tearing Wang Linsheng apart.

However, this also shocked Lin Xiao. He didn't expect the Nether Bone Claw to instantly kill Wang Lin. He was willing to use the Nether Bone Claw to severely injure Wang Lin. He didn't expect this supernatural power to surprise him. The power is really amazing!

"Ah! Dad, save me!"

Wang Chong fell into Lin Xiao's hands, his heart was shattered, and he shouted in horror. He was going to besiege and kill Lin Xiao, but in the end he fell into the latter's hands, my God!He couldn't imagine what he was going to face.

"Ah—! Give me back my son!"

Wang Hong's complexion changed drastically, and he was filled with shock and anger. Originally, a group of masters from the Wang family surrounded the place tightly and wanted to kill Lin Xiao, but in the end Lin Xiao fought back desperately and even captured his son alive. This result made him unacceptable.

"My lord! He ran to the Mass Burial Ridge!"

The subordinate next to him reminded him carefully.


However, what responded to him was a sword with a cold light, and this subordinate instantly lost his head.

"Catch me! Who dares to back down, this is the end!"

Wang Hong's face was grim, and he glanced coldly at all the masters of the Wang family, then rushed into the mass grave, and chased towards Lin Xiao. Wang Chong is his only son, and now Wang Hong's concern is chaotic, and he has lost his position. Seeing that his son was captured alive by Lin Xiao, how can he control so much.

He even hated Wang Lin now, if the latter hadn't been too conceited, how could Lin Xiao have seized the opportunity!

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