Destiny Immortal Way

038 Magic weapon exposed, hypocrisy!

038 Magic weapon exposed, hypocrisy!

Lin Xiao was covering his face with a bamboo hat at this time. Although it is not strange, after all, there are many casual cultivators in strange costumes in the world, but it looks a little dazzling here. A cultivator who has refined Aiki level [-] on the opposite side rushed towards him. The sword energy shot out everywhere, like a cage trying to enclose Lin Xiao, showing the great strength of the person.

The scene at this time was chaotic, and tens of thousands of people were fighting to kill. Except for the first time of the doomsday cultivating civilization, such a scene has not been seen for a long time.Shouting to kill and shaking the sky for a while, all the strange beasts in the nearby forests were frightened and fled from this place of right and wrong, not daring to approach it.

This was a very bloody and cruel scene. People were constantly falling in a pool of blood, some had their heads blown off, and some were directly blasted into a puddle of flesh by powerful instruments.Lin Xiao's face was solemn, he snorted coldly, and joined in, fighting with the monk who had refined the first level of aura.

A mere cultivator with the first level of refinement and aiki, where is Lin Xiao's opponent? Lin Xiao grabbed the opponent's long sword with his bare hands, unleashed his strength, and shattered it directly. Grabbing the opponent's throat, he squeezed to death with a click. The whole process was smooth and smooth, and he killed a powerful monk with a first-level refinement and aura within a few breaths.

It can be seen how much Lin Xiao's strength has improved. His physical body has been baptized by ancient gods and blood, and has been strengthened to an incredible level. I am afraid that even some magic weapons of higher ranks will not be able to cause substantial damage to him. It can smash those magic tools directly.

After beheading a master of a big family, Lin Xiao looked around the entire battlefield, and quickly frowned. Although the loose cultivators had a large number of people, their overall quality was much inferior to those of the strong members of the big family. At that time, thousands of casual cultivators actually fell into a disadvantage, which has to be amazed at the background of the big family.

The battle situation is quite unfavorable for the casual cultivator side!

The fight was still the same, there were ten or twenty masters from big families who died in the hands of Lin Xiao, half of them were at the first or second level of refining Aiki, which shows how elite these masters of big families are. There are so many powerful monks in the hands of refining and aura.


Lin Xiao's sharpness quickly attracted the attention of a strong man from a big family. A master of the fifth level of refining Aiki slashed at him with a sword in the air. The huge sword energy was condensed like a real thing. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly retreated.


Lin Xiao frowned, the profound kung fu in his body was running crazily, the true qi protected his body, a thick layer of true qi condensed on both palms, he even raised his hand and slapped the opponent's sword qi.

"Isn't this kid stupid? He dared to meet this sword with the palm of flesh and blood!"

This scene immediately caused the eyes of the casual cultivators and the big family powerhouses who were fighting nearby to widen their eyes. Everyone felt that this kid's brain was burned out!

"This is a sword slashed by a strong man at the fifth level of refining Aiki. Even monks of the same level have to be cautious. This kid is at best only at the second level of refining Aiki. With this sword, I am afraid he will be chopped into pieces." Mushed meat!"

The powerful members of the big families sneered, as if they had already seen the scene where Lin Xiao was chopped into flesh by this sword.


The terrifying sword energy directly slashed away the genuine energy on the surface of Lin Xiao's palm, the nearby strong men from big families sneered even more vigorously, while the casual cultivators shook their heads and sighed, feeling that this mysterious man in costume was too much.

If at this moment everyone thinks that Lin Xiao is bound to die, then at the next moment, everyone will directly fall into a state of petrification, only to see that terrifying sword qi is unexpectedly struck by Lin Xiao's palms, and it collapses and turns into a A large piece of infuriating light.


The strong man's eyeballs almost popped out. Although he only used [-]% of his strength to strike the sword, even if he is a practitioner of the fourth level of refining Aiki, he will be seriously injured if he does not die. What's more, this boy who has refined and combined with the second level dared to receive his sword with the palm of flesh and blood. Originally, he also thought that this casual cultivator's head was ridiculous, and he would die without a doubt, but the result was far beyond his imagination. .

"Aren't I dazzled? A rogue cultivator at the second level of refining Aiki actually caught a master at the fifth level of refining Aiki with his flesh and blood!"

The casual cultivators and masters of the big family who were fighting nearby stopped for a short while, dumbfounded!


I'm still too reckless!Under the cover of the bamboo hat, Lin Xiao's face paled slightly, the blood in his body was churning, his throat was sweet, and he was almost suppressed. He used his body to hard-press the attack of true energy, especially the attack of true energy from a monk whose cultivation level was higher than his own. It can be said that is a very stupid act.

Because the true qi itself has super destructive power, and also has strong penetrating power, if it is not for the gifted physical body, it will not be able to block the attack of true qi, but will make the attack of true qi penetrate into your body and disperse yourself The infuriating Qi disturbs one's own meridians, and even hurts the internal organs. After all, these internal structures are much more fragile.

Lin Xiao just wanted to test the strength of his physical body before, but it was too risky. Fortunately, his physical body underwent some special changes after being baptized by the blood of ancient gods, and it was strengthened to an incredible level. He was able to withstand the blow, but it almost caused him internal injuries.

If it was replaced by a master of the sixth level of refined Aiki, Lin Xiao would probably fall into crisis directly if he did so.

"It's impossible! You shameless thing, die—!"

But at this time, the master of the fifth level of refining Aiki was furious, and like a tiger, he rushed towards Lin Xiao. A powerful breath hit Lin Xiao and almost spat out blood. quite large.

Lin Xiao's face was solemn, and the countermeasures flashed through his mind. The Nether Bone Claw might not be able to use it. After all, he used this move to kill a master of the Wang family. Now it is used in full view. I'm afraid his His identity will be revealed soon, and he may face the frenzied pursuit of the masters of the Wang family again, and even Long Shaoqing of the Huaxia Long family will personally dispatch him.

He is very afraid of Long Shaoqing now, so the Nether Bone Claw cannot be used, and the gap between the three heavens makes him not sure that he can kill him in one move.Therefore, the only thing that can deal with the immediate crisis now is...

Seeing Lin Xiao standing still, the strong man wanted to laugh out loud. He felt that it was the latter's luck. He must have used some special secret method to block his blow. Now, his true self If you kill him directly and do your best, you will definitely be able to kill him.

Just now Lin Xiao shattered his blow, which made him lose face, now he wants to kill Lin Xiao forcefully and regain his position.

"Haha... just a casual cultivator, let's die!"

The master approached and burst out laughing, the strength of the fifth level of refined aiki burst out, a huge sword energy fell towards Lin Xiao, the terrifying power shocked everyone nearby to back away quickly to avoid suffering.

At this moment, the difference between the casual cultivators and those big family powerhouses appeared again. Seeing that their casual cultivators were about to be bombarded and killed, no one came out to rescue them. Not united, but on the other hand, those powerful families are monolithic, which is why the casual cultivators, who have an absolute advantage in numbers, are at a disadvantage in this fight.

People are selfish, especially in casual cultivators, and those big family powerhouses, because they have common interests and the constraints of high-level management, are relatively much better.

The terrifying sharpness made Lin Xiao's robe flutter, and the bamboo hat was almost blown off. The master of the fifth level of refining Aiki is indeed powerful. Even if his real strength is displayed, he may not be able to match it.


There was a ferocious smile on the face of the strong man, but at this moment, a blazing sword glow shot up into the sky, illuminating the audience like a small sun, and all the monks who were still fighting around couldn't help but close their eyes. Close to the eyes, the light is too blazing, containing a terrifying sharpness.

A radiant flying sword slashed across the air, and the expert with the fifth level of refined aiki was wiped out in smoke before he even had time to scream. suspense!

Even the experts in the Embodied Realm who were fighting in the sky were startled by the terrifying sword energy here, they quickly separated and landed, wanting to see what happened, because even they could feel the terrifying sword energy fluctuations. palpitations.

Gradually, the blazing sword light gradually dimmed. Lin Xiao held a flying sword in his hand. Although the luster seemed dim, it couldn't conceal the spiritual fluctuations.

Yes, at the critical moment, Lin Xiao still took out one of his trump cards, the severely damaged high-level magic weapon flying sword, and used it as a long sword, directly making the monk who refined the fifth level of Aiki fly ashes off.

The power of a high-level magic weapon can be seen, even if it is severely damaged, it is still terrifying!

"High-level magic weapon?"

The pupils of the Ouyang Family's Embryo Realm master shrank slightly, staring at the flying sword in Lin Xiao's hand, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, not only him, but also the other experts in the Embodied Realm were startled. Judging from the special spirituality revealed by the flying sword in Lin Xiao's hand, it was a high-level magic weapon.

Immediately, the eyes of all the experts in the Embodied Realm couldn't help but show a blazing, magic weapon, which is a powerful weapon that surpasses magic weapons, even if it is only the lowest level of magic weapon, it is also super tempting to the monks in the Embodied Realm, not to mention, Or a high-level magic weapon?

Advanced magic weapon?

The other rogue cultivators and strong men from big families in the field all heard the exclamation of the Ouyang family's master, and all of them opened their eyes, and then all of them showed a hint of greed on their faces.

The power of the high-level magic weapon was obvious to all just now, and it directly wiped out a master of the fifth level of refining Aiki in ashes. With such power, I am afraid that even a master of the Embodied Realm will have to hate if he is accidentally hit!

not good!Feeling the abnormality in the field, Lin Xiao's face changed drastically. He was very clear about the temptation of the high-level magic weapon. With his concentration, he couldn't help but feel his heart pounding when he was stared at by so many monks. , Feeling a great crisis!

withdraw!In view of the current situation, Lin Xiao immediately made a decision. The nearby mountains and jungles are lush. As long as he escapes, he will be like a fish in the sea. Even with so many people, it is not so easy to find him.

"Haha...don't be afraid, fellow daoist! You belong to my casual cultivator side, and we will definitely protect you right now, and we will definitely not let those big families succeed!"

However, just when Lin Xiao was about to escape, a powerful aura directly locked him in. Immediately afterwards, the white-bearded old man from the casual cultivator's side laughed and flew over with Yu Jian, staring at him with a smile on his face. Lin Xiao.

The other nine casual cultivators from the Embodied Realm looked at each other, and all of them flew over with their swords and surrounded Lin Xiao. On the surface, it seemed that they were confronting the masters of the Embryo-Reborn Realm from the big families on the opposite side, but in fact, all ten of them had Lin Xiao locked on to each other, their eyes flickering, and they were calculating in their hearts.

hypocritical!Lin Xiao's heart skipped a beat. Looking at the smiling expression of the white-bearded old man, he couldn't help but slander him. He obviously wanted to get the flying sword in his hand, but he had to put on an awe-inspiring look.

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