Destiny Immortal Way

037 Thousands of people fight together!

037 Thousands of people fight together!

Doomsday Earth, the era of human cultivation civilization has only been two or three years, and the surviving human beings awakened at the beginning. In order to compete for underground spiritual veins and other cultivation resources, the world is in chaos. It was a period of bloodshed and the darkest period in China. , The earth is littered with corpses, and the sky is stained with blood.

And just in this dark period of turmoil, a heroic man was born out of nowhere. He was astonishingly talented and talented. Like a comet, he rose up in a short period of time and suppressed the most popular digital superpowers at that time. With a great reputation and turmoil in the universe, he gathered all the major forces, established the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty, and quelled the chaos in the world.

This person is the Emperor of Human Beings, and he dared to call himself the Emperor of Human Beings, which shows his own pride, and he quelled the turmoil in the world, and he has done great merit to the world. Although the name of the Emperor of Human Beings once caused controversy in the world, after all, the name of the Human Emperor is of great significance , can almost be compared with the ancient Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, but the people of the world did not strongly oppose it. In the end, the Emperor deserved his name and sat in the world.

Now, this legendary figure who usually sees his head but never sees his end, actually came to the closed Tianshan Mountain in person, and found the Tianji Sect Master who was about to die. It must be unusual.


"Ni Xiu! Why are you doing this?"

The Human Sovereign said indifferently, like a fairy king standing above the sky, he was surrounded by dense air, hazy, mysterious and noble!

"Hey! The secrets of heaven are unpredictable, so why do you need to ask more questions? Could it be that even you are afraid?"

The Master of Tianji Sect's eyes were dark and deep, and he smiled faintly.

"Ha ha…"

Hearing this, the Human Sovereign suddenly burst out laughing, the mysterious aura in the entire Tianshan Mountain trembled with his laughter, even the stars in the vast starry sky above the altar swayed unsteadily, as if they were about to be killed by the Human Sovereign. The laughter fell down.

"What is the emperor afraid of? He is too weak. In the future, he will just make a wedding dress for the emperor's apprentice!"

In the domineering and powerful voice, there is a kind of arrogance that looks down on the world. The emperor is an emperor, with great courage and confidence!

"Human Emperor! You are still so conceited!"

The master of Tianji sect glanced at Renhuang indifferently, and sighed.

"Ni Xiu! I didn't come to listen to your nonsense. Now that the world has changed and a prosperous age is coming, I want you to do a calculation for me!"

The human emperor's eyes were frightening, and suddenly a pupil appeared between his brows, wisps of sacred radiance shot out, containing the true meaning of the Supreme Dao, like fairy light.

This is a vertical eye, in which the nebula rotates, the stars rise and die, and the fairy light from it ### radiates, turning into an illusory fairyland picture, with cranes flying into the sky, dragon fish giving birth to claws, and the atmosphere is myriad .

This is a very miraculous scene. The Human Sovereign stands in the air, and the miraculous eyes present a fairy scene.

"Looking at the fairy eye!"

The Master of Tianji Sect's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, which was enough to see how much impact the Human Sovereign's miraculous eyes had on him.

Looking at the immortal eyes, one can see a clue just from the words, looking at the immortals, one can see the immortals. Human Sovereign really deserves to be a generation of wizards, with profound achievements!

"I didn't expect you to come to this step. It's a pity that the old man has more than enough energy now!"

However, whoever is the master of Tianji sect, he soon calmed down and sighed desolately.

"This emperor knows that your vitality is about to die. If you are willing to help me deduce it, then this emperor can defy the sky and continue your life!"

The Human Sovereign put away the Immortal Eyes and said calmly.

"Continuing life against the sky? Hey, I don't want too much karma to be involved in the lineage of Tianji, and I appreciate the kindness of the emperor!"

The Master of Tianji Sect shook his head and sighed.

"Then do you think that if you reject the emperor, you are not involved in a karma?"

Human Sovereign's voice suddenly cooled down, his eyes were sharp, and even the void in front of him was shot with a crack by the sharp eyes.

Hearing this, the eyes of the master of Tianji sect suddenly brightened, he slowly raised his head, and looked at the emperor.


"There are so many people!"

At this time, Lin Xiao followed many casual cultivators to the vicinity of Songshan Mountain. Thousands of casual cultivators have gathered here, cultivating body, refining aura, and even cultivators in the realm of rebirth. These people gathered outside Songshan Mountain, gathering together There was a general trend, and it went straight to Xiaohan.

Lin Xiao looked up, and there were monks all over Songshan Mountain, all of which were not weak. Similarly, there were many monks in various realms such as body training, refining aura, and even bodiless state. These monks were obviously those of the Chinese Dragon Dynasty. The people of the family have already set up camp on Songshan Mountain.

At this time, the two sides were confronting each other, and the one at the front was naturally the powerful monk of the Embryo state, each with their swords flying into the air, showing their sharpness.

Moreover, what shocked Lin Xiao the most was that there were already hundreds of icy corpses lying there on the field, and the ground was stained with a layer of blood!Obviously, the two sides have already fought!


"You big families are really too domineering, don't you want to make an enemy of the casual cultivators in the world?"

At this moment, on the casual cultivator's side, a white-bearded old man with a sword flying in the sky stared coldly at the strong men of the big family opposite him, and shouted angrily, the rolling sound waves actually set off a gust of wind, and for a while, everyone on the opposite side who was lower than Embryo The monks in the surrounding area couldn't bear it one after another, and those tents were overwhelmed and were about to be blown away.

From this we can see the strength of this white-bearded old man, just a cold word, and such a scene appeared.

"Hmph! Where did the old man come from? What a majesty!"

On the opposite side, a strong man from the Embryo Realm soon came out, and a cold snort blocked the power of the old man with white beard. This is a middle-aged man with strong vitality, and it is the golden period of a person's life.

"Haha...Where did the yellow-mouthed child come from? If you don't know how to be polite, today the old man will teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents!"

The white-bearded old man laughed back angrily, and a huge sword energy shot out from the flying sword under his feet, and he slashed over directly. The tyrannical sharp energy shocked all the nearby monks who were below the Embryo state and retreated in horror, for fear of being accidentally injured.

After all, this is a powerful blow from a monk in the Embryo Realm. If you accidentally hit them, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die.

"What a guy who relies on the old to sell the old! I, Ouyang Ling, will see how you can teach me today?"

The middle-aged man sneered, and did not show any weakness. The flying sword under his feet was sharp, fighting with the old man with white beard.

Ouyang Ling's self-reported name immediately changed the faces of many casual cultivators. The Ouyang family can be regarded as a first-class family in the Chinese Dragon Dynasty. There are many masters in the family. This family is one of the few!

"Hiss—! I didn't expect to see the battle of the Embryo Realm powerhouse just now, it's really strong!"

Lin Xiao took a breath of cool air, his eyes shone brightly, and stared at the two people who were fighting together in mid-air. There was a big crack.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, even Lin Xiao can't see their movements clearly, he can only see the two groups of light and shadow intertwined and colliding, constantly bursting out violent fluctuations.

Both sides backed away consciously, for fear of being accidentally injured by the sword energy spurted out of the battle.Lin Xiao glanced at the casual cultivators, and found that there were nine powerful monks in the Embodied Realm at the front, but without exception, these monks were at least fifty years old, and among the big families opposite, the All the powerful monks in this realm are in their prime of life, at the peak of their lives.

It can also be seen from this that the difference between casual cultivators in this world and the powerhouses of these big families is that in the current cultivating world of Doomsday Earth, the older cultivators are stronger, and everyone knows the reason.However, those big families have rich cultivation resources, which can enable the masters in the clan to break through quickly, but this great advantage is not available to casual cultivators in the world.

A few powerful beings are all over half a hundred years old, and they still got some adventures.Now it is very amazing that ten strong men who have emerged from the bodiless state can be gathered here.

The overall quality of casual cultivators in the world is far inferior to the monks of these big families, but fortunately, the number is far more than that, because most monks like to be free and free, and do not want to be restrained, and although the resources of those big families are rich , but it is also very limited, so the inclusion criteria are very strict, and the number of places is also limited.

This has also created the current pattern of the world. There are already contradictions between casual cultivators and those big families, just like the class contradictions in modern human civilized society before the end.

But now Songshan is suspected to have an ancient secret realm, which is equivalent to a fuse, which directly aroused the conflict between the casual cultivator and the big family, and the two confronted each other for the first time!

The two sides confronted each other in Songshan, and if they disagreed, they would fight with swords. It can be seen that the contradiction between the two sides has soared sharply with the confrontation during this period of time. The situation is pressing, and neither side will retreat!


The two strong men in the Embodied Realm fought fiercely at high altitude for a long time, and they couldn't tell the winner. The terrifying sword energy from the battle below was completely destroyed. Many huge boulders weighing several thousand catties near Songshan Mountain were easily shattered.

"Fellow daoists! These big families are bullying people too much, preventing me from waiting for the fairy fate! Follow me to kill!"

At this moment, the nine out-of-body cultivators at the forefront of the casual cultivators looked at each other, shouted loudly, and rushed to kill them first.




Thousands of casual cultivators heard the sound and saw that the nine bodiless-level cultivators were taking the lead, and they all rushed forward. Those who stop, for a while, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, catch and fight against each other!


Even Lin Xiao had experienced many life-and-death fights, but at this moment he was shocked by the massacre of tens of thousands of people. In just a few breaths, dozens of people lay dead directly on the battlefield. This frequency is really amazing. People are horrified. At this moment, human life is as insignificant as a straw, and someone falls down in the blink of an eye.

Generally speaking, the individual strength of those big families is much stronger, but there are a lot of casual cultivators on the side. Lin Xiao saw with his own eyes that on the side of those big families, a cultivator of the first level of refinement and Aiki was killed by dozens of people with the highest level of body training. The siege of casual cultivators, the body was directly dismembered within three to five breaths, and the scene was extremely bloody.

At this time, even if Lin Xiao wanted to stay out of the matter, it was impossible, because there was a big family powerhouse who refined the Qi state and was eyeing him!

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