Destiny Immortal Way

026 Ghost King Eating

026 Ghost King Eating

Monk Jianren's bare head was swollen from the blow, and when he heard Lin Xiao laughing and taunting him, he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Buddha, even a skeleton dares to bully the poor monk. Today the poor monk will do justice for the heavens and destroy you, a dead thing!"

Monk Jianren couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He clasped his hands together and pinched the Buddha seal, and suddenly a huge Buddha statue appeared behind him. Much more solemn.

Lin Xiao showed surprise, could this be the legendary Buddhist magic power!I have long felt that this dead monk is not simple. Not only does he have a semi-finished magic weapon, but now he has shown a supernatural power and manifested a Buddha statue.

"The poor monk trampled you dead skeleton!"

Suddenly, Monk Jianren shouted loudly, and the Buddha statue behind him raised a big golden foot and stepped on the strange skeleton.

Lin Xiao just wanted to stop it, but it was too late, that big foot had already stepped on the skull's head, which made him slander, this dead monk is really wicked, stepping on someone's head with a big foot, this is Naked 40 naked humiliation ah!What he didn't know was that before, Wang Hong had been hit by the vicious foot of Monk Jianren.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, the big golden foot stepping on the skull suddenly collapsed by itself, and even the illusory Buddha statue behind the monk Jianren also collapsed, turning into golden light spots all over the sky and sinking into the center of the skull's brow, and immediately Under Lin Xiao's stunned gaze, a naked golden foot fell from the sky. To be precise, this foot was just bare bones, without flesh and blood.


Monk Jianren's screams sounded immediately, and the golden bone foot stepped on Monk Jianren on the ground without hesitation. The heels of five golden toes were bigger than a person, and Monk Jianren who was stepped on was now like a Ants are too small in comparison.

Only then did Lin Xiao see that a golden skull appeared on the back of the skull. The whole body was golden, as if cast in gold, exuding a strong Buddha-nature aura. Holy, this skeleton can also have supernatural powers, which made Lin Xiao petrified instantly.

"This... this... this is my Buddhist supernatural power! How is it possible? How could this skeleton do it? This world is so crazy!"

Monk Jianren was stepped on by the golden toes, unable to move at all, staring blankly at the golden skeleton behind the skeleton, weeping and howling.

Is this skeleton displaying Buddhist supernatural powers?Could it be that this is the skeleton of a Buddhist senior?Hearing Monk Jianren's mourning, Lin Xiao was startled. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible. No wonder this strange skeleton would follow Monk Jianren to death.

One of the toes of the golden skull slightly lifted, and it slammed Monk Jianren's bald head, decisively leaving a bag on it, and then took it back, all the visions disappeared, and the weird skull stood there fixedly , the faint light danced violently, like two flames, staring straight at the monk Jianren, it clasped its hands together, and opened and closed its mouth bones. From Lin Xiao's point of view now, it looked like an elder scolding a younger generation. Don't know etiquette.

"Ouch! Lord Buddha, are you a senior of my Buddhist sect?"

Seeing the pain, Monk Jianren stared at the skeleton in amazement, and asked, no one knew better than him that what the skeleton just cast was the golden body of Buddhism. Legend has it to the extreme, and it can cultivate the golden body of Arhat, which is very powerful !

I don't know if the skeleton understood what Monk Jianren said, but the violently beating light in the pupil frame froze suddenly, as if he was a little dazed.

This skeleton seems to have just awakened some consciousness!Lin Xiao, who had been observing the reaction of the skeleton, speculated secretly.

"Woo... Grandpa Buddha! The poor monk finally found you!"

Monk Jianren rolled his eyes, and suddenly ran over and hugged the skeleton's feet, snotting and crying.

Lin Xiao curled his lips speechlessly, only he knew that this dead monk was going to ### before, but now he has changed his sex?Must be simmering with some bad idea.


At this moment, a deep roar sounded from the depths of Baigu Mountain and the lair of thousands of ghosts. The terrifying sound wave made Lin Xiao's blood churn, and a wave of super terrifying coercion swayed, as if there was a peerless The evil is about to wake up.

The skeleton was also startled, its whole body trembled, and the two balls of dim light in the pupil frame danced even more violently, swaying unsteadily.Then it grabbed Monk Jianren, glanced at Lin Xiao, opened and closed its mouth at the latter, and then swished away in a direction far away from the ghost's lair. At that speed, I don't know how many times faster than the Renren monk.

Lin Xiao was a little dumbfounded, but now is not the time to think too much, the profound art is running, resisting the thick gray fog in the space, and quickly followed. The ghost king in the depths of the ghost lair is probably about to awaken. Lin Xiao had felt it before. , It's super scary, if you don't run now, I'm afraid you won't be able to run in a while.

The White Bone Mountain is very empty. It is filled with thick gray fog everywhere, blocking the line of sight. Even if you have enough eyesight, you can't see far. There are bones everywhere on the ground. You can make a creaking sound when you step on it. , seems to have experienced endless years of polishing.

How could Lin Xiao care about these things now, he used his speed to the extreme, but he could only vaguely follow through the voice of the monk Jianren, that weird skeleton was running too fast.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but even with Lin Xiao's physical strength, he began to feel tired, and the profound arts in his body were running continuously. Fortunately, he was supported by true energy, otherwise he might not be able to run for a long time.


The lair of ten thousand ghosts has been left far, far behind, but at this time the terrifying existence inside also awakened, with a roar that shook the sky, as if it was about to smash the world into pieces, and the endless coercion swept all directions at a very fast speed , even though Lin Xiao was already far away, he was affected by this coercion, and he was crushed to the ground all of a sudden. The terrifying howling sound made blood ooze from his seven holes, and his body was about to burst.

"The ghost king has awakened!"

Lin Xiao was terrified and frantically used his profound arts to feel better. He turned his head with difficulty, and saw in the distance, in the thick gray fog, a huge black shadow swaying with a ghostly aura, countless Wraiths surround it.

This is the king in the lair of ten thousand ghosts, naturally the king of ghosts!

This ghost king is really too huge. It roared again and again, and its endless coercion swept all directions, and then a violent devour spread here like a tide, swallowing everything around it indiscriminately. Hun screamed again and again, but he couldn't resist.

The earth in the ten directions flew sand and rocks for a while, this ghost king woke up from his deep sleep, and now he is going to eat!This is a very horrifying scene. The gray fog in all directions and the bones on the ground were all swept away, and countless resentful souls screamed in the sky and the earth.

Even Lin Xiao, who was so far away, was affected. He tried his best to resist, and clasped his hands ### in the ground, so as not to be swept away by that terrible force of swallowing.

This is simply a ghost swallowing the world!It's so scary, it devours everything indiscriminately.

It took about half a stick of incense before the ghost king finished eating. The ghost body, which was over ten thousand feet high, swayed and finally let out a roar before slowly disappearing. What Lin Xiao didn't know was that the ghost king fell towards him at the last moment when he sank into the lair of thousands of ghosts. Take a look here.


Lin Xiao breathed a long sigh of relief, sweating profusely, and limp on the ground with all his strength, the scene just now was really terrible.It's hard to imagine how powerful that ghost king is. Just now, Lin Xiao felt a deep powerlessness, like an ant struggling hard.

Too strong!There is almost no ability to resist. If this ghost king runs out, I am afraid that the entire doomsday earth will be devastated. No one can fight against it. I saw the golden palm suspected of being the Chinese emperor before and thought it was too powerful. But now After feeling the coercion of the ghost king, Lin Xiao felt that even the Huaxia Renhuang was nothing more than that, and the difference from that ghost king was too big, it was not an order of magnitude at all, and there was no comparison at all.


"The existence in this Mass Burial Ridge is so terrifying, why don't you go out? Could it be that they are all fascinated by the deepest mysterious piano sound ###!"

After a long while, Lin Xiao regained his breath, and muttered to himself, the news about Mass Burial Ridge has been circulating in the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. Every night when the moon is full, there will be riots in Mass Burial Ridge. Fascinated by the mysterious piano sound ###.


Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath. So many super terrifying existences in Mass Burial Ridge were all caught by that mysterious piano sound ###, it was impossible to imagine what kind of place the mysterious piano sound was, once mentioned The sound of the piano will make people think of whether there is someone who plays the piano.

Lin Xiao shook his head, got rid of those absurd thoughts, and then began to look for the monk Jianren. The speed of that strange skeleton was too fast, and now there was no sign of them at all.

However, Lin Xiao was quite certain about the general direction. After searching all the way, it took him a long time to find Monk Jianren, but the scene in front of him really shocked him.

The gray fog in this place has obviously thinned a lot, and some distant scenes can be vaguely seen.This is a group of undulating mountains, each of which is frighteningly large, exceeding a thousand feet, very majestic and magnificent!

But this is not what shocked Lin Xiao, but these mountains have a strange phenomenon, some exude a sacred golden brilliance, some exude a breathtaking magic light, every mountain seems to have life, Contains terrifying energy.

What's even more frightening is that the surface of those mountains is covered with dense cracks, spreading down from the endlessly high peaks, and the cracks of the two kinds of mountains are seeped with golden liquid and purple-black liquid respectively.

These are not liquids, they seem to be some kind of blood!Lin Xiao's brain exploded with a buzz, and at a glance he saw Monk Jianren sitting cross-legged between a golden mountain and a black mountain. Although the aura of divinity and magic is just a small stream, it gives Lin Xiao a feeling that is more majestic than a big river!

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