Destiny Immortal Way

025 Weird Skeleton

025 Weird Skeleton

This skeleton is a head taller than ordinary people, and its size is also wider than ordinary people, but its shape is similar to that of humans, which makes people feel very weird. It opens and closes its mouth, and there is a faint light in the pupil frame , Followed the example of Monk Jianren, let go of his feet and ran away.

However, Monk Jianren is now on the verge of collapse. A skeleton ran side by side with him. An ordinary person would have passed out decisively. Still grinning at himself, this shit is too weird, and Monk Jian Ren is hairy.


Just at this moment, there were bursts of scalp-numbing ghost howls from the entrance. The resentful spirits who had gone out before had returned, and they also found a living body, and they all screamed excitedly.

"Stinky boy, where are you? Hurry up and save the poor monk, the ghost is coming! Oh! By the Lord Buddha, is the poor monk really going to die today? Thousands of ghosts are devouring you, damn it!"

Monk Jianren howled miserably, like a little girl raped by tens of thousands of people gang-raped. Seeing the dense swarm of resentful souls behind her, the cold wars were fought one after another, and the monk couldn't help shivering all over his body.

"Dead monk! What's the name of the ghost? Come here!"

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's voice came from not far in front. Monk Jianren seemed to catch a life-saving straw, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed over in a whizzing manner.

"Boy, why are you still standing here? Run! Those resentful spirits are back, scaring the poor monk to death!"

Monk Jianren shouted in horror.

"Fuck... stop screaming! Do you want to wake up the ghost king in the innermost place?"

Lin Xiao's complexion changed, he quickly covered Monk Jianren's cheap mouth, and said in a low voice.The latter suddenly widened his eyes, and the look of panic was even worse.

"Ka bang ka bang..."

The weird skeleton also followed at this time, opening and closing its mouth curiously at the two of them, making Lin Xiao hairy for a while, but seeing that the skeleton did not attack them, he gradually relaxed.

"Buddha, why does this dead skeleton always follow the poor monk!"

Monk Jianren was still very scared, clasped his hands together, and muttered with a face full of tears.

Who would have thought that the skeleton would follow suit, clasping its palms together, opening and closing its mouth at Monk Jian Ren.The two of them petrified in an instant, and Nima was actually learning from Monk Jian Ren, so Nima is so weird!


At this time, the returning ghosts were approaching, and the terrifying whistling sound made Monk Jianren paralyzed to the ground, Lin Xiao slandered for a while, why did he find out that the dead monk was so timid now?

The dense swarm of resentful souls was approaching, Lin Xiao didn't dare to neglect, he quickly sat up cross-legged, and performed his profound arts, now the stele was integrated with him in a special way, he had no choice but to try it out, it was because of that The broken stele saved him from being devoured by all ghosts.


Mysterious arts were running, and an ancient radiance of indescribable color radiated from Lin Xiao's body. At this time, complex and mysterious lines appeared on Lin Xiao's body. Machine is releasing.


The weird skeleton seemed to be frightened by something, and suddenly grabbed the monk Jianren, and jumped away, the dim light in the pupil frame was beating violently, staring straight at Lin Xiao not far away, His entire body was trembling uncontrollably, as if in fear.


Just at that moment, the returning ghosts poured over the sky and covered the sky, and the terrifying whistling sound filled the space here, but a miraculous scene appeared, all the resentful souls that touched the ancient light on Lin Xiao's body howled miserably He drifted away in a panic, as if he had encountered something extremely terrible.


Thousands of ghosts screamed and surrounded Lin Xiao, but none of the resentful spirits dared to approach. This was a strange phenomenon.

"Oh my god! By the Lord Buddha, the poor monk is really going to die today!"

There were also some resentful souls who found Monk Jianren and rushed towards him with a stern roar. Some of those resentful souls had dangling eyes, some rolled their tongues, and some had blood holes all over their faces. , very ugly and terrible, although these resentful souls are not physical, but the form can be seen by people.

Monk Jianren hugged the weird skeleton instinctively, its whole body looked like an octopus, and its appearance was very funny.

"Ka bang ka bang..."

The skeleton was not afraid, there was a glimmer of light dancing in the pupil frame, it kept opening and closing its mouth, the bones on its body were like jade, exuding a faint ancient aura, a golden particle was faintly visible between its eyebrows, It looks very much like the legendary Buddha relic, but neither Lin Xiao nor Monk Jianren noticed this phenomenon.

Those resentful souls who rushed over felt the aura of the skeleton, and they flew away in fright, not daring to get any closer.The skeleton clasped its hands together, and its mouth stuck even more violently. It seemed that people worried that the mouth bone would suddenly fall off.I don't know what the skeleton is doing, there is a strange fluctuation, and those lingering resentful souls finally leave one after another, seeming to be in awe of the skeleton.

After a while, all the resentful souls left and rushed towards the deepest endless darkness, which was like a lair of all ghosts, swallowing thousands of resentful souls returning from the nine entrances.The lair of ten thousand ghosts is like a black hole, deep and boundless, with a gloomy atmosphere.

Lin Xiao's profound art in his body was running uninterruptedly, and the surface of his body exuded ancient brilliance. He was relieved when he felt that all ghosts had returned to their lair. Although the stele was integrated with himself, fortunately, the effect of deterring resentful souls was still there. Well, what Lin Xiao did at the time was a bit of a rush to put the duck on the shelves. Fortunately, it worked, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The moment Lin Xiao received his merits, he immediately thought of Monk Jianren, and he was not sure whether he could keep Monk Jianren just now.


The moment Lin Xiao opened his eyes, he was stunned. At this moment, Monk Jianren closed his eyes tightly, wrapping his hands and feet around the skeleton like an octopus, trembling all over his body. I don't know what to say in my mouth.

"Hey! Dead monk, it's all right, let's see how good you are! It's an insult to Buddhism!"

Lin Xiao finally couldn't stand it any longer, he patted Monk Jianren awake, and couldn't help but contemptuously said, no matter how you look at this dead monk, he thinks it's different.

"Ah? Are you okay? Haha... The Buddha really appeared! Haha..."

Monk Jianren stared blankly at the empty surroundings, where is there a resentful soul?Immediately, I couldn't help but let out a big laugh that lasted for the rest of my life, and I didn't forget to worship the Buddha who didn't know whether he existed or not.

However, then Monk Jianren screamed fiercely and jumped down from the skeleton with a whoosh. Only then did he realize that he was hugging a skeleton without knowing when, just thinking about it made the monk feel hairy.

"Dead monk! You are so promising, don't you think this skeleton is strange? You can escape the disaster of being devoured by all ghosts, it should be this skeleton that saved you!"

Lin Xiao glanced at Monk Jianren contemptuously, and said.When the ghosts approached before, Monk Jianren was far away from the skeleton. It stands to reason that he couldn't hug the latter at all, but in fact Monk Jianren survived unscathed. Lin Xiao thought of a lot at once, and told Monk Jianren about his speculation.

"This skeleton was just by your side from the beginning, and didn't hurt us! This skeleton is weird!"

Lin Xiao said so.

"Huh? It seems reasonable for you to say that!

Monk Jianren was not stupid, and quickly noticed the unusualness.

The anomaly on that skeleton disappeared when the group of ghosts returned to their nest. At this moment, it stood there fixedly, the dim light in its pupils throbbing violently, staring straight at Lin Xiao. He didn't dare to approach, the faint ancient aura emanating from this human just now made him subconsciously awed.

"This skeleton seems to be conscious. It's only following you. It should be related to you. Why don't you go up and communicate with it?"

Seeing that the skeleton did not dare to come over, Lin Xiao lifted his chin and whispered to Monk Jianren.

"Is there a mistake? It's just a dead thing!"

Monk Jianren rolled his eyes and muttered, but he still walked over suspiciously, looking suspiciously up and down at the weird skeleton.


Monk Jianren habitually clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, but he didn't know that the skeleton was the same, with his clasped hands, his mouth was open and closed, and it could be discerned from the shape of its mouth that the skeleton seemed to be saying " Amitabha", Lin Xiao and the two were stunned. The wisdom of this skeleton seems to be not low, this is fine!

"Don't learn from me, monk! This is something from my Buddhist school!"

Monk Jianren's face was a little ugly. He thought it was an insult to Buddhism for a skeleton to learn from other Buddhism.

"Ka bang ka bang..."

The skeleton still opened and closed its mouth, as if expressing something, but this time the two could not understand what it meant from the shape of its mouth.

"Forget it! Don't waste your efforts, this kind of conscious dead thing, maybe only a powerful practitioner with spiritual consciousness can communicate with it!"

Lin Xiao also finally found that the two sides could not communicate effectively, so he said.

"Amitabha, this skeleton must have been a super powerful existence before it was alive. Look at this bone, it looks like jade!"

Monk Jianren walked around the skeleton twice, couldn't help but said, and flicked the skeleton with his fingers, making a crisp "clank" sound, which showed the extraordinary bone quality of the skeleton.

Even Lin Xiao couldn't help showing strange colors. The skeleton of this skeleton may have reached the legendary level of invulnerability, immortality for thousands of years.Just this pair of skeletons is a treasure!

"Buddha! Tsk tsk... This dead skeleton is full of treasures! If a few bones can be removed to make a weapon, I'm afraid it's at least at the level of a magic weapon, and maybe even a more powerful spiritual weapon!"

Monk Jianren also noticed this, and couldn't help but shine his eyes. He flicked here and there on the skeleton.


Suddenly, the skeleton, which had been standing motionless, raised its hand and knocked heavily on the bald head of Monk Jianren. Its body was very tall, and the light in its pupils danced violently, as if expressing its dissatisfaction. It directly rewarded Monk Jianren with a chestnut, punishing the latter for his rudeness.

"Ouch! The dead skeleton dared to hit the poor monk's head!"

Monk Jianren was suffering from pain, a bruise gradually swelled up on his bare head, the pain made the monk almost burst into tears.

"Dead monk! Don't be rude to seniors!"

Lin Xiao saw the reaction of the skeleton, and when he saw the embarrassment of the monk Jianren, he immediately laughed.

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